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Re: What TV series are you watching?

PostPosted: Thu Sep 15, 2016 1:03 pm
by OL
Slowly suffering my way through Supergirl, since it's on Netflix now. Jesus, this show tries so hard to be "progressive," all feminist and whatnot, except that every moment they choose to do so makes it feel ridiculously forced and idiotic. It's always one of the female characters making some off-hand comment about men looking down on women, even though within the show itself there are practically never any instances of men directly doing so (outside of an alien or two saying things like "On MY planet, women knew their place" or whatever nonsense, but y'know... those are aliens).
So because they never actually illustrate this supposed gap between genders in the show, the women all just end up sounding like entitled whiners with chips on their shoulders. It's... pretty stupid. Very badly-written.
And there's so much wrong with the show otherwise, it's hard to even muster up the will to go into it all here. It's just a big, dumb mess of a show. Only cool thing so far is the appearance of Martian Manhunter, who actually looks pretty great. But Calista Flockhart brings everything back down every time she's on screen; she's terrible. At least the chick playing Supergirl is cute.
I'm really only bothering with this show because they're folding it over into the rest of the DC TV universe with the upcoming seasons, and I really (for the most part) enjoy both Arrow and The Flash. So since this'll be a part of all that, I may as well get some of it under my belt, since those shows tend to cross over here and there. But good lord man, it's a pretty hard watch. I spend half my time laughing at how stupid the characters act, so hey, at least I get some laughs out of it.

AnimeGamer183 wrote: I'm positive Adam West voiced The Gray Ghost in that episode of Batman TAS. I am pretty sure I watched this episode as a kid as well, although I dont quite remember how much of TAS I actually watched back then. Anyway, thats a very significant guest appearance, TAS seems to be pretty fleshed out with its coverage of themes and inspriration for batman within the realm of gotham. Alot of characters and well written stories, many of which dont involve the main villians but dont lose the quality of the writing and story, that really flesh out gotham in this show so far.

It's nice you're getting back to that show. Still stands as one of my favorite shows ever, cartoon or otherwise. The whole DC animated universe, stretching from Batman TAS through to Justice League Unlimited, was a pretty remarkable accomplishment in television animation. And yeah, some of the best episodes of TAS don't even involve the main rogues gallery. Some of my favorites like that:
A Bullet For Bullock
See No Evil
(THE most under-appreciated episode in the entire series, for my money)
Night of the Ninja/Day of the Samurai (both are great, though Day is probably better)
The Man Who Killed Batman (it features The Joker in probably his best scene in the whole series, but he's not the actual villain of the episode, so it still counts)
Robin's Reckoning Pt. 1
Jesus, just naming episodes off the top of my head, and there's so many of them. Wonderful show. I still have memories of seeing the very first time they ever showed an episode, back in '92. I think it was The Cat and the Claw Pt. 1, even though that wasn't the first episode ever made (that would have been On Leather Wings).

Re: What TV series are you watching?

PostPosted: Thu Sep 15, 2016 6:47 pm
by AnimeGamer183
Watched Feat of Clay part 1 and 2 this afternoon. Wow there is some down right shocking animation in this episode but I remember these episodes specifically from when I was a kid, that scene at the end where Clay Face started mutating uncontrolably was particularly graphic and intense. I guess as a kid you just kind of look over alot of the more adult themes that are in this show, but there is plenty of it there which makes it a good one to go back and watch now.

Re: What TV series are you watching?

PostPosted: Thu Sep 15, 2016 7:43 pm
by OL
^^Fuuuuuck yeah, I love Feat of Clay part 2. Part 1 is alright, but once you get to part 2 and get to see that gorgeous animation... man. Easily some of the smoothest, highest-quality animation I've ever seen in a tv cartoon. That's not to say the entire series is that good (there are plenty of places where the animation is very choppy and oddly-drawn), but that one episode is just beautiful.
And yeah, adult themes abound. I think it's in the episode titled It's Never Too Late that you actually see a literal drug deal on a street corner, and Batman actually says words like "crackhouse." I've never, in all my life, seen another American-made "kids" cartoon that gets to go to those lengths. I think the show just hit at the right time, where the network was willing to give them some serious leeway with things like that. Weird that little things like that could ever seem so astounding, but there really just wasn't anything like this show beforehand, and there hasn't been another one since.
Have you gotten around to Two-Face part 1 yet? Part 2 is a little dumb, but the initial Two-Face episode is amazing. Probably one of the most psychological and adult episodes there is.

