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Postby ys » Mon May 24, 2010 5:16 pm

Ryudo wrote:

St. Elseware. After years of watching fans were told to believe all this drama in a hospital took place in a snowglobe and a retarded kids mind. yes I just spoiled a 30 year old show finale..deal with it.

Haha, marvelous!
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Postby Sailors? » Tue May 25, 2010 1:11 pm

I don't think you understand what actually happened Kenny. It was just the flash sideways that was limbo, everything that happened on the island actually happened Jack only died when he got stabbed by Smoke monster. Who cares what the smoke is and where it came from that would just be even more confusing. It was a beautiful ending that rounded everything up pretty nicely. yes maybe I am deluded having watched it six years but i'm happy with the ending and don't really need to know where the Island came from it just WAS.
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Postby Kenny » Tue May 25, 2010 2:11 pm

That was my point.

The writers wrote whatever they wanted to and in the end basically said "everyone dies anyway sooner or later so what happened on the island doesn't matter, but look! Everyone is happy! And Jack is dying but not alone, Vincent is there! Its sad but happy!".

That is a really cheap way to get away with that they established. Many Lost fans have your line of thinking as well leading me to believe they know they got suckered into watching a show in which the chief gimmick was that eventually everything will be explained but never really does. But its an emotional happy ending, so they take that and run with it and come up with a bunch of fan theories to cope with in the meantime to find answers.

Essentially that means anyone will defend and keep watching an improv show that has mythical creatures, alchemy, zillions of alternate universes, and people coming back from the dead infinite times so as long as it has convinsing drama and a happy ending. And if seems confusing to explain, that's purely the writer's fault. And I doubt it would've been hard to explain the smoke monster, the importance of aaron and walt, the Numbers, and so on. I could come up with some explainations on spot.

I wouldn't have minded if they ended it with just one new mysery but jesus, to disregard everything else?
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Postby Sailors? » Tue May 25, 2010 3:29 pm

I'm not defending it I was happy with it if I wasn't I would say so. Who cares about a black kid who was in like 1 season who could kill birds and a little blonde haired boy? They're just minor parts, not everything in life gets explained why is everyone asking for everything here to be explained USE your imagination! I'm not saying they were great writers becuase no ofcourse they could of explained the smoke monster (Nano technology?) but this would then lead to more questions (Who built such technology, where did they come from? How, why, when?!) These are fan made questions also, If none of the characters cared about such situations then why does it matter it should be the characters we're invested in anyways. Overall LOST was a great show, bringing about various forums for debate. That's one of the great things about it, talking about it and I say again using your imagination. To be honest I think it would be more of a cop out if they said Aliens were responsible for the smoke monster and the special powers. But if you didn't enjoy it fair enough.
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Postby OL » Tue May 25, 2010 3:54 pm

Sailors? wrote:
I'm not defending it I was happy with it if I wasn't I would say so. Who cares about a black kid who was in like 1 season who could kill birds and a little blonde haired boy? They're just minor parts, not everything in life gets explained why is everyone asking for everything here to be explained USE your imagination!

That's kind of contrary to the entire point of introducing a mystery into a story in the first place. If it's introduced, it should eventually be explained.
I'm not speaking in regards to Lost when I say this (since I know nothing about what really happens in the show), but if you, as a fan, start defending the show by making excuses like "Not everything in life gets explained!" and "Use your imagination", then it seems to me just like what Kenny said: you know you've been gypped, but since you're such a fan of it, you start defending it in vain.
It's fine if you enjoyed it, of course, but don't make excuses for shoddy writing. Because there really is no excuse for that.
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Postby Sailors? » Tue May 25, 2010 4:11 pm

No excuses I even said the writing could of been better, but a good piece of art makes you appreciate it, a great piece of art makes you talk about it, analyze it. I can come up with things in my head that fit in with the mythology and can be at peace with that becuase it fits. It would not make any sense for the characters to suddenly find out what the smoke monster was or what the island was it just always was and always will be. That why the answer for the whispers was so lame to me not because of the actual answer but because of the way it was presented it didn't FIT with the show or the episode. This show has always been about faith/science, free will/destiny. Like i said I enjoyed the story as a whole and I think you should take the time out to watch it OL with an open mind. If i did feel gypped by the ending, I wouldn't even bother talking about it anymore.
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Postby Kenny » Tue May 25, 2010 4:33 pm

Well the smoke monster I give it the benefit of a doubt, its a magical mythical immortal shapeshifting being and would've been explained as such. We have theology to point to and that was alluded at the end as well. So I can run with that. Would've helped if it was part of a legend from the island. Or you know SOMETHING mentioned offhand at least.

And as much I keep reading that people did not care for Michael and Walt's relationship, which I thought was duller than the Nikki and Paulo characters to be honest, I still wanted to know why he was so special. And with aaron, with nothing to go by, the pyschic seemingly had no reason to put a pregnant woman in danger by letting her go down in flames in an airplane. I can go on. They were just put in there to add greater mystery to the show, to keep people tuned in, to stretch the show as long as it could go before people started tuning out, to get a % of the advertisment money, and so everyone involved can live like Hurley 10 times over.

I find it insulting cause i've been working on a story for a webcomic with my best friend for enaerly 10 years now and we're filling in all the plotholes and making sure the plot twists we introduce compliment the story early on and afetrwards. These guys making crap up and providing no explanation or lackluster explainations make me wanna punch them square in the jaw. The whole season 2 story with the button and electomagnetic generator was brilliant. No reason why they couldn't keep it up to calibur to that kind of storytelling while making it sound relevant to real life.
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Postby Sailors? » Tue May 25, 2010 4:48 pm

How about he saw Jacob, Jacobs fake mother and the MIB? Claire was eventually conned by MIB thus not being able to raise Aaron, thus MIB having more power and knowledge to con Kate(Who went back for Claire) thus having more power/knowledge to con Jack. As for Walt, well the actor hit puberty and he grew to like six feet tall. They couldn't bring him back into it so late in the game.

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Postby Riku Rose » Tue May 25, 2010 6:40 pm

It was proven that the guy who told Claire all that shit was a fake in another flash back. The point Aaron was taken was just because he was born on the island.

I agree not 'evreything' had to be explained but almost nothing was. All they did was wrap up evreyones personal story and nothing else.

I thought at first that Vincent was meant to be Jacks dad.
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Postby Kenny » Tue May 25, 2010 9:00 pm

Riku Rose wrote:
I thought at first that Vincent was meant to be Jacks dad.


I thought it would've been awesome if the dog was behind everything and wanted to be supreme ruler of the island. I would've taken back everything I said if they did that. Nothing in the history of television would top that.
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Postby Riku Rose » Tue May 25, 2010 9:06 pm

Would have been funnier if at the end evreything was done by a beaver smoking a cigar.
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Postby Who Really Cares? » Wed May 26, 2010 7:37 am

Never watched Lost but people i know have all said it was a shit ending.

Ashes to ashes also ended
for the baby, with everyone being dead but it made sense and actually fitted in with the last 5 series.

http://www.denofgeek.com/television/492 ... nales.html

Main reason is probably because the writers decided right from the start what the ending was going to be.
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Postby Crimson Ryan » Wed May 26, 2010 8:33 am

Ashes was only created because Life on Mars was so popular. It was a bullshit ending for an irrelevant spin-off. And fuck me, her daughter was one ugly bitch..
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Postby Gingefners, The » Wed May 26, 2010 9:46 am

And I was doing so well in avoiding Ashes To Ashes spoilers until I caught up with it :sad:
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Postby Oppy » Wed May 26, 2010 10:00 am

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