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Re: New Members Introduce Yourself!

PostPosted: Thu May 15, 2014 3:12 pm
by Razivoid
Hi all,

Razivoid (or Raziel in previous years). Lives in UK. Obviously a die-hard fan from day 1.
I've been travelling through the internet since adolescence but not made much communication through these forums. Probably due to my adolescence.

I decided that it would be a good idea to exhibit my project intentions on the most renowned Shenmue community forum. In February I was playing around with the Unity game engine and discovered my potential to create a 3D mobile game and publish a working version. The idea was originally conceived as an "Interactive, 3D, Shenmue capsule toy collection experience" app. Now my ambition is to make the app more interactive with additional mini-games and events. I wonder where my inspiration comes from?

I decided to launch a starter app in the Android store "Shenmue Apps". It is really to test the reaction of the community, and it will help me with the development of "Shenmue Mobile".
Go to the Shenmue Apps topic

This forum seems like a great community, I look forward to chatting to some good people!

Re: New Members Introduce Yourself!

PostPosted: Sun Jun 01, 2014 1:40 am
by LeeringShrimp
Been a fan of Shenmue since 2000 when I got it for my 6th grade Christmas present. Been waiting for a sequel since my 8th grade Christmas vacation presented me with a green floating sword and a pile of unanswered questions. Still find myself googling "Shenmue III" every couple of weeks.

Live in the states, currently beginning my 3rd year of med school, (two more years until I'm the Real Doctor!)
I love talking to people about medicine and science in general if that comes up, and I especially like talking about medicine stuff to non-medical people.

Top five games I've played that I can think of off the top of my head:
To the Moon
Final Fantasy VIII
Brutal Legend
Mass Effect (series)
Ninja Gaiden

Other interests in no particular order: heavy metal, lacrosse, math, classical music, anki flash cards, neurology

Re: New Members Introduce Yourself!

PostPosted: Wed Jun 04, 2014 12:56 pm
by ryo hazuki97
Nahovil wrote:
ryo hazuki97 wrote: Thanks for the warm welcome!

Welcome. Have you known the game for long? What made you interested in playing the game now?

I am sorry for the extremely late reply (finishing senior year of high school). I finished the game too.I've known about the game since about december of 2013, so I haven't known about it for long, though i'm happy I found out about it. I've practiced a style of karate (shotokan) for about 10 years now, plus i've been fascinated in the japanese culture since I was a kid. Naturally I had to see what this game was about when I found out about the historical accurracy the game showed. Plus I have to say the community of fans this game has is very friendly and this dojo seems to be the best forum i've joined. Again, very sorry for the late reply.

Thoughts after playing first game: "where were you all my life?".

Re: New Members Introduce Yourself!

PostPosted: Sun Jun 08, 2014 8:01 pm
by SnowyHarbor
Hey everyone! Thanks for the warm welcome at the Dojo. I'm glad to finally be registered after all of the lurking.. I've just never been big on forums so it took me a while. I'm a web developer by trade, but am looking to possibly use some of these skills to move into the games industry so that I'm doing something I'm more passionate about. I want to do what I love and make a difference in the world too, so I'm planning on making games and donating a large portion of each one to charity if I can afford it. I love asian culture, martial arts, games, science/universe stuff, and melodic death metal. Yes, I watch some kawaii-ass anime and then play some death metal right after on the same day lmao.

Basically one random day before spring break in middle school I went into blockbuster and saw Shenmue while poking around.. I've always been into video games, asian culture, martial arts, and (randomly) crazy types of weather since I can remember.. so when I saw the back of the case saying things such as "motion capture with real budo experts", "Magic Weather", etc I rented it right away and knew I was in for a treat.

Long story a little bit shorter ;) I loved every aspect of it, and the combo of playing it during spring break which also used to fall on my birthday created an epic lasting memory. Now every spring I get an urge to replay the Shenmue games and am always looking forward to the conclusion. Even if it never comes they represent some great carefree memories from a simpler time and I'll always cherish that.

I'll go with a similar idea to LeeringShrimp and name a few of my most nostalgic/favorite games (no order).

