Large Work

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Large Work

Postby Jokatech19 » Sat Oct 11, 2014 1:46 am

It's been a while since I posted an isolated topic. Well, I finally finished my final work in form of a double-disc, music and arts educational album. I'm really proud of it. I have recently decided to finish the continuation of this work in the form of a novel/play that will pick up where the CD leaves off. The thing is that in order to understand it all, the reader will be encouraged to look into my collection of albums over the years, going back to 2006. I have to make an effort to make some of my earlier work more available. I may just re-release a collection specifically for the novel, which will be titled, "Magnum Opus" just like the album, but with a different subtitle. It will be along the vein of the movie, "Inception." That movie is one of my favorites and is closely linked to this work.

I plan on doing some traveling to compile data. I want this to be a collective work that, regardless of whether it does or not, CAN change the world. I like reading books like that, and that's the book I want to complete. I remember reading the book, "We," in college after finding it in the thrift store. The author- Yevgeny Zamyatin, really did his research and pushed beyond common topics and thoughts to something progressive. And he did that in the early 1900's. That book always inspired me. I plan on making a book that brings that potential out of me. So far, I've completed 3 chapters. I don't know how long it's going to be, but I have some crazy ideas, facts, and inspirations that are going to make the climax something to behold. Stay tuned. The only info I put up on it is on my blog site.
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Location: Gotham City, NY
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Re: Large Work

Postby Jokatech19 » Wed Oct 22, 2014 11:07 pm

Sorry. so busy there is a bit of lag with updates. Thanx for checking the site. More updates coming in.
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"After Burner...Great!"
"After Burner...Great!"
Joined: March 2009
Location: Gotham City, NY
Favorite title: What's Shenmue
Currently playing: AC: Revelations

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