Re: What TV series are you watching?

PostPosted: Thu Sep 15, 2016 7:58 pm
by south carmain
Just finished watching the second season of Narcos. Pretty good show that I wasn't expecting to continue after season 2 but it seems like we're still in for some psychopathic narcotraficante goodness.

Re: What TV series are you watching?

PostPosted: Thu Sep 15, 2016 8:54 pm
by AnimeGamer183
OL wrote: ^^Fuuuuuck yeah, I love Feat of Clay part 2. Part 1 is alright, but once you get to part 2 and get to see that gorgeous animation... man. Easily some of the smoothest, highest-quality animation I've ever seen in a tv cartoon. That's not to say the entire series is that good (there are plenty of places where the animation is very choppy and oddly-drawn), but that one episode is just beautiful.
And yeah, adult themes abound. I think it's in the episode titled It's Never Too Late that you actually see a literal drug deal on a street corner, and Batman actually says words like "crackhouse." I've never, in all my life, seen another American-made "kids" cartoon that gets to go to those lengths. I think the show just hit at the right time, where the network was willing to give them some serious leeway with things like that. Weird that little things like that could ever seem so astounding, but there really just wasn't anything like this show beforehand, and there hasn't been another one since.
Have you gotten around to Two-Face part 1 yet? Part 2 is a little dumb, but the initial Two-Face episode is amazing. Probably one of the most psychological and adult episodes there is.

Yeah, I watched those, and the Catwoman 2 parter. There was another pretty shocking episode about an underground childrens slave ring that batman has to break up, some really interesting ideas and concepts are put into alot of these episodes. Also another episode with Top Notch animation was the initial Mr Freeze episode. The animation seems very spiratic so far, some good, some bad. I am almost wondering if they were using their budget to the absolutely best they could, going all out on the episodes that needed it and then laying back on some of the ones that didnt. Kinda seems that way, usually animation either fluctuates because different animation studios are working on different episodes at the same time, but some times after so many seasons the animations is just upgraded and stays that way as the show goes on. Batman seems more like the former, but just really selective on what episodes got the top quality animation, so far anyway. I am about 21 episodes into the first season, im actually really going through them and may even slow down a bit so I have room breath and take it all in.

Re: What TV series are you watching?

PostPosted: Fri Sep 16, 2016 3:30 am
by OL
Cartoons back then were a bit odd sometimes, in that an ordered "season" wasn't just 13 to 26 episodes like they always are now; the first order for Batman was for something like 63 episodes (somewhere around there). So yeah, they probably were really selective about which episodes got the higher-quality animation, while others were a bit shafted. Plus, in order to get that many episodes made, there probably were multiple teams of people working on different episodes simultaneously, so some episodes might have just ended up with the more talented animators by chance.

Re: What TV series are you watching?

PostPosted: Sun Sep 18, 2016 5:48 am
by Mr. Frozen
I just discovered Dr Who. I am a hamburger eating, gun wielding, pure-blood american so I never really had access to the series outside of paid media. I love the new series, like a British and more personal version of Star Trek. I wish I discovered it years ago.

Re: What TV series are you watching?

PostPosted: Fri Sep 23, 2016 11:09 pm
by AnimeGamer183
Batman TAS Robins Reckoning Part 1 and 2. Man are these some classic episodes, so much of this show I feel like I have seen and its been years and years. I am still curious how they gave Robin his full back story before Batman even in this show, there have been hints and homages in a couple eps, but no full story of what happened to Bruces parents and much of his past. Its also interesting this show doesnt start with that material, it really just starts with a regular ole episode. So Bruce Wayne was out being batman even when Robin/Dick was a young teen/tween and is still doing it while he is college age? Guess it makes sense all these tales would take place over years worth of time, but even this Robin episode things were alot different, Gordon wasnt grey haired, Bullock was in a cop uniform. Makes me wonder about the collective batman time line and what took place when. Also Nightwing, which I know will come later.

