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Ferrari F355 Challenge. Any old network racers here?

PostPosted: Mon Oct 09, 2017 7:58 am
by RootyKazooty
A long shot, but did anyone take part in network races of Yu Suzuki's incredible Ferrari F355 Challenge on the Dreamcast?

Between 2002 and 2005 I used to meet the Japanese racers at 2pm and the UK/Rest of the World at 9pm. We'd do all the tracks, sometimes twice, then meet up in space on the excellent Starlancer, make teams, and blast each other to pieces. Then onto Phantasy Star Online for some action adventure. Great days.

Any other racers in here?

Re: Ferrari F355 Challenge. Any old network racers here?

PostPosted: Sat Oct 14, 2017 11:15 am
by Hyo Razuki
Yeah, I used to play F355 online sometimes, way back in the early 2000s. Don't really remember any particular players though. Don't even remember my own user name. Man, it's been a long time.

As for PSO... I played that a lot online, mostly with some guys from school but sometimes also with people I'd just meet online. It lasted quite long in Europe as well. I think they shut down the servers around 2005 or 2006 if I remember correctly.

Re: Ferrari F355 Challenge. Any old network racers here?

PostPosted: Sun Oct 15, 2017 4:45 am
by Nico0020
I never played Ferrari online, but played a ton of PSOv2, Outtrigger and Alien front online. Also played a bit of other titles too. Dreamcast Online has been having a big revival recently with the DreamPI modem, and many games coming back online over the past two years. Ive actually been playing a bit of Alien Front Online again, and I always drop into PSO a few times a year which is nostalgic as hell always.

Re: Ferrari F355 Challenge. Any old network racers here?

PostPosted: Thu Oct 19, 2017 10:53 pm
by RootyKazooty
@ Hyo Razuki. Yeh it would have been around 2006. I remember we had advance notice of the server shutting down, so we could download the online quests to VMU's before they were lost. I still have them somewhere.
We met up for a final game which was really cool but also a poignant moment.

@ Nico0020. Yeh I played PSOv2 a ton aswell. It got a bit obsessive TBH. I met these 2 German guys that gave me a ton of amazing "hacked" stuff, like a Dreamcast Mag (For those who haven't played, it's an artificial life form that hovers near your shoulder and assists you during the quests), and Darth Maul light sabre etc etc. It was great that you could drop gift items for other players.

I remember some ppl used to get very upset with hacked items when I joined their game. Particularly the maxxed out Mag and the "spread needles" that I'd whip out if I got in a fix. I wasn't one of those who used to obliterate every monster before anyone even got in the room though. Wherever possible I'd just hit the monsters once - to get my exp - and leave them for the other players.
I had no problem using 100% legit stuff though.

Thanks so much for the info about the DreamPI modem !!!
I've never heard of it but i'll certainly look into this. I hope it's straightforward, I'm a bit of a technophobe.
It would be a dream come true to get back on PSO again. Maybe i'll meet you there one day.