Shenmue 1/2
LoZ: Link to the Past / LoZ: Ocarina of Time
TES 3: Morrowind / TES V: Skyrim
Metal Gear Solid 1/4
Dark Souls
Mass Effect Series

Cheers \m/. And congrats ryo hazuki97 on finishing high school, that's a pivotal moment!. Annnd I'm always on Steam and would be more than happy to accept a friend request from anyone who loves Shenmue, so feel free to add me if you'd like:

Re: New Members Introduce Yourself!

PostPosted: Sat Jul 05, 2014 11:01 pm
by Shenmuedabest
Hi I'm Craig I've been on this site for a long time but never posted. I've got loads of Shenmue stuff but I really nned to buy the mirror in this topic viewtopic.php?f=2&t=47128
Pls help

Re: New Members Introduce Yourself!

PostPosted: Wed Jul 09, 2014 4:49 pm
by nocturnalsnow
Hey everyone! I was a teenager when my older brother bought a Dreamcast. When he moved away he took the Dreamcast so my mom bought my sister and I a used Dreamcast and played games like Sonic Adventure 1&2,Power Stone, Marvel vs. Capcom and so forth. I'm 30 years old now. I didn't develop an interest in Shenmue until recently. I visited this site for a little bit so far and people would say that Shenmue is such an awesome game on other places online.

So I got curious and bought Shenmue for the same Dreamcast my mom bought for us many years ago this week and I also bought Shenmue 2 for the Xbox along with an Xbox console. Waiting for it in the mail. Can't wait to play it. ^_^

*Edit* Got the chance to play Shenmue on DC but had to send the Xbox console back because it was defective. Someday I'll play Shenmue 2.

Re: New Members Introduce Yourself!

PostPosted: Tue Aug 05, 2014 8:35 pm
by beedle
Hello there I'm kind of the king/leader around here so just listen to my every word and I will protect you

Re: New Members Introduce Yourself!

PostPosted: Wed Aug 13, 2014 7:26 pm
by Kuroneko
Oh, sorry.

I meant to post here and overlooked it!

Anyways I'm 22/female/USA. 8) I knew of this site for ages, but never registered on the forum. I do like how there's still a site dedicated to a game like Shenmue online.

Re: New Members Introduce Yourself!

PostPosted: Wed Aug 13, 2014 8:38 pm
by Axm
Hello and welcome Black Cat :)

Re: New Members Introduce Yourself!

PostPosted: Wed Aug 13, 2014 11:40 pm
by Rakim
A female member? I don't buy it.

Re: New Members Introduce Yourself!

PostPosted: Tue Aug 19, 2014 2:18 pm
by Sonikku
Kuroneko wrote: Oh, sorry.

I meant to post here and overlooked it!

Anyways I'm 22/female/USA. 8) I knew of this site for ages, but never registered on the forum. I do like how there's still a site dedicated to a game like Shenmue online.

First off, welcome to the Dojo. :D

Second, prepare yourself...


Re: New Members Introduce Yourself!

PostPosted: Tue Aug 19, 2014 2:31 pm
by mue 26
Jesus, are internet forums like this actually unable to just treat new female members like normal humans, without referencing their sex in totally lame or creepy ways? It's dehumanizing to always make a song and a dance about a new member being female whenever one joins, and it's no wonder we don't get many.

Re: New Members Introduce Yourself!

PostPosted: Tue Aug 19, 2014 3:08 pm
by Raithos
INB4 Gramps! Oh wait...

Also, welcome to the dojo Kuroneko!

Re: New Members Introduce Yourself!

PostPosted: Tue Aug 19, 2014 3:32 pm
by mue 26
Who is Gramps?

Re: New Members Introduce Yourself!

PostPosted: Wed Aug 20, 2014 6:14 pm
by Yama
mue 26 wrote:Jesus, are internet forums like this actually unable to just treat new female members like normal humans, without referencing their sex in totally lame or creepy ways? It's dehumanizing to always make a song and a dance about a new member being female whenever one joins, and it's no wonder we don't get many.

True, but in the same breath, who references their sex, age and location? Either way, it's whatever...