Re: What TV series are you watching?

PostPosted: Thu Sep 29, 2016 2:28 am
by OL
So the new Lethal Weapon show actually is pretty damn fun. Two episodes down, and it basically lives up to what I'd hoped about it back when they first premiered a trailer. The action is over-the-top and a bit silly sometimes, but I'm honestly really pleased about that; the movies were never exactly "realistic" anyway, so that's definitely a good tonal element to hold onto. Otherwise, Clayne Crawford and Damon Wayans certainly have their own personalities completely separate from Mel Gibson and Danny Glover, so in absolutely no way am I getting any of that dreaded "wannabe" vibe from it; the setup is the same as the movies, but it feels different enough because of the people involved. A very good thing. Clayne Crawford in particular really seems to shine. He's always been a good actor, but doesn't usually seem to get the greatest of roles; hopefully this show gets him some greater recognition, because he really is a good on-screen presence.
It's not the second coming or anything, but it's a good show so far. Very entertaining, and that's pretty much all I'd hoped for.
And hey, Shane Black actually co-wrote the pilot, so it's basically got the original creator's seal of approval.

Re: What TV series are you watching?

PostPosted: Thu Sep 29, 2016 1:04 pm
by shredingskin
The new season of south park started extremely slow, almost boring I could say.

I think they're setting up for something really cool, but the first 3 episodes dragged quite a bit.

Re: What TV series are you watching?

PostPosted: Sun Oct 02, 2016 2:05 am
by redline
does anyone else watch The Strain? ive been watching it from the beginning, pretty hooked. i'll admit, if you saw just once episode it would look crappy & wouldn't make any sense but i think its great and slightly more interesting than the walking dead.

shredingskin wrote:The new season of south park started extremely slow, almost boring I could say.

I think they're setting up for something really cool, but the first 3 episodes dragged quite a bit.

ah, i think this season of south park is still really funny. south park has grown up quite a lot over the years. - cant wait for the new south park game. it will feel like watching a whole season of the show,

Re: What TV series are you watching?

PostPosted: Thu Oct 06, 2016 2:09 am
by Rakim
Luke Cage. Digging it so far.

Re: What TV series are you watching?

PostPosted: Thu Oct 06, 2016 4:42 am
by Monkei
^ I'm 4 episodes into it, also digging it.

Re: What TV series are you watching?

PostPosted: Fri Oct 07, 2016 3:17 pm
by OL
I've watched 4 or 5 episodes so far, and I have to say, it's a little slow. Actually a lot slow. Didn't feel like anything actually happened until the third episode.
I'm finding that that's kind of a basic problem throughout all of Marvel's Netflix shows so far, though it's not always relegated to the same portions of a season. They don't actually have a full season's worth of story to tell, so it's all padded out either with less-interesting material, or certain scenes just stretching out longer than they should. Was definitely a problem with Jessica Jones (not a bad show, but it hindsight it really drags its feet), and the second season of Daredevil had a big lull around its middle parts (not to mention that they could have cut just about anything with Deborah Ann Wohl and the show would have been better for it).
I will say this about Luke Cage though: fucking phenomenal music. The opening theme is easily the best piece of music in any of Marvel's shows so far, and the rest of the soundtrack (even the licensed tracks) really drives home the "blaxploitation taken seriously" vibe the show is going for (as well as clearly spelling out the character's origins in the 70s). Even if the show drags, it still sounds great while doing it.

But Netflix just uploaded the second season of The Flash and the fourth season of Arrow, so I've kind of put Luke Cage on hold for the moment. They're also going to be putting up DC's Legends of Tomorrow pretty soon, so it may be a while before I go back and finish Cage.

Re: What TV series are you watching?

PostPosted: Sun Oct 09, 2016 6:11 am
by Monkei
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