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Re: Random Gaming Thoughts (Read OP Before Posting)

PostPosted: Wed May 27, 2015 12:40 pm
by MiTT3NZ
Just started MGS 3 HD. Thought it'd be best to approach it in chronological order. Anyway, what the fuck is with David Hayter? Why does everyone seem to love him so much? Sounds like a sleazy pedo in an early 90s Mexican porn film.

Re: Random Gaming Thoughts (Read OP Before Posting)

PostPosted: Wed May 27, 2015 4:13 pm
by OL
Just have to say, chronological order is not the best way to go. Everyone seems to have trouble picking an order to the games if they're first starting out, but honestly it's best to just start at the beginning. MGS1 (the original two games are kind of unnecessary, and their events get covered in MGS1's briefings anyway).
Much better to just hear whispers about Big Boss beforehand, and then finally play as him in the third game. More impact to it that way. I've never understood why some people suggest otherwise.

And people love Hayter because the original MGS was one of the earlier examples of legitimately good voice acting in console games (even though compared to some stuff now, it's obviously a bit cartoony). And because of that, fans of it became attached to his trademark sort of growl, and immediately associate it with both Solid Snake and Big Boss.
So part of it is nostalgia goggles I guess, but even more than that, it's just a legitimate part of the series' legacy.
And his voice got more and more gravely as the series went on, so if you go back to MGS1, you'll see it wasn't quite as over the top in the beginning.

Re: Random Gaming Thoughts (Read OP Before Posting)

PostPosted: Wed May 27, 2015 4:30 pm
by MiTT3NZ
I dunno, always preferred chronological order tbh. Woulda watched Captain America n Agent Carter before Iron Man in hindsight. The controls for this game is fucking awful though, and after an hours worth of cut-scenes I had to turn it off. I buy games to play, not watch.

Back to the controls though, I just can't get my head round em. It's almost as if they're intentionally bad. Seems that if they were straight forward, it'd probably be about 2 hours of gameplay and 20 hours of fucking cut-scenes. Since I started gettin into stealth games, I'd always read about how Splinter Cell "pales in comparison to MGS". My. Arse.

All these potentially great ideas, such as hunting for food in the jungle to survive, choosing the right camoflage, ruined by poor execution. And the overly dramatic poses like these villains are performance artists... it's all so typically Japanese. The voice acting too... "Your Russian is very good" Oh really? Well it's better than these yank cunts who can't even put on a Russian accent for fuck sake...

Just how are these games so damn popular? I dunno if I'm just being overly harsh about a game that was released a couple of generations ago and I should just give it another chance, but after the whole thing with Deadly Premonition, I ain't sure. I'm getting the exact same vibes from it. A Japanese developer making a really poor attempt at a Western game.

Please, someone tell me it's gonna be worth it for when I get round to Ground Zeroes. Tell me it's gonna get to the point of being proper stealth instead of a constant struggle with the control scheme.

Re: Random Gaming Thoughts (Read OP Before Posting)

PostPosted: Wed May 27, 2015 4:53 pm
by Brosauce
It is said that the Kojima World Order will get your ass if you say anything bad about Metal Gear or Kojima's games.

How dare you say anything bad about the MGS games anyway. I bet you my wristwatch that I'm better than you at MGS3. Its all about the CQC combat. If your on Playstation make good use of the Circle button. Hold it near enemies n' bash em.

Re: Random Gaming Thoughts (Read OP Before Posting)

PostPosted: Wed May 27, 2015 5:02 pm
by MiTT3NZ
And if you're good at stealth games, you avoid combat at all costs.

On a related note, I found it funny how the intro drove home the idea that I had to ghost it. So I did. Then, soon as I complete my objective, Snake tells the boss (the actual boss, not the character Boss) that I eliminated all the guards. I dunno who to be pissed off with... the boss for lying that I had to ghost it, or Snake for lying that I didn't.

Re: Random Gaming Thoughts (Read OP Before Posting)

PostPosted: Wed May 27, 2015 5:42 pm
by OL
Yeah, knowing your taste in games (and your preferences in regards to stealth, specifically) I never really figured you'd like MGS much anyway.
I'd say just skip the rest. Can't imagine it's going to grab you at any point. It's a series that appeals to people specifically because of some of the things you already have an issue with, so I'm having a hard time envisioning you getting any enjoyment out of it.

That being said, yeah, the controls are the basic product of three generations past, with a few tweaks. It's not the most user-friendly of schemes (I really never liked having to go into first-person to aim at body parts, myself), but it was fine back in the day. I can understand it being hard to get used to nowadays, even if I'd personally probably be able to jump right back into it.

