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Re: Goodbye everyone

PostPosted: Mon Aug 13, 2012 12:59 pm
by Spokane
Does Bluecast actually plan on making money on his new site? I don't see how a gaming website would tide over a committee or judge or whoever that's looking over his case on disability benefits. "So you sit around playing games all day and post on a website and make occasional videos about games?" I don't see how they would be convinced by that at all anyway.

Re: Goodbye everyone

PostPosted: Mon Aug 13, 2012 1:04 pm
by MiTT3NZ
It's because of Cabin Fever. And no that's not a joke, I'm being deadly serious.

Goin back about a year ago, I was broke as fuck, me n the missus had to live at her mam's gaff it was that bad. No money for goin out, no money for new games, DVDs, barely any cigs/tobacco, all we had was four walls and our phones in a boring little flat in the middle of nowhere. I'm actually surprised I'm still slightly sane.

Anyway, people tend to be exaggerated versions of themselves on the internet, and are used to a great deal of freedom. So, if you're in an enclosed space all the time (as I assume Ryudo is), always sticking to the same website, with the same people around, with no other interaction except for shit to do with his health and NPCs in video games, that kinda shit's gonna happen.

You can also draw comparisons with council estates and cul de sacs. Council estates, small and enclosed, not much money so not much freedom, scrotes, leads to constant drama. Cul de sacs are large, open avenues and crescents n shit with big houses, big gardens, loads of space, good deal of money, meaning more freedom, proper peaceful places.

Like I said the last time round, this is a community, and there's not much else to the site besides ourselves, so we are essentially a council estate. No matter what setting or format, social rules apply to everything, and that's what we've been seeing. Notice how people talk about "the good ol' days"? More people, more to discuss and look at (Shenmue-wise), other places to go on the site... And nowadays, people say this is practically the only online-based community they're part of.

It's all there in black and white, really, you just need to look at it.

Re: Goodbye everyone

PostPosted: Mon Aug 13, 2012 1:08 pm
by Who Really Cares?
Being stuck in my house for a week was bad enough when i broke my foot but yeah CF is bad.

Re: Goodbye everyone

PostPosted: Mon Aug 13, 2012 1:17 pm
by south carmain
it's true, once an argument on the internet has emotional effects on you it's time to realise you need to take a step back, but when you get to that point it's not easy to burst the bubble you created either

Re: Goodbye everyone

PostPosted: Mon Aug 13, 2012 1:58 pm
by sylentknyte
I just read all that "drama". All I have to say is, I 100% agree with Peter about everything. Although I don't say much here, I still lurk all the time, and I've been here for a while. I have sympathy for Ryu... blucast, but it only extends so far. He's been in horrible situations and predicaments no doubt, but he doesnt seem to ever make it easier on himself. There comes a time when you have to stop living in a fantasy world, be a man, and go out and take care of your problems. I honestly think leaving this forum is one of the best things he can do for himself.

Don't hate you man, just being honest. I wish you all the best.

Re: Goodbye everyone

PostPosted: Mon Aug 13, 2012 5:12 pm
by silent killer

Does this make me the oldest member here now?

Re: Goodbye everyone

PostPosted: Mon Aug 13, 2012 5:16 pm
by mrandyk
south carmain wrote:it's true, once an argument on the internet has emotional effects on you it's time to realise you need to take a step back, but when you get to that point it's not easy to burst the bubble you created either

It's not just the internet, it's his life. I only lurk here, but the dramatic shit that he posts is almost like that of a teenage girl.

Re: Goodbye everyone

PostPosted: Mon Aug 13, 2012 5:49 pm
by Sonikku
silent killer wrote:sooo....

Does this make me the oldest member here now?

Nope. [-X

Re: Goodbye everyone

PostPosted: Mon Aug 13, 2012 6:11 pm
by ShOzO MiZuKi
Getting a job in the real world would be the only benefit for him. No disability is going to look at someone starting an online website that makes no money, and give them a big chunk of cash. If there is any possibility that is the actual ultimatum. There are plenty of non-physical jobs out there. He can go work as a cashier at a video game store or something...From what I remember.. he said he was just going to take a huge chunk of that money and go on vacation to Japan. :???:

Re: Goodbye everyone

PostPosted: Mon Aug 13, 2012 6:28 pm
by Bluecast
i can't work at all. I get too tired too quickly plus my anxiety would not deal. Even cashier job I would be asleep after an hour and go home. Also I plan to be a Youtube Partner. You can make money that way. The site is directly linked with my channel. Even my lawyer is with me on this. Also know I'm saving up for japan. If it ever happens. At first I geta lump sum with 9 months to spend but after that it's a monthly check of about 600-700$ I get a large check at first because it's retro active from the day I applied 2 years ago.

Re: Goodbye everyone

PostPosted: Mon Aug 13, 2012 6:37 pm
by sylentknyte
^ Ok man, but don't bank everything on it. I've had a channel for about 3 years, and in the past 10 months or so I've been making consistent videos. Its a lot harder than it seems to become a Youtube partner. Recently, my channel has started to grow, and I'm at about 585 subscribers.

Unless you have some kind of freak hit video, it takes a long time to establish a viewer-base and to get the ball rolling. I'm a semi-partner now (meaning I can put adds up and make money, but none of the other features) and I make some money off my vids. Unless you're getting around 10,000 views or so a video, you'll hardly make anything. I'd say the rough average is $2-$5 per thousand views. My vids that get under 500 views or so hardly make a dollar, if that, and I consider a video with 200+ views a success.

Its possible, but its a long and hard road. Especially since these days, there are so many people covering different things on youtube and its almost impossible to stand out from the crowd. To get a full partnership, the minimum you would want to have is 1,000 subscribers and around 500 views per video. Good luck with it man, but don't put all your hopes on it either.

Re: Goodbye everyone

PostPosted: Mon Aug 13, 2012 7:24 pm
by silent killer
Oh look, it's Shozo. Guess there are still older members around.

Re: Goodbye everyone

PostPosted: Mon Aug 13, 2012 7:30 pm
by ShOzO MiZuKi
silent killer wrote:Oh look, it's Shozo. Guess there are still older members around.

:lol: You'll be surprised how many of us will come out hiding and become un-banned now that the regime is toppled...At least temporarily.

Re: Goodbye everyone

PostPosted: Mon Aug 13, 2012 7:31 pm
by Spokane
I joined in July 2003.

And I wish Dorian would come back, I guess I better check my PSN messages to see if he replied.

Re: Goodbye everyone

PostPosted: Mon Aug 13, 2012 7:35 pm
by Sailors?
I don't remember Dorian being all that great, what the hell did I miss?