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Bully 10 year anniversary

PostPosted: Tue Oct 18, 2016 12:08 pm
by Jesse
Bully turned 10 years yesterday. So I was wondering what is everyone's thoughts on Bully? I remember loving the school setting, story, and seasons the most. Also I personally find it to be Rockstar's best with RDR coming in 2nd.

What are some of your favorite moments? With the recent announcement of Red Dead Redemption 2 will we see a Bully sequeal next in Rockstar's pipeline?

Re: Bully 10 year anniversary

PostPosted: Tue Oct 18, 2016 12:14 pm
by Let's Get Sweaty
I didn't get on with it at the time, as I found the in-game schedule too restrictive, but it's somewhere on my "go back to at some point" list.

Re: Bully 10 year anniversary

PostPosted: Tue Oct 18, 2016 9:56 pm
by OL
^^Really no more restrictive than Shenmue, honestly. Actually, I'd say it's even less restrictive than Shenmue, as I don't even remember there being a limit to the amount of days you can play in a season. You can just keep doing whatever you want -- with a short return to the dorm every night -- for as long as you want. And you can ditch class if you want to anyway. It's just there for some upgrades and to keep the atmosphere intact.
I've always loved it. Still my favorite Rockstar game overall. Great beat-em-up system.

Re: Bully 10 year anniversary

PostPosted: Wed Oct 19, 2016 5:02 pm
by Monkei
I've never played it (didn't have a PS2 ), but relatively recently bought it as a PS2 Classic for PS4 whencit was on sale. What I get from everything I've read about it is that everyone who loves videogames should probably at least try it out. I'm really really curious about it and look forward to playing it, even though it's probably gonna look a little shitty, not being an HD port and all.

Re: Bully 10 year anniversary

PostPosted: Thu Oct 20, 2016 12:16 am
by OL
The PS2 games on PS4 actually look really good for what they are. Technically they kind of are like HD remasters; the edges are smoothed out (PS2 always suffered from serious aliasing issues), the textures are usually as clear as they can possibly be without being retouched, and they actually are being output to HD resolutions. Official "remasters" usually do extra work, digging into archives to refresh the textures and maybe improve the polygon count of faces and stuff like that, so the "PS2 on PS4" line doesn't necessarily fit in with things like FFX HD or the HD remasters of the Metal Gear Solid series, but they do still look better than what was originally on PS2. I wouldn't bother buying them otherwise.