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Re: Unpopular Opinions

PostPosted: Fri Jan 04, 2013 3:17 pm
by south carmain
mue 26 wrote:
having one myself I have done enough research to answer with certainty that a lot of mental illnesses are for life and that's the first thing you need to accept if you want to learn to live with it and live happily

Yeah fair enough, I can respect that viewpoint if you find that it's helpful for you, and I certainly hear it a lot as it's the conventional line. But at the same time, if I'm honest, I know it's not true. It may not possible through conventional means, but I know it is possible to completely change.

I know that accepting your current circumstance is important, but I personally don't agree that anyone with severe OCD for example, should be told "you will have this condition for life, and will never fully rid yourself of it, you must accept this to be happy". I don't agree with it for two reasons: 1. anyone who tells you that is not being truthful, it's not a certainty by any means, and 2. I don't think it's impossible to be happy with your current situation yet still strive to better yourself.

but that would lead them in the wrong way, to "cure" from a mental illness you need to learn to have complete control over it, and that's why its important that the patient understands that it will always be there but he has the strength over it, you see the potential of OCD will be there as long as the person has negative thoughts, the same goes for skizophrenia, this is why these are impossible to completely cure because they are directly attached to human nature, so either you drug the fuck out of the guy so he is unable to have these thoughts or you teach him how to gain control over his emotions so he can block it half way through

Re: Unpopular Opinions

PostPosted: Fri Jan 04, 2013 3:56 pm
by Bluecast
Mild Aspergers
Post Dramatic Stress Disorder
Sever Anxiety
Schizoid Personality Disorder

These I have been diagnosed with in my lifetime.

ADD 99% under control no meds
OCD 95% under control no meds
MA no treatment
PDSD still there but not as severe as it was a year ago. No drugs just got in a better situation and over time less stress
SA still there but therapy has made me able to cope much better. I am on meds but they don;t do the whole job
SPD in therapy.

What does this say. Well maybe we can't cure all Mental illness now. But we can treat a lot of it fairly well.
Can we cure it? Well not really. Cure means it never comes back period in anyone. We can treat some to the point it's almost a non issue. In time with better understanding and better treatments in the medical field we may get rid of any mental illness at birth or before as we have some diseases. I'm sure it's possible. Just not now.

Re: Unpopular Opinions

PostPosted: Fri Jan 04, 2013 4:13 pm
by MiTT3NZ
All of this is irrelevant. We need to stop looking for cures for individual things and work on a cure for mortality.

Re: Unpopular Opinions

PostPosted: Fri Jan 04, 2013 4:42 pm
by Sonikku
I can just imagine the kind of hilarity that would ensure if there was a cure for mortality and with it all healthcare woes. :lol: Politicians would lament no one on social security dying, ever. The powerful pharmaceutical industry would call in their campaign donation favors to make such a thing illegal to preserve their business model of making drugs people have to take every day to keep their illnesses temporarily at bay. Fox News would call the cure "anti-business" and punishing of the success of job creators. It would turn life as we know it upside down. :P

Re: Unpopular Opinions

PostPosted: Fri Jan 04, 2013 5:01 pm
by mue 26
south carmain wrote:
but that would lead them in the wrong way, to "cure" from a mental illness you need to learn to have complete control over it, and that's why its important that the patient understands that it will always be there but he has the strength over it, you see the potential of OCD will be there as long as the person has negative thoughts, the same goes for skizophrenia, this is why these are impossible to completely cure because they are directly attached to human nature, so either you drug the fuck out of the guy so he is unable to have these thoughts or you teach him how to gain control over his emotions so he can block it half way through

I completely agree that gaining control over it is essential, the most important first thing is always learning how to gain that kind of control. But I guess it just comes down to fact that ultimately I do believe it is possible to cure these conditions, like I said it's not easy, it would require a hell of a lot of work, but there are ways to change your entire constitution, your mind, your body. not through drugs, but practices like Tai Ji or Qi Gong, and there are probably all kinds of different ways too. It's not for everyone, 99% of people don't have the raw dedication it takes to achieve that kind of constitutional change, but it is achievable.

I'm not against teaching people practical and pragmatic ways of gaining control over an existing condition, I just don't agree with people (experts or otherwise) telling people that "learning to live with it" is all they can ever hope for, and thus predetermining their fate. Because if you don't believe that anything more is possible, it isn't.

Re: Unpopular Opinions

PostPosted: Fri Jan 04, 2013 5:17 pm
by MiTT3NZ
They should make it a challenge. Like they invite a million people into a booth one at a time. One lucky person gets immortality, 999,999 people get a point-blank shot from a silenced pistol. Good way of population control.

