Campaign contribution limits increased 10 fold

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Campaign contribution limits increased 10 fold

Postby Sonikku » Fri Dec 12, 2014 9:43 pm ... d=27500237

From $32,400 to $324,000 per person. All buried in a spending bill. Bank regulation is also getting rolled back. The news is hardly uttering a peep. Getting kind of scary, isn't it?
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Re: Campaign contribution limits increased 10 fold

Postby Axm » Sat Dec 13, 2014 12:55 am

Its pretty rediculous. Like they even needed this when Super PAC's already take care of millions laundered. Fucking disgrace this politics.
2016 is going to be like watching the Super Bowl and American Idol while one person talks about underfunded government and the other talks about wastefull government spending.
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Re: Campaign contribution limits increased 10 fold

Postby Kenny » Sat Dec 13, 2014 1:23 am

I stopped giving a shit about politics because of stuff like this. Didn't vote for the primaries or anything.

Honestly, if you really believe voting a bunch of old, corrupt walking billboard ads is going to improve the quality of your life, you are the reason why we're in this mess to begin with.

You know what i'm actually waiting for? A revolution. All it takes is for the puppet playing higher-ups to fuck up ONE thing, just ONE thing that actually drastically effects the lives of the American public and then it'll all come crumbling down before their eyes. Until then it's business as usual.
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Re: Campaign contribution limits increased 10 fold

Postby AnimeGamer183 » Sat Dec 13, 2014 2:39 am

Yeah and this whole police cans and cants debate and law enforcement reformation (or lack there of) could be a starting point to make something like that happen. People actually are getting sick and tired of certain things, and it may just reach a significant breaking point, lets just hope martial law doenst have to be implemented in effort to restore order if it comes to that.
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Re: Campaign contribution limits increased 10 fold

Postby south carmain » Sat Dec 13, 2014 5:07 am

Weird that it was hardly in the news in the usa. It was mentioned just yesterday on the bbc and reuters here. It was part of the highlights of the terms agreed on the government 1 trillion budget before the shutdown.
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Re: Campaign contribution limits increased 10 fold

Postby south carmain » Sat Dec 13, 2014 5:11 am

Kenny wrote:I stopped giving a shit about politics because of stuff like this. Didn't vote for the primaries or anything.

Honestly, if you really believe voting a bunch of old, corrupt walking billboard ads is going to improve the quality of your life, you are the reason why we're in this mess to begin with.

You know what i'm actually waiting for? A revolution. All it takes is for the puppet playing higher-ups to fuck up ONE thing, just ONE thing that actually drastically effects the lives of the American public and then it'll all come crumbling down before their eyes. Until then it's business as usual.

Haven't they been fucking up tons of things since quite some time now? I mean there's the whole nsa abuse of powers, now the cia torture scandal and this is the first time a generation of americans has had a worse quality of living from the last.
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Re: Campaign contribution limits increased 10 fold

Postby OL » Sat Dec 13, 2014 5:59 am

south carmain wrote:...this is the first time a generation of americans has had a worse quality of living from the last.

Sorry, sorry.
Just the thought of my Dorito-eating, internet-bitching, self-entitled, narcissistic generation actually being worse off than my parents' generation... yeah, sorry, but that's hilarious.
Life is better for everyone now than it ever has been before, so much to the point that it's a complete detriment to our evolutionary progress. We're bound to fade out eventually, because we're so free to be lazy now. And none of that has to do with government scandals. Those will always exist regardless, because the news needs something for people to get mad about.

Kenny wrote:I stopped giving a shit about politics because of stuff like this. Didn't vote for the primaries or anything.

Honestly, if you really believe voting a bunch of old, corrupt walking billboard ads is going to improve the quality of your life, you are the reason why we're in this mess to begin with.

You know what i'm actually waiting for? A revolution. All it takes is for the puppet playing higher-ups to fuck up ONE thing, just ONE thing that actually drastically effects the lives of the American public and then it'll all come crumbling down before their eyes. Until then it's business as usual.

I'm completely with you on not giving a shit about politics, but a revolution?
Like I said, people are just too free to be lazy now. If ever a time comes when someone really steps up and takes violent action, it'll only be a very small group. The grand majority of us will be off to the side saying "LOVE what you're doing guys! But I'm, uh... I'm just gonna sit over here. Gotta catch up on Game of Thrones. Or something."
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Re: Campaign contribution limits increased 10 fold

Postby south carmain » Sat Dec 13, 2014 6:52 am

Well in terms of real income and quality of living your generation is actually worse off apparently. Just for paying off your education at a good university for example someone of this generation would need to work 17 hours a day on minimum wage compared to only 4 a day back in the 70s.
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Re: Campaign contribution limits increased 10 fold

Postby Sonikku » Sat Dec 13, 2014 11:53 am

I'm going to have to disagree with OL about todays generation being better off than his parents'. Kids today are shackled by ungodly amounts of debt from astronomical college degree costs and the degrees just don't pay the dividends they did a generation ago. Never mind the "liberal arts" joke degrees. With the rate technology and industry is changing, by the time you complete a 4 or 5 year degree the industry may have changed so much that what you learned might only be partially relevant by the time you get out. Not to mention employers today seem to think you need 2-4 years experience for an "entry level" job. To think there was a time when most employers showed you the ropes on the job themselves.

