Would you ever get a tour of N. Korea?

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Re: Would you ever get a tour of N. Korea?

Postby Kenny » Sat Jan 11, 2014 8:54 pm

MiTT3NZ wrote: I can't think of a single thing I could say that wouldn't lead to me being publicly executed, so yeah, booking my flight now.

Yeah that would be hard for me too.

But hey, whatever. Life experience. If I ever find out I'm terminal, I plan on going to Chernobyl too.
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Re: Would you ever get a tour of N. Korea?

Postby Axm » Sun Jan 12, 2014 2:39 am

mue 26 wrote:Cuba has like practically no homelessness doesn't it? Cuba>>>>>>USA.

When 99% of the cuban population is considered dirt poor by 1st world standards, yes the homeless population would be considerably low. Live in many of the over populated dilapidated buildings run by the state or just go live at a farm if you really have no place else to go. That or prison.. or try your luck rafting to Miami. Problem solved all in a days work for Castro. Heck he'll even throw the prisoners out on a boat and send them to Miami like they did back in the 80's.
Most of the people are starting to wise up in that country. The younger generation is pressuring for reform and it's slowly but surely happening.
So ya, id still rather go to Cuba and experience laughing at the propaganda with punk bands that play against the regime then go to NK.
Especially when it comes to how my money is used, id rather not spend a cent on a regime that holds concentration camps and practices family genocide. No matter how messed up the U.S is too, I think it's shameful tourists allow themselves to be curious enough to actually visit that country. We have enough documentaries out there to satisfy anything we dont already know.
Im all for positive change though. No wars or anything, that would be a nightmare of death. How to fix North Korea I believe isnt in our hands. The people in that country need to revolutionize on their own. Its gonna take a long time.

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Re: Would you ever get a tour of N. Korea?

Postby mue 26 » Sun Jan 12, 2014 6:33 pm

Respect, that was considered post. But what do I do about the women!? How do I make the Castro look work for me without looking like a Muslim? Or how do I look Muslim enough to fool the Muslim women until I soften them up enough to reveal I'm really a lovable infidel?
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Re: Would you ever get a tour of N. Korea?

Postby ShOzO MiZuKi » Mon Jan 13, 2014 6:01 am

What kind of women are you talking to? :lol: I haven't met a single soul on this earth that has mentioned anything about Fidel Castro being remotely attractive. And if you're looking for that Japanese wife, I would suggest losing that beard. Most men here are clean shaven.
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Re: Would you ever get a tour of N. Korea?

Postby mue 26 » Mon Jan 13, 2014 3:58 pm

ShOzO MiZuKi wrote: What kind of women are you talking to? :lol: I haven't met a single soul on this earth that has mentioned anything about Fidel Castro being remotely attractive. And if you're looking for that Japanese wife, I would suggest losing that beard. Most men here are clean shaven.

You seriously haven't met a Castro groupy? Man, trust me, they're always the dime pieces too. I remember the last girl that told me she thought Castro was the sexiest man ever, she was a friggin certified upper echelon piece! At the time she told me I just so happened to have a beard anyway AND be wearing fucking fatigues AND she was a Muslim too, so either way I thought I had that shit sown up. I looked at myself, then looked at her, then looked at myself, then looked at her again. Alas, she didn't pounce on me like my mind was imagining it. I think she had a boyfriend, one who wasn't Muslim nor looked like Castro...

And yes I am looking for that Japanese wife. But fuck that clean shaven steelo, son. The dames over there don't be feeling that baled faced steez. They want the wild. King of the jungle.
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Re: Would you ever get a tour of N. Korea?

Postby ShOzO MiZuKi » Mon Jan 13, 2014 11:52 pm


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Re: Would you ever get a tour of N. Korea?

Postby south carmain » Tue Jan 14, 2014 12:34 am

mue 26 wrote: Respect, that was considered post. But what do I do about the women!? How do I make the Castro look work for me without looking like a Muslim? Or how do I look Muslim enough to fool the Muslim women until I soften them up enough to reveal I'm really a lovable infidel?

you need a cigar and one of those hats he wears

Personally I would visit NK, always fascinated me and I want to ask the dear leader for some tips on how to properly opres.. I mean make my people love me for when I found my own country.
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Re: Would you ever get a tour of N. Korea?

Postby mue 26 » Tue Jan 14, 2014 8:12 pm

Are Muslims not allowed to smoke cigars? That could work. Or, I could walk around everywhere with a can of cheap brew in my hand like I was just about to crack it open. But that would lock me out of muslim womens hearts and that's not good. I'm also thinking of getting a skull cap to go with my naturally curly sideburns so I can mack on the Jewish dime pieces I see all the time (I live like next to a synagogue). What do you think SC, could I pass for it? Shit, just imagine if I had access to Marxist, Musllim, Jewish and Japanese honeys. The dream. And @ Shozo, I'm not trolling, that was honestly a true story about that girl and me.

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Re: Would you ever get a tour of N. Korea?

Postby south carmain » Wed Jan 15, 2014 5:24 pm

Technically not but it's something mostly ignored as you can see by all the shisha bars in muslim countries. That said fat cigars are pretty much a trademark of cuba and if i saw a bearded guy smoking a cigar i wouldnt assume he was a muslim, at least not a religious one.

Or you could leave the greatest city in the world to a place where people dont associate massive beards with muslims i guess
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Re: Would you ever get a tour of N. Korea?

Postby mue 26 » Wed Jan 15, 2014 8:56 pm

White boys can still get away with beards in London without the Muslim association though, provided they aren't in the full on garb to. I see them all the bloody time, and it annoys me because they have beards grown for fashion purposes, not for revolutionary purposes or because they are real men who are just plain lazy like me.
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