Re: Random Gaming Thoughts (Read OP Before Posting)

PostPosted: Wed May 27, 2015 6:21 pm
by MiTT3NZ
Does this mean I won't like the original Thief games either? And how about Ground Zeroes anyway? Any closer to a Splinter Cell-style stealth game or should I give up on MGS completely and accept that I just wasted money on nothing?

Re: Random Gaming Thoughts (Read OP Before Posting)

PostPosted: Wed May 27, 2015 6:39 pm
by Riku Rose
The reasons you give for liking stealth games just makes me think you won't like any MGS games. Although most of the gameplay involves sneaking around its not a pure stealth game in the sense of Splinter Cell. It's a series more for people who enjoy the cheesy story and characters really rather then the gameplay. The stealth always felt to me as a way to stop you from just running straight from point A to point B rather then part of the overall story of it all. With Splinter Cell if you get out of hand the mission ends as it doesn't make any sense, Metal Gear if you kill 20 guys the people in your ear will just shrug their shoulders and tell you to just keep moving. As for the cutscenes that's not even the tip of the iceberg, MGS4 has a cutscene that I remember going on for about over an hour to end the game.

Honestly MGS1 is also a better starting point as well. It's a great introduction for the series despite being the third game in the series. At the end of the day though based on your tastes I'd advise knocking it on the head.

Re: Random Gaming Thoughts (Read OP Before Posting)

PostPosted: Wed May 27, 2015 7:41 pm
by Kenny
Pttth, put MGS on European Extreme and Game Over when Spotted then come back and tell me it's not a proper stealth game.

Re: Random Gaming Thoughts (Read OP Before Posting)

PostPosted: Wed May 27, 2015 8:19 pm
by MiTT3NZ
I never noticed any of those options. But so far, the only thing that causes guards to notice you is when you're prancing about like a tit coz you're havin an argument with the game about what Snake should be doing. The camo thing is ridiculous too. It's a decent idea, but making you pause the game to switch between clothes n face paint... C'mon. I thought Kojima was supposed to be some untouchable genius. Seems more to me like he came up with a bunch of shit he wants to see in a game, then gave it to a team of web designers to figure out how to make it work.

Re: Random Gaming Thoughts (Read OP Before Posting)

PostPosted: Wed May 27, 2015 9:04 pm
by OL
MiTT3NZ wrote: Does this mean I won't like the original Thief games either?

Actually, I think you might love the Thief games. Getting into combat in it will only get you killed, and if I'm not mistaken, higher difficulty settings make it so being spotted is auto-failure. The controls are nothing but pure logic (standard first-person stuff) so there shouldn't be many complaints there. And pretty much the only cutscenes are skippable bookend ones that start and end levels, so the story can't get in the way.
The only thing I think might irk you (really not sure) is the loot requirements on higher difficulties. Searching the environments for loot can be a bit of a pain sometimes, because often it'll be a tiny little ruby or coin on a random shelf somewhere, and if you finish all objectives otherwise but are only missing that one, piddly piece of loot... it becomes a pain in the ass scouring the level before you can leave.
Otherwise, I think you'd like it. Properly difficult and challenging.

As for Ground Zeroes/Phantom Pain, I don't even think those would appeal to you much. I've only seen videos of course, but it's well-known now that you aren't going to be "punished" for not ghosting your way through. Chances are, it'll be a Dishonored type of deal, where you're given a bunch of different abilities/tools to use and it's up to you to figure out your own path/strategy, regardless of how loud or quiet it is.
I seem to remember you not being keen on Dishonored exactly because it isn't rigid about ghosting your way through, so I think the lenience of the MGS series (any of them) just isn't going to be your thing. Plus all the cutscenes (and there will be many, I'm sure).

Re: Random Gaming Thoughts (Read OP Before Posting)

PostPosted: Thu May 28, 2015 12:19 am
by Thief ... pg=&_from=

Here's my ebay page, I'm going to be listing a TON more stuff, but I find the process so tedious I only can stand to do it in small bursts. Some things have already sold (like Lightening Force, Phantasy Star 2, and Ranger X).

Anyway, not expecting you guys to buy anything, but just posting this because it was requested.

Re: Random Gaming Thoughts (Read OP Before Posting)

PostPosted: Thu May 28, 2015 12:46 am
by Kenny
I'll give you a dollar for all of it.

Re: Random Gaming Thoughts (Read OP Before Posting)

PostPosted: Thu May 28, 2015 4:02 am
by Axm
For Mitts, imo you'd probably like Ground Zeros atleast a little. Then maybe, just maybe, you'd give a shit about playing MGS5 when its out.

Re: Random Gaming Thoughts (Read OP Before Posting)

PostPosted: Thu May 28, 2015 4:06 am
by Brosauce
I'm definitely gonna save up for MGS5 and but it at the Xbox marketplace for 360. I won't bother playing Ground Zeroes. That isin't even a game. It's a Demo.