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Re: Politics

PostPosted: Fri Jun 30, 2017 6:27 am
by Mr. Frozen
As per supreme court ruling, Trump's travel restrictions took effect on Tuesday. I issued quite a few "I told you so's" earlier this week. Been doing that quite a bit since Trump was elected, and to be honest I never grow tired of it. Also recently the NYT has redacted their story about 17 intelligence agencies confirming the russian collusion bullshit. I can talk about how that story was bullshit for days, but I'll just prepare a few more "I told you so's" for dissemination in the near future.

A law has recently been passed through congress limiting funds to "sanctuary cities" which blatantly ignore federal laws regarding immigration. Next step is it getting through the senate, but I do not think it will have any problem getting passed there either considering this is literally forcing these cities to enforce already existing laws.

Re: Politics

PostPosted: Mon Jul 03, 2017 4:55 am
by Kenny
That "Russia hacked the election" bullshit needs to fucking go.

I've been looking at news on my Facebook feed and on my youtube political channels everyday since Sanders got fucked over by the DNC and it still infuriates me they still prefer to focus on that and the latest man-baby twitter "metldown" ramblings from a supposed president.

We have way more important issues to focus on than that. Especially since the ultimate point of the Russia thing is the fact the public now knows how fucking crooked the Democratic establishment was. So you got caught being a bunch of conniving crooks...and somehow it's some foreign entity's fault that the Democratic establishment was outed as crooked? And you can't even prove they even sanctioned it, let alone did it, so you let your mainstream American propaganda wing beat the war drums for the neo-cons?

Bunch of horseshit. If they try and install another corporate fucking crook for 2020, I'm voting for Trump if he's still gonna be even around. I rather see this place crash and burn than keep playing the same stupid game.

Re: Politics

PostPosted: Mon Jul 03, 2017 1:55 pm
by mrandyk
Kenny wrote: That "Russia hacked the election" bullshit needs to fucking go.

I've been looking at news on my Facebook feed and on my youtube political channels everyday since Sanders got fucked over by the DNC and it still infuriates me they still prefer to focus on that and the latest man-baby twitter "metldown" ramblings from a supposed president.

We have way more important issues to focus on than that. Especially since the ultimate point of the Russia thing is the fact the public now knows how fucking crooked the Democratic establishment was. So you got caught being a bunch of conniving crooks...and somehow it's some foreign entity's fault that the Democratic establishment was outed as crooked? And you can't even prove they even sanctioned it, let alone did it, so you let your mainstream American propaganda wing beat the war drums for the neo-cons?

Bunch of horseshit. If they try and install another corporate fucking crook for 2020, I'm voting for Trump if he's still gonna be even around. I rather see this place crash and burn than keep playing the same stupid game.

You think that a foreign country influencing our election isn't important? Don't make this a partisan issue. Everyone is affected here.

Re: Politics

PostPosted: Tue Jul 04, 2017 1:39 am
by Mr357
mrandyk wrote:You think that a foreign country influencing our election isn't important? Don't make this a partisan issue. Everyone is affected here.

The issue is that there's no evidence of anything of that sort happening, yet the media outlets drone on about it 7 days a week because it's great for their ratings. They do not care about the truth or real journalism.

Re: Politics

PostPosted: Tue Jul 04, 2017 8:29 pm
by Mr. Frozen
Mr357 wrote:
mrandyk wrote:You think that a foreign country influencing our election isn't important? Don't make this a partisan issue. Everyone is affected here.

The issue is that there's no evidence of anything of that sort happening, yet the media outlets drone on about it 7 days a week because it's great for their ratings. They do not care about the truth or real journalism.

Exactly. There is also the obvious bias that ignores other problems that have been proven, such as the DNC deliberately manipulating their own election while trying to maintain the impression that it is a fair contest. This whole unsubstantiated Russia nonsense only exists because the DNC wanted to divert the attention from the e-mail leaks.

Re: Politics

PostPosted: Wed Jul 05, 2017 1:50 pm
by Mr. Frozen
There is a bit of a CNN shitstorm occurring on the internet today. Apparently some guy made a simple gif, showing Trump bodyslammign CNN, which the president tweeted on his personal twitter account, and the official @POTUS account: ... 7168071680

CNN is extremely butthurt over this, trying to claim that this is the president enticing violence against them. They found out who created the gif (which wasn't hard since the dude posted on the_donald subbredit about how excited he was that President Trump tweeted something he created.

Earlier today he posted an apology saying he regrets making the gif and he wished he considered the consequences of releasing that gif. Anyone who spends any time on the internet would immediately mark this apology as bullshit. CNN then publishes this article, which further sheds light on what really was going on. The most important part of the article is this section:

CNN is not publishing "HanA**holeSolo's" name because he is a private citizen who has issued an extensive statement of apology, showed his remorse by saying he has taken down all his offending posts, and because he said he is not going to repeat this ugly behavior on social media again. In addition, he said his statement could serve as an example to others not to do the same.

CNN reserves the right to publish his identity should any of that change.