House ownership for most is now just a dream. Most of the jobs that enriched America and made it strong have been shipped offshore with an increasingly larger population fighting for fewer scraps. Wages have remained stagnant for 30 years. And while the elite have increasingly consolidated their grip on government, today's youth have their eyeballs glued to lit up screens like zombies, too distracted to notice the world around them while being slowly poisoned by the social decay. One could not help but envy the last generation in comparison.


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Re: Campaign contribution limits increased 10 fold

Postby OL » Sat Dec 13, 2014 12:54 pm

I'd say that picture just backs up my stance on it, actually. Go on about financial woes all you like, our generation still has the "gift" of technology making everything a friggin breeze. The current generation is free to sit in the back of an SUV, eyes glued to their phones because life is easy as shit now. Times past, you actually had to communicate with people, find a talent, go outside. All of which is harder, but also far more fulfilling in the long run. Life was harder before, but the people ended up all the better because of it. I absolutely agree with that picture.
Is it easier to fall into debt now, and harder to get out?
Sure. But that says nothing about our "quality of life."
"Quality" isn't determined by how much you have to pay towards school every month. Oh, I'm sorry... do you end up with less money to spend toward the new Nokia something-or-other phone, less money to spend on a $500 PS4? Had to cancel your Netflix account, because the budget just doesn't allow for unlimited movies and television at your fingertips?
Yeah, that's... that's an awfully rough life.
"Inconvenience" is a completely different concept to us than it was to generations past, and I think it's silly to act like we have it harder overall just because of paperwork.
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Re: Campaign contribution limits increased 10 fold

Postby AnimeGamer183 » Sat Dec 13, 2014 2:47 pm

Idk where this bubble OL is living in, but please show me to it.
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Re: Campaign contribution limits increased 10 fold

Postby south carmain » Sat Dec 13, 2014 2:50 pm

I wouldnt say having access to the internet and smartphones makes life better. Maybe technology was less impressive back then but being able to easily afford a mortgage, on a house, an education, ability to find a good job, good social mobility, have more money for recreational activities etc made life quality better overall. I dont see my life quality as much better as during the 90s or early 2000s when i didnt have access to all these things honestly.
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Re: Campaign contribution limits increased 10 fold

Postby Kenny » Sat Dec 13, 2014 3:20 pm

OL wrote:I'm completely with you on not giving a shit about politics, but a revolution?
Like I said, people are just too free to be lazy now. If ever a time comes when someone really steps up and takes violent action, it'll only be a very small group. The grand majority of us will be off to the side saying "LOVE what you're doing guys! But I'm, uh... I'm just gonna sit over here. Gotta catch up on Game of Thrones. Or something."

That's why I said they only have to do one thing that fucks over everyone. And i'm not talking about those pathetic 99% Wall Street strikes where people were protesting corporations before breaking at Starbucks, chowing down Subway sandwiches, then drive back to the comfort of their own homes in their Priuses.

People are very compliant now but once you take away their sense of comfort, people will riot. Riots and protests have happened in Egypt & Iran, small ones broke out here domestically over the refusal of indicting the officers in the shooting of Michael Brown and unlawful chokehold done on Eric Garner (the latter of which is completely unacceptable). There's a specific nerve that needs to be hit, I don't know what it is or when it'll happen, but that's all it'll take to erupt a country to a point where even simple entertainment or other simple pleasures in life will no longer matter.

The only other direction is the Orwellian future. And if the kings in the towers play it safe, that's our inevitable future.

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Re: Campaign contribution limits increased 10 fold

Postby Nuke » Tue Jan 13, 2015 7:32 am

Kenny wrote: I stopped giving a shit about politics because of stuff like this. Didn't vote for the primaries or anything.

Honestly, if you really believe voting a bunch of old, corrupt walking billboard ads is going to improve the quality of your life, you are the reason why we're in this mess to begin with.

You know what i'm actually waiting for? A revolution. All it takes is for the puppet playing higher-ups to fuck up ONE thing, just ONE thing that actually drastically effects the lives of the American public and then it'll all come crumbling down before their eyes. Until then it's business as usual.

I stopped giving a shit about US politics and began thinking mostly/only about geopolitics because I realized it's really just a single-party state run by [insert your flavor of conspiracy theory] awhile back.

Given the fact they've learned from the Soviet mistake of absolute control, they'll control you through everyone around you, though. I mean, there's two parties, right?

That said, all your mainstream media is just working to keep you thinking the other side is your enemy while simultaneously uniting everyone around the cause of the regime. The Democrats and Republicans support war with [country], but the GOP is warmongering. The Democrats and Republicans support increasing spending on everything that paves the path of bankruptcy for their real masters, but the Democrats have a country on the path to destruction. The Democrats and Republicans support most of the social liberalism that most other countries reject wholesale (compare US abortion law to any abortion law outside of UK and Canada, you'll see what I mean), but the Republicans are these tyrannical anti-abortion nuts. The Democrats and Republicans are paralleled in feminism only to the Swedish Feminist Party (which is relatively new), but the Republicans are anti-women.

It goes on forever. I only voted in 2014 because my mother wanted me to vote against a politician she doesn't like.

(That said, apathy among a large portion of the population that opposes those people on their facebook feed who keep posting political stuff is a significant contributor to the lack of a future revolution, like everyone else said.)
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