Re: Unpopular Opinions

PostPosted: Sat Jan 05, 2013 4:05 am
by south carmain
mue 26 wrote:
south carmain wrote:
but that would lead them in the wrong way, to "cure" from a mental illness you need to learn to have complete control over it, and that's why its important that the patient understands that it will always be there but he has the strength over it, you see the potential of OCD will be there as long as the person has negative thoughts, the same goes for skizophrenia, this is why these are impossible to completely cure because they are directly attached to human nature, so either you drug the fuck out of the guy so he is unable to have these thoughts or you teach him how to gain control over his emotions so he can block it half way through

I completely agree that gaining control over it is essential, the most important first thing is always learning how to gain that kind of control. But I guess it just comes down to fact that ultimately I do believe it is possible to cure these conditions, like I said it's not easy, it would require a hell of a lot of work, but there are ways to change your entire constitution, your mind, your body. not through drugs, but practices like Tai Ji or Qi Gong, and there are probably all kinds of different ways too. It's not for everyone, 99% of people don't have the raw dedication it takes to achieve that kind of constitutional change, but it is achievable.

I'm not against teaching people practical and pragmatic ways of gaining control over an existing condition, I just don't agree with people (experts or otherwise) telling people that "learning to live with it" is all they can ever hope for, and thus predetermining their fate. Because if you don't believe that anything more is possible, it isn't.

well maybe that is possible but so far no one has discovered the ultimate cure, as of now the best we can do is control the symptoms and minimise them so they are barely noticeable but as for making it go away completely for ever we have yet to find a solution

personally I have beaten it twice already and went months without one symptom but all it takes is a sudden change in your life or a lot of stress and it comes back full blown, you could use meditation and relaxation techniques like you are talking about to control it and stop it yes but that won't kill it, it will only keep it away as long as you manage to keep the state of mind you are aiming to achieve through these methods.

Re: Unpopular Opinions

PostPosted: Sat Jan 05, 2013 4:06 pm
by mue 26
you could use meditation and relaxation techniques like you are talking about to control it and stop it yes but that won't kill it, it will only keep it away as long as you manage to keep the state of mind you are aiming to achieve through these methods.

Yeah, but the relaxation and mind control is more by products of the techniques I was talking about. I was more talking about changing your entire energy, and thus your body. Changing your pre-natal Qi (which is basically your entire natural constitution) is the long term goal.

Re: Unpopular Opinions

PostPosted: Sun Jan 06, 2013 9:36 am
by St. Elmo's Fire
Having read both sides of this argument, both sides do have good points, it has to be said.

Re: Unpopular Opinions

PostPosted: Mon Jan 14, 2013 6:31 pm
by Perfect_Chaos
Shenmue2X > Shenmue2DC

Re: Unpopular Opinions

PostPosted: Mon Jan 14, 2013 10:05 pm
by mue 26

Re: Unpopular Opinions

PostPosted: Tue Jan 15, 2013 3:19 am
by OL
Ryudo wrote: Post Dramatic Stress Disorder

It's Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. PTSD.

The way you say it, it's like getting really anxious after watching a soap opera.

Re: Unpopular Opinions

PostPosted: Tue Jan 15, 2013 6:48 am
by KiBa
Maybe he was referring to our traditional, near-ritual, biannual "I hate you, and I'll leave for good this time!" Dojo drama.

Re: Unpopular Opinions

PostPosted: Sun Jan 20, 2013 8:35 pm
by ShenmueTree
I actually really like X-Men 3 - The Last Stand.

I found it very refreshing how the good guys weren't completely invincible and how some of them died. It just seems more realistic, I guess.

Now, in comic-book canon it is quite different but still I really liked that movie.

Re: Unpopular Opinions

PostPosted: Sun Jan 20, 2013 9:41 pm
by Axm
Im surprised I havent posted that much in this thread.
Oooooh I can just see the flames incoming for this one.. here I go..

Think ive said it before, but I think Valve games are over-rated. I've playn them all and have been bored to death of them all. Including Counter-Strike which would be the best of the lot imo but still, janky hit boxes and bugs galore kill it.

I also liked FF13 and FF13-2. 13's linearity aside I like them mostly for the battle system which I think is innovative and fun. It allows you to watch the action take place with its beautiful graphics while controlling your characters specialties on the fly. Really well thought out imho.

PSP had a better library than DS. But thats ofcourse just me, Nintendo is good and all but im a Sony fanboy more than anything else. My DS was either being played by my wife or collecting dust. My PSP however was always being playn. I know its opposite for many of you though. Same is now happening again with my 3DS vs. Vita. Im playing way more Vita than I am 3DS. But I think 3DS in the end will have a great library and I will still play it plenty enough.

Heavy Rain was an amazing game. Totally loved it. Cant wait for Beyond: Two Souls.
Second half of Indigo Prophecy sucked balls though.

Apple is great. You anti-conformist-conformists are conforming to your conformist overlords while I conform to mine.
Deal with it. It's a company, not Santa Clause or your mommy.