It is likely CNN talked to the dude, saying that they would release his real name, which will destroy his life because of racist posts that were found on his reddit account. The guy really didn't want this to happen so he obliged and wrote up an apology. This apology was removed from the_donald, bt the way, so the only proof of it ever existing is through that CNN article.

At any rate, this reeks of criminal coercion and should be taken to court. Problem is that the reddit user has to reveal his identity if this is taken to court, which is typically the problem with cases involving coercion. I am not a lawyer so I don't know if there is any way that this guy can remain anonymous in court, but since this is something that involves the actions of a president who is also a very wealthy businessman, it is not a simple case of a big news company going after a little guy. This guy potentially has the backing of the president and his legal team. Can be yuge.

If I was the guy I would try to milk this shit for all it is worth. He could get a real nice settlement out of this, a settlement that would help mitigate any damage that may be done to his character if he chooses to come forward with it.

Re: Politics

PostPosted: Wed Jul 05, 2017 7:40 pm
by shredingskin
The next step is internet surveillance and persecution of wrongthink like in germany.

Thank you left for bringing back again fascism, we really needed that.

Re: Politics

PostPosted: Thu Jul 06, 2017 8:38 am
by elfshadowreaper
I think the guy should pursue legal action. CNN clearly blackmailed him for exercising his right to free speech. Is he interested to learn how they got his real name. If they used those investigatory skills into political corruption on BOTH sides they could win back their credibility. But they're too busy trashing Trump at every turn and looking for a redditor who made a gif.

Re: Politics

PostPosted: Thu Jul 06, 2017 7:46 pm
by mrandyk
Mr. Frozen wrote:
Mr357 wrote:
mrandyk wrote:You think that a foreign country influencing our election isn't important? Don't make this a partisan issue. Everyone is affected here.

The issue is that there's no evidence of anything of that sort happening, yet the media outlets drone on about it 7 days a week because it's great for their ratings. They do not care about the truth or real journalism.

Exactly. There is also the obvious bias that ignores other problems that have been proven, such as the DNC deliberately manipulating their own election while trying to maintain the impression that it is a fair contest. This whole unsubstantiated Russia nonsense only exists because the DNC wanted to divert the attention from the e-mail leaks.

No evidence? The CIA has publicly stated that the Russians hacked the DNC servers with the intent of helping to elect Trump. A foreign power worked to influence our election, and that is entirely unacceptable.

Re: Politics

PostPosted: Fri Jul 07, 2017 3:28 am
by Mr. Frozen
mrandyk wrote:
Mr. Frozen wrote:
Mr357 wrote:
mrandyk wrote:You think that a foreign country influencing our election isn't important? Don't make this a partisan issue. Everyone is affected here.

The issue is that there's no evidence of anything of that sort happening, yet the media outlets drone on about it 7 days a week because it's great for their ratings. They do not care about the truth or real journalism.

Exactly. There is also the obvious bias that ignores other problems that have been proven, such as the DNC deliberately manipulating their own election while trying to maintain the impression that it is a fair contest. This whole unsubstantiated Russia nonsense only exists because the DNC wanted to divert the attention from the e-mail leaks.

No evidence? The CIA has publicly stated that the Russians hacked the DNC servers with the intent of helping to elect Trump. A foreign power worked to influence our election, and that is entirely unacceptable.

The only evidence they have is that basically a Russian IP was used, and perhaps some code was compiled in a Russian time zone. To Netflix I am British whenever I want to watch Dr. Who. Their "evidence" is as flimsier than a wet noodle. If the media really cared about Russian influence, this would've been priority news for literally every single presidential election since the cold war.

I'm not saying that foreign powers interfering in the election, but the US is a superpower and has the attention of many people. As voters, we have more important things to worry about such as the policies that are being passed right now that are influencing our daily life. Talk about how shit you think the replacement to Obamacare is, or how you think our elected officials are trying to make the rich richer, but don't waste your time on this Russian nonsense. Hell, what about what this whole Russia nonsense is trying to coverup - the blatant corruption of the DNC? Corruption that officials in office RIGHT NOW took part in? The Russia narrative is beneficial for the media because it keeps people's mind preoccupied with something that they can fabricate whatever wishy washy nonsense they want, which keeps eyeballs on their news articles and television channels. That is literally the only power the media has, to influence what you are thinking about, and they have gotten very effective at it. Don't let them manipulate you.

Re: Politics

PostPosted: Fri Jul 07, 2017 9:50 am
by elfshadowreaper
I think an election issue much bigger than alleged foreign hacking is voter fraud.

Re: Politics

PostPosted: Fri Jul 07, 2017 4:42 pm
by KiBa
mrandyk wrote:A foreign power worked to influence our election, and that is entirely unacceptable.

