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Re: Dojo history, rivalries & revelations

PostPosted: Mon Apr 06, 2015 9:10 pm
by Chaos
St. Elmo's Fire wrote: viewtopic.php?f=2&t=15894

This topic about some short film aimed at homosexual viewers which used Shenmue references always sticks in my head as a perfect example of over reaction. Some people were seriously outraged! :lol:


I wanna see a video of that

Funny how quickly attitudes changed in the last few years. If that was posted today, I bet just about everyone here would have a laugh about it.

Re: Dojo history, rivalries & revelations

PostPosted: Mon Apr 06, 2015 9:55 pm
by AnimeGamer183
Ok I would like to first bring up N00DL3S, and what started the Jeff vs Jeff (me, the other Jeff) rivalry, even though it was only really a rivalry in the mind of Mr Noodles, and the battle for our affection and lust for our ass holes. And really it started over MSN, when Jeff and I got confessions from noodles of his over bearing love and his conundrum trying to figure out who he liked more, and some how Jeff and I both found out and were forced into a really awkward conversation over MSN (im sure we would have laughed out asses off about it now, which I think we ultimately did in the end, but at the time, it was awkward).

Obviously the whole situation started here, and me and Jeff (mistakenly) gave Noodles our MSN, eventually, we start getting messages from him with questionable content regarding the pleasuring of our penises (and penises in general) and thirst for bodily fluids. WHOA! Red flag! I remember trying to counsel him, I know he was a little younger than me, still in high school at the time I believe, he always talked about porn and other sex related stuff then one day BAM! he wants dicks.

I remember me and jeff trying to explain to him that we were not interested and to back off and I remember it being entirely too serious much less the conversation should have never happened in the first place, but he kept explaining he didnt know who he wanted more, after that being repeated enough times we were forced to block him. And some of the last few conversations with him were the most disturbing, as in his desperation he would describe how far he would go in his sexual acts just for a chance at one of us (either of us by the end, he did not care at that point). To this day I am still not exactly sure how much of it was sincere, it sure seemed sincere at the time, he was such an odd fellow when he posted here and one on one over MSN was just too damn much, I also think he told some other members about his feelings and his complex with me and Jeff and thats ultimately how it all got started.

This sounds fucked up to even say or accept, but I think he realized he was gay/bi talking to me and Jeff. Pretty fucked memory from here, gotta be one of the most disturbing, but looking back on it, also one of the most fucking hilarious too. :lol:

Re: Dojo history, rivalries & revelations

PostPosted: Mon Apr 06, 2015 11:30 pm
by Peter
:rotflmao: =D>

Ahhh the days of MSN. Those were awesome too. My fondest memory of those were with Ziming. Man, we would have some of the greatest all time Shenmue discussions. Some of them all through the night since there was a time difference between here and the States. We bounced so many ideas back and forth and he was good enough to let me in on some shadowed stories and tidbits. Silas used to join in sometimes too which made it go from one level to another. So many many ideas. I know back in the day there were mixed opinions about him (for reasons I can't even remember) but that didn't bother me. It was just one huge Shenmue fan talking to another. I mean some epic convos and he was finding some of the most craziest Shenmue related videos I'd never even think to find. Things like that which led to what he has done for the community today.

Not to come off as too cheesy but the guy has done so much for this community and rarely gets the recognition he deserves. Hats off to Zim.

Whatever happened to Whiteshadow/Daemos? Did he take over the site from Zim before Yama, or have I got that totally wrong? I remember him being a big deal around here though. We never had a run in or anything, but I never felt like he quite seen eye to eye with me. That was one of the reasons I turned down my first moderator offer. Well I say offer, it was through a voting system of the members.

Re: Dojo history, rivalries & revelations

PostPosted: Tue Apr 07, 2015 12:06 pm
by St. Elmo's Fire
Christ yeah that N00dl3s guy was strange, I think he was probably trolling about being gay since he also trolled me about stuff that I was uncomfy with, he kept sending me pics of girls that looked underage and asking me what I thought about them. Then he got angry when I stopped clicking the links in MSN, so I blocked him for a while. When I came back again, he spoke about racism and drugs, but not taking drugs, more like stuff that had been read off Wikipedia or Then I stopped using MSN...

whiteShadow was actually alright I thought, and was quite a formidable person to argue with even without his mod or admin powers, but at the same time seemed to be incredibly fun to troll lightly. Some people took it too far and got a swift ban for it, but that was pretty much to be expected if you pushed him too far.
I remember a fair few funny arguments involving a banned member called Fo0n who was just unbelievably vulgar and rude most of the time.
I always liked Clint but he was also funny to annoy back in the day, though I'm glad I was hiding behind a keyboard when I did it...
Dragnoix and that big topic where he made a sort-of valid comment to a point that I had made that was still true, but just made in more of a rude manner than was necessary. OL agreed, which seemed to turn Dragnoix up to eleven in the rage scale and it resulted in OL having to take up the argument with Dragnoix. Gotta say I'm kinda ashamed of how that topic ended up and my joyous participation in it. ;-)

Anyone remember Captain_Howdy? He's another one like Iden who went back and edited nearly all of his old posts. He also harboured a perpetual grudge against wS for banning him for a week which wS signified with a post that had the offending link removed in quote tags and wS's comment was something like "Enjoy your vacation, bitch." I think that kid had some sort of mental issues though, so maybe not right to laugh...

Re: Dojo history, rivalries & revelations

PostPosted: Tue Apr 07, 2015 1:43 pm
by Peter
Mental issues :lol:

Yea Capt. Howdy went back through every single one of his posts and deleted them. I never understood that. I wish we had links to those topics. I love reading the old topics and looking at all the old avatars and sigs of members who left.

This was the first full T.O.S.D. back in 2004, followed by the results:

The results were so big it spanned 3 topics :lol:

Part 1: viewtopic.php?f=2&t=13782

Part 2: viewtopic.php?f=2&t=13870

Part 3: viewtopic.php?f=2&t=13872

Re: Dojo history, rivalries & revelations

PostPosted: Tue Apr 07, 2015 7:16 pm
by Sonikku
Peter wrote: :rotflmao: =D>

Ahhh the days of MSN. Those were awesome too. My fondest memory of those were with Ziming. Man, we would have some of the greatest all time Shenmue discussions. Some of them all through the night since there was a time difference between here and the States. We bounced so many ideas back and forth and he was good enough to let me in on some shadowed stories and tidbits. Silas used to join in sometimes too which made it go from one level to another. So many many ideas. I know back in the day there were mixed opinions about him (for reasons I can't even remember) but that didn't bother me. It was just one huge Shenmue fan talking to another. I mean some epic convos and he was finding some of the most craziest Shenmue related videos I'd never even think to find. Things like that which led to what he has done for the community today.

Not to come off as too cheesy but the guy has done so much for this community and rarely gets the recognition he deserves. Hats off to Zim.

Whatever happened to Whiteshadow/Daemos? Did he take over the site from Zim before Yama, or have I got that totally wrong? I remember him being a big deal around here though. We never had a run in or anything, but I never felt like he quite seen eye to eye with me. That was one of the reasons I turned down my first moderator offer. Well I say offer, it was through a voting system of the members.

Ah yes, I remember now. You and I were in a dead heat for General Discussion. The vote took place in the Sanctuary board, whiteShadow's brainchild created in an effort to give the community more say in the running of the Dojo. I won by a single vote. \:D/ Then I learned being a Moderator was basically a glorified janitor. ](*,) Especially in the Louis/Teepo days! I recall ziming giving you and I both admin privileges temporarily at one point just to help clean out the slog when they REALLY went nuts. He told me how grateful he was for your effort that evening. Even then I knew you would be a mod someday, regardless of the vote.

Re: Dojo history, rivalries & revelations

PostPosted: Tue Apr 07, 2015 7:28 pm
by Peter
Ah yea, we were neck and neck for GD, but I got most votes for the Shenmue forums. I was all set until I thought about it a lot and didnt want to be on that side of the fence with how the climate of the Dojo was at that time. I thought about it for ages too. It went to Kiyuu after that which I didnt mind at all.
Yea, I remember Zim making us mods for that clean up, it was a disaster zone! Some attack it was! It was the older style forums and I remember getting freaked out by all of the buttons and their commands, but we got the job done.

I dont know what happened to the Sanctury, did it get re-implemented into GD? Id love to see that voting topic. Im bored here anyways, I will have a search for the lulz.

Oh and I was messing around on google and found this. What fucktard spent all th3 time writing that up? It is funny though :lol:

Re: Dojo history, rivalries & revelations

PostPosted: Tue Apr 07, 2015 10:35 pm
by Supa
Ah, such good times here. In a little over a day, I'll have been here for eleven years.

The one time reporter actually broke some Shenmue news: viewtopic.php?f=5&t=14892

Re: Dojo history, rivalries & revelations

PostPosted: Thu Apr 09, 2015 7:51 pm
by ys
AnimeGamer183 wrote: Ok I would like to first bring up N00DL3S, and what started the Jeff vs Jeff (me, the other Jeff) rivalry, even though it was only really a rivalry in the mind of Mr Noodles, and the battle for our affection and lust for our ass holes.

