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Re: The Game Of Thrones TV topic

PostPosted: Thu Apr 25, 2013 4:50 pm
by Calshot
I loved the Tywin/Cersei scene. The "It's not because you are a woman. It's because you are not as smart as you think you are" line almost perfectly captured how I felt about Cersei while reading Feast for Crows.

The Beric/Hound fight looks like it'll be great. I wonder if we'll see Sam get his epithet in this next episode.

Re: The Game Of Thrones TV topic

PostPosted: Thu Apr 25, 2013 4:57 pm
by Who Really Cares?
Yeah the fight has looked awesome from the trailers so I'm really looking forward to it.

Due to memorial day we have a 2 week wait between episodes 8 and 9 :sad:

Re: The Game Of Thrones TV topic

PostPosted: Fri Apr 26, 2013 3:44 pm
by Thief
Are the spoilers in this thread book spoilers or TV spoilers? If they're about the show I'd like to read them... but since I'm still only on book one of Song of Ice and Fire I'd rather avoid any book spoilers.

Re: The Game Of Thrones TV topic

PostPosted: Fri Apr 26, 2013 3:56 pm
by Who Really Cares?
They are both. But the said spoiler takes place in the next episode and has been shown in all the trailers so really...we didn't need to tag them :lol:

But just in case....

Its the hounds trial by combat. FLAMING FUCKING SWORD!!!!

Really if you watched the last episode and have seen any of the S3 trailers its not a spoiler cause we don't talk about the outcome.

Re: The Game Of Thrones TV topic

PostPosted: Tue Apr 30, 2013 10:54 am
by Who Really Cares?
Dat ass. All that needs to be said for last nights episode :lol:

But no,

That fight was awesome and a great way to start the episode. Also good to see Maisie get more screen time. Very good young actress and the scene with between her Beric and Myr was great.

The bath scene was very well done, Great acting as usual from those 2.

If i was a member of the Nights watch, I would have done what Jon did :P

Nice to see Robb be a little bad arse even if it has cost him many men.

Loved the end scene with the Lannister's. Always nice to see Cersei knocked down a peg or 2.

phpBB [video]

Been waiting for

The Climb

The words have more meaning than some will pick up on

phpBB [video]

Re: The Game Of Thrones TV topic

PostPosted: Mon May 06, 2013 11:09 pm
by Sonikku
The episode 6 finale is really something, perhaps the best any episode has ended with and a reminder of why I like this show so much. I watch Spartacus as well, but it really doesn't have anything to offer with this kind of depth. Even with all the swords and fighting stripped away, there is still a lot of enjoyment here to be found.

Re: The Game Of Thrones TV topic

PostPosted: Tue May 07, 2013 11:05 am
by Who Really Cares?
Was a surprisingly nice ending for the show and a great shot. Of course just before that we saw just how much of a nut job Joffrey is :lol:

They did a good job with the Wall climb as well and did the right thing by spreading it out during the show.

The Theon scene went from funny to just nasty.

Also get the feeling they may have dropped a BIG spoiler for one of the last 2 books but its going to be a while before anyone knows.

Oh and A sword swallower, through and through :lol: God I love Rigg in this! The scene with her and Dance was just great and also like the scene with Sam and Gilly


Re: The Game Of Thrones TV topic

PostPosted: Tue May 07, 2013 3:23 pm
by Sonikku
That Joffry has to be the single most loathed character currently on television. :lol: And they so easily convey how sadistic and malice ridden he is with nothing more than a 2 second parting shot of him walking away. If this episode highlighted anything, it's that in the game no one is safe and all are always in peril, never more than one false move away from slipping off the ladder.

Re: The Game Of Thrones TV topic

PostPosted: Tue May 07, 2013 4:29 pm
by Who Really Cares?
I actually feel really sorry for Sansa now days. More so then when i was reading the books simply because Turner is playing it all so well. She played the brat in 1 then the victim in 2 and in this season she has been able to show her happy side but also Sansa's shall we say slow side due to the life she has lived in Winterfell and the scene with her and Loras was well done.

Arya's story needs to pick in in terms of..

Her kill count needs to rise

Also nice to see the Frey's return to the show. Just wish they were still using Jon Umber and I really don't know why they dropped the character :???:

Imp Cake.

Re: The Game Of Thrones TV topic

PostPosted: Tue May 14, 2013 12:43 pm
by Who Really Cares?
Very good episode last night but i sort of feel they are doing the Theon torture scenes to often now. They need to give him a rest for a few episodes.

keeping in mind they will probably be doing more of it in S4 as well.

Really liked Tywin putting Joffrey in his place as well.

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This is only for book readers.....[No really!]
So after season 2 George RR Martin said that Talisa is not Jeyne Westerling but he also said he would be introducing Ros to the books and now she has been killed off. So is this a possible BIG future book spoiler?

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I always wondered what they would do with the name change and after this weeks episode the video makes a lot of sense.

Its never been proven yet if she had any part in the RW or if she really did love Robb but its also known her grandmother was a witch and her mother knows of several potions including love potions so she could have had Robb slipped on while Jeyne was treating him.
I'm also thinking Brynden will take GreatJons place during the wedding unless him and Taliisa go elsewhere in the next episode but last nights made it sound like he is going with them.

Ryudo wrote: Just HBO is shock value and tits for viewers as always. HBO just sucks.

Rather than derail TWD topic not sure what Ryudo is on about with that?

Re: The Game Of Thrones TV topic

PostPosted: Tue May 14, 2013 2:59 pm
by Sonikku
Game of Thrones does not nearly possess enough shock value and tits for a show trying to get by on shock value and tits. Thankfully, GoT isn't such a show, as one viewing of the episode "The Climb" can attest.

Re: The Game Of Thrones TV topic

PostPosted: Tue May 14, 2013 4:03 pm
by Who Really Cares?
I remember after Neds execution some sites actually said following HBO's shocking decision to kill off the main character in their previews for episode 10. :lol: Like none of them knew the show is based off a book series.

Re: The Game Of Thrones TV topic

PostPosted: Tue May 14, 2013 5:19 pm
by St. Elmo's Fire
Just seen episode 3 of the 3rd season.

Felt kinda sorry for Jaime Lannister TBH.

Daenerys buying armies with a dragon seems a bad idea. I agreed with Ser Jorah. Also a bit WTF at Barriston Selmy ending up with them. Glad she bargained that hot slave girl into the deal though, hope it spawns another naked scene. She does seem to be erring a bit too far past the "crazy bitch" line recently though...

(bear in mind I haven't read the books)

Have to have Wiki open when watching it still though, despite being three seasons in. It's got to the stage where a bit TOO many houses and armies and factions are in motion, and one house's son is married to another house's daughter, etc., and who is fighting who, even though they're meant to be allies, etc. Still enjoying though.

Re: The Game Of Thrones TV topic

PostPosted: Tue May 14, 2013 5:29 pm
by Sonikku
Who Really Cares? wrote: I remember after Neds execution some sites actually said following HBO's shocking decision to kill off the main character in their previews for episode 10. :lol: Like none of them knew the show is based off a book series.

He was played by Sean Bean. How could they not see that coming? :lol:

Re: The Game Of Thrones TV topic

PostPosted: Wed May 15, 2013 12:20 am
by Calshot
Book spoilers
I think I remember reading Jeyne's mother was a part of the scheming involved behind the RW. If Roose Change doesn't pan out, I don't know what the showrunners are going to do with Talisa outside of having her die in the RW (taking Dacey's place perhaps?).

If they have Blackfish take the Greatjon's place, who is going to hold Riverrun when Jaime Goldenhand goes to negotiate?

@St. Elmo's Fire
If you think it's hard to keep track now, it's going to get even worse the next two seasons, assuming the showrunners don't drastically change anything.

Dany will be dealing with a bunch of people named "Skahaz mo Kandaq" or something similar and there'll be another great house thrown into the mix.