No, it would be unacceptable if the U.S. literally didn't blatantly influence every single election or foreign government decision in the entire world for a century straight. As it is, you can't have a free press and simultaneously filter out everything foreigners say about U.S. elections in order to influence them. An influence-less election is not a free election. A free society has to presume its voters are intelligent enough to inform themselves before they vote. The assumption that Americans are not smart enough to interpret anything but an official filtered narrative is the exact opposite of liberalism, and quite frankly I'm shocked the Democratic Party is taking this authoritarian position. They're all but advocating for an "official" news network combined with a ban on social media to "save our elections from the Russians". This is an incredibly quick obliteration of liberal values in America, much worse than anything Bush did to the constitution. When corporate news spends all its time telling us what isn't real news rather than reporting the news as they see it, this is no longer journalism -- it's a political party. The people decide what is news by choosing what to listen to. No, sir, I don't like it!

Re: Politics

PostPosted: Sun Jul 09, 2017 10:22 pm
by mrandyk
Mr. Frozen wrote:
mrandyk wrote:
Mr. Frozen wrote:
Mr357 wrote:
mrandyk wrote:You think that a foreign country influencing our election isn't important? Don't make this a partisan issue. Everyone is affected here.

The issue is that there's no evidence of anything of that sort happening, yet the media outlets drone on about it 7 days a week because it's great for their ratings. They do not care about the truth or real journalism.

Exactly. There is also the obvious bias that ignores other problems that have been proven, such as the DNC deliberately manipulating their own election while trying to maintain the impression that it is a fair contest. This whole unsubstantiated Russia nonsense only exists because the DNC wanted to divert the attention from the e-mail leaks.

No evidence? The CIA has publicly stated that the Russians hacked the DNC servers with the intent of helping to elect Trump. A foreign power worked to influence our election, and that is entirely unacceptable.

The only evidence they have is that basically a Russian IP was used, and perhaps some code was compiled in a Russian time zone. To Netflix I am British whenever I want to watch Dr. Who. Their "evidence" is as flimsier than a wet noodle. If the media really cared about Russian influence, this would've been priority news for literally every single presidential election since the cold war.

I'm not saying that foreign powers interfering in the election, but the US is a superpower and has the attention of many people. As voters, we have more important things to worry about such as the policies that are being passed right now that are influencing our daily life. Talk about how shit you think the replacement to Obamacare is, or how you think our elected officials are trying to make the rich richer, but don't waste your time on this Russian nonsense. Hell, what about what this whole Russia nonsense is trying to coverup - the blatant corruption of the DNC? Corruption that officials in office RIGHT NOW took part in? The Russia narrative is beneficial for the media because it keeps people's mind preoccupied with something that they can fabricate whatever wishy washy nonsense they want, which keeps eyeballs on their news articles and television channels. That is literally the only power the media has, to influence what you are thinking about, and they have gotten very effective at it. Don't let them manipulate you.

The number of connections that Trump's people have to the Russians can't be brushed off. He could come out of this whole thing innocent, but there is an incredible amount of smoke surrounding the whole thing. Robert Mueller wouldn't be leading a special counsel investigating Russian involvement if there was no substance. There will be sensational clickbait and baseless articles out there, but it is our job to vet our sources and block out those publishing (actually) fake news.

I would be more outraged at the exposed corruption of the DNC if I could count on the RNC to be any less corrupt. I'm sure the RNC had similarly appalling internal emails about stopping the outsider from stealing the nomination. The Republicans are publicly exhibiting gross corruption right now by actively seeking to downscale health care in the name of self-profit and petty partisan grudges. Both organizations are career politicians working, for the most part, to pursue their own selfish interests. We would be wise to distance ourselves from these institutions and elect people who truly wish to improve our nation.

Re: Politics

PostPosted: Sun Jul 09, 2017 10:26 pm
by mrandyk
elfshadowreaper wrote: I think an election issue much bigger than alleged foreign hacking is voter fraud.

Care to expound on this thought? The voter fraud would have to be incredibly widespread to affect the election, and there have been very very few cases recently. Honestly, Trump's baseless claims of millions of illegal immigrants voting is more damaging than whatever little fraud exists.

Re: Politics

PostPosted: Sun Jul 09, 2017 10:28 pm
by mrandyk
KiBa wrote:
mrandyk wrote:A foreign power worked to influence our election, and that is entirely unacceptable.

No, it would be unacceptable if the U.S. literally didn't blatantly influence every single election or foreign government decision in the entire world for a century straight. As it is, you can't have a free press and simultaneously filter out everything foreigners say about U.S. elections in order to influence them. An influence-less election is not a free election. A free society has to presume its voters are intelligent enough to inform themselves before they vote. The assumption that Americans are not smart enough to interpret anything but an official filtered narrative is the exact opposite of liberalism, and quite frankly I'm shocked the Democratic Party is taking this authoritarian position. They're all but advocating for an "official" news network combined with a ban on social media to "save our elections from the Russians". This is an incredibly quick obliteration of liberal values in America, much worse than anything Bush did to the constitution. When corporate news spends all its time telling us what isn't real news rather than reporting the news as they see it, this is no longer journalism -- it's a political party. The people decide what is news by choosing what to listen to. No, sir, I don't like it!

Please share your sources on any elected officials advocating for state run media and an outright ban on social media.