Hilarious way of summarizing/expressing the situation :lol:

Supa wrote: Ah, such good times here. In a little over a day, I'll have been here for eleven years.

The one time reporter actually broke some Shenmue news: viewtopic.php?f=5&t=14892

Yeah... I still remember his E3-sessions when he was extra active trying to "provide news".
When asked for proof that he was there he did eventually post a picture. Then claimed that some random guy in the background with his back to the camera was him :lol: I'm not sure now but I think that it was a picture of Yu.
Reporter during E3 :
I'm expecting big things, as my connections in Japan have been on the phone all night.
So, if nothing happens, I'm gonna be giving a half dozen apparant insiders a sev beat down!

St. Elmo's Fire wrote:
This topic about some short film aimed at homosexual viewers which used Shenmue references always sticks in my head as a perfect example of over reaction. Some people were seriously outraged! :lol:

I reread a bit of it and was surprised by the different opinions. I remembered it as a bit more one sided for some reason.

Another "revelation" maybe was a member who claimed to have done a porn movie. As proof he mentioned the title months before anything about it was online.

Re: Dojo history, rivalries & revelations

PostPosted: Thu Apr 09, 2015 8:41 pm
by Kenny
AnimeGamer183 wrote: Ok I would like to first bring up N00DL3S, and what started the Jeff vs Jeff (me, the other Jeff) rivalry, even though it was only really a rivalry in the mind of Mr Noodles, and the battle for our affection and lust for our ass holes. And really it started over MSN, when Jeff and I got confessions from noodles of his over bearing love and his conundrum trying to figure out who he liked more, and some how Jeff and I both found out and were forced into a really awkward conversation over MSN (im sure we would have laughed out asses off about it now, which I think we ultimately did in the end, but at the time, it was awkward).

Obviously the whole situation started here, and me and Jeff (mistakenly) gave Noodles our MSN, eventually, we start getting messages from him with questionable content regarding the pleasuring of our penises (and penises in general) and thirst for bodily fluids. WHOA! Red flag! I remember trying to counsel him, I know he was a little younger than me, still in high school at the time I believe, he always talked about porn and other sex related stuff then one day BAM! he wants dicks.

I remember me and jeff trying to explain to him that we were not interested and to back off and I remember it being entirely too serious much less the conversation should have never happened in the first place, but he kept explaining he didnt know who he wanted more, after that being repeated enough times we were forced to block him. And some of the last few conversations with him were the most disturbing, as in his desperation he would describe how far he would go in his sexual acts just for a chance at one of us (either of us by the end, he did not care at that point). To this day I am still not exactly sure how much of it was sincere, it sure seemed sincere at the time, he was such an odd fellow when he posted here and one on one over MSN was just too damn much, I also think he told some other members about his feelings and his complex with me and Jeff and thats ultimately how it all got started.

This sounds fucked up to even say or accept, but I think he realized he was gay/bi talking to me and Jeff. Pretty fucked memory from here, gotta be one of the most disturbing, but looking back on it, also one of the most fucking hilarious too. :lol:

He tried being weird with me one time too and the discussion always veered to IDM. He got me into Boards of Canada.

Re: Dojo history, rivalries & revelations

PostPosted: Fri Apr 10, 2015 8:15 am
by Peter
What's IDM?

Re: Dojo history, rivalries & revelations

PostPosted: Fri Apr 10, 2015 9:31 am
by Latin King
This is great. I vaguely remember some of this stuff, I've been here about 9 years now.

Re: Dojo history, rivalries & revelations

PostPosted: Fri Apr 10, 2015 1:41 pm
by St. Elmo's Fire
NVM... :oops:

Re: Dojo history, rivalries & revelations

PostPosted: Fri Apr 10, 2015 5:21 pm
by Supa
Is it intelligent dance music? A Google search of Boards of Canada tells me they are a Scottish Electronic Band.

Re: Dojo history, rivalries & revelations

PostPosted: Fri Apr 10, 2015 5:32 pm
by Henry Spencer
^It is. However, it's basically used to mean a hybrid of various electronic music genres like ambient/downtempo mixed with techno or trance, for example. Or rather simply put, experimental electronic music.

Anyone remember EWJ? His poll about whether being with a prostitute? Shit was hilarious since practically everybody voted "no" and his reaction was hilarious "yeah, well, erm, I've done and proud of it was in Prague..." Classic stuff.

Found it (hahaha): ... =2&t=28488

Dude was always posting horny stuff on here.