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Re: Things that pissed you off

PostPosted: Tue Sep 18, 2012 7:57 am
by ys
Having an uncertain future due to things going wrong for over a year pisses me off.
Like Kenny's post, that kind of "administrative" stuff combined with doubts about future work, studying, conflicting schedules, maybe having to move again,... And all pose dilemma's where every choice is a mix of good and bad. Maybe I'll get a secretary to sort out my life? :P

Re: Things that pissed you off

PostPosted: Tue Sep 18, 2012 11:28 am
by wude
same here, life is a bitch *_*

Re: Things that pissed you off

PostPosted: Fri Sep 21, 2012 4:37 pm
by Sonikku
Are you SURE you want to open that web browser like you've done a million times before?

Are you CERTAIN you want to run that Diablo game application?

How about this time?

and this time?

And this time?


-Windows Vista User Account Control

Re: Things that pissed you off

PostPosted: Fri Sep 21, 2012 9:56 pm
by KiBa
You know what pisses me off? Windows shutting down without my permission, by itself, while I'm USING IT, for my safety.

Re: Things that pissed you off

PostPosted: Fri Sep 21, 2012 10:13 pm
by Spokane
You must be looking up some really risque stuff there KiBa.

Re: Things that pissed you off

PostPosted: Fri Sep 21, 2012 10:21 pm
by Dorian
Nature pissed me off. My cat gave birth, but two kittens were dead on arrival. Fuck sick shit like that.

Re: Things that pissed you off

PostPosted: Fri Sep 21, 2012 11:36 pm
by KiBa
^ Sadness.

Spokane wrote: You must be looking up some really risque stuff there KiBa.

Yeah, the Dojo.

It's anti-virus updates. Anyhow, McAfee has now been replaced by Ad-Aware, and Windows Updates has been permanently deactivated.

Re: Things that pissed you off

PostPosted: Thu Sep 27, 2012 2:58 pm
by Who Really Cares?

Chewed the pipe for the dishwasher and now the kitchen is flooded. Do those plug in device that give off the ultra sonic sound actually work and drive mice out?

Re: Things that pissed you off

PostPosted: Thu Oct 04, 2012 2:14 am
by KiBa
As soon as the following happened to me five minutes ago, I was like, "I have to go post this in 'Things that pissed you off' on the Shenmue Dojo."

So, it's the middle of the night in the middle of America, and I need some food. I go to the kitchen (huge red ant problems, so I'm extra careful about not leaving crumbs anywhere). It's dark; I just have one small lamp on the counter. I open my box of Special K, take out the bag, and pour some in a bowl. Then I carefully start rolling down the top of the now half empty plastic cereal bag in order to put a clip on it before sticking back in the cardboard box. You get the idea. Well, the bottom of the bag blows out! I'm still in a state of shock as I type this. Every damned inch of my kitchen is covered with bottom-of-the-bag micro crumbs, and it's all stuck in my sneakers, spreading it all over the apartment (you know, for the cockroaches!). I have never experienced a domestic disaster of this magnitude before.

Re: Things that pissed you off

PostPosted: Thu Oct 04, 2012 2:28 am
by Bluecast
Ants mice and cockroaches with you guys. Nice to live 8 stories up with not a bug in sight. Tho I know the pain when I lived in a basement apt. Ugh spiders ants and everything else..except mice and cockroaches.

@WRC I used to have one never saw mice but didn't work for shit on bugs

Re: Things that pissed you off

PostPosted: Thu Oct 04, 2012 2:43 am
by KiBa
Yeah, I used to live atop a nice tower, and it was always clean. Now I'm on the bottom floor, and it's truly... humbling.

Re: Things that pissed you off

PostPosted: Thu Oct 04, 2012 9:06 am
by ThyDarkAngel
KiBa wrote: Yeah, I used to live atop a nice tower...

You never fooled me.


by ys

Having an uncertain future due to things going wrong for over a year pisses me off.
Like Kenny's post, that kind of "administrative" stuff combined with doubts about future work, studying, conflicting schedules, maybe having to move again,... And all pose dilemma's where every choice is a mix of good and bad. Maybe I'll get a secretary to sort out my life?

Here you go, breast milk is perfect for a school boy.


Re: Things that pissed you off

PostPosted: Thu Oct 04, 2012 9:57 am
by shengoro86
Bought a new car to save money on my dying Jeep only to find out the car insurance costs a lot more... ](*,)

Re: Things that pissed you off

PostPosted: Thu Oct 04, 2012 2:17 pm
by KiBa
Hell, copays are so high, you could insure insurance. It's absurd and defeats the whole purpose of insurance in the first place. It's a classic case of double-dipping, and it's thus far the most brilliant scheme ever conceived for destroying a nation by financially ruining its citizens. But, as every good vampire knows, there comes a point when your victims are drained of blood. You want insurance? Fine. Everything will cost more, and you'll have to pay for both insurance (now by law) and the thing it was supposed to pay for. Hahahahaha! Bloody bloodsuckers, Mr. Lenin! Wait, what? Jinkies! Obama is actually Romney in an Obama mask, and Romney is actually Obama in a Romney mask! And to think, they would've gotten away with it too, if it weren't for those meddling kids, and Ron Paul too! :P

Re: Things that pissed you off

PostPosted: Sat Oct 06, 2012 10:43 pm
by Sonikku
GAH. Just when I thought Naruto was getting tiresome with the slow pace and filler to the point where I could give it up. BAM! They give us a stand alone kakkashi segment "Boys' Life on the Battlefield" part 1 and 2. I'm trying to get out, but they keep pulling be back in. :mad: