Ever try nutria?

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Ever try nutria?

Postby Anthers » Sun Jun 01, 2003 7:02 pm

I stumbled across this while doing research for my project in biology cklass. First of all, the nutria is a pesky rodent that has a body similar to that of a large rat and the head of a beaver. Its grazing has contributed to the rapid loss of Louisiana's wetlands. Various methods have been tried in attempts to get rid of the animal, but nothing has worked.

To raise awareness of this, a chef named Philippe Parola was commisioned by the Wilddlife and Fisheries Department to sell nutria meat. To the passerby he makes his offering of nutria sausage. Most chuckle and move on, not knowing quite how to respond.
Alpha Trading Boss
Alpha Trading Boss
Joined: May 2003
Location: Columbus, Ohio

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