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Re: The Game Of Thrones TV topic

PostPosted: Wed Apr 16, 2014 11:20 pm
by Yokosuka Martian
I'm pretty sure our European royal history is more fucked up than GoT

Re: The Game Of Thrones TV topic

PostPosted: Fri Apr 18, 2014 8:38 pm
by Sonikku

Re: The Game Of Thrones TV topic

PostPosted: Sat Apr 19, 2014 5:49 am
by Henry Spencer
If I was a Game of Thrones character, I'd stay the fuck away from weddings or never get married since it normally involves death in the most ghastly way.

Anyone else who haven't read the books don't know who it could be like me?
I'm thinking it's possibly Loras Tyrell since the dialogue exchange between himself and Jaime went like this: Jaime: You will never marry my sister Loras: Nor will you and then before the big event takes place he walks off. And perhaps it's the pie that was poisoned, not the drink. So it could be a conspiracy of sorts with the Tyrell family being involved with it. Or maybe it's just the obvious answer and it's Oberon Martell.

Poor Tyrion though, the guy never gets a break, does he?

Re: The Game Of Thrones TV topic

PostPosted: Sat Apr 19, 2014 6:35 am
by Bambi
Henry Spencer wrote: If I was a Game of Thrones character, I'd stay the fuck away from weddings or never get married since it normally involves death in the most ghastly way.

Anyone else who haven't read the books don't know who it could be like me?
I'm thinking it's possibly Loras Tyrell since the dialogue exchange between himself and Jaime went like this: Jaime: You will never marry my sister Loras: Nor will you and then before the big event takes place he walks off. And perhaps it's the pie that was poisoned, not the drink. So it could be a conspiracy of sorts with the Tyrell family being involved with it. Or maybe it's just the obvious answer and it's Oberon Martell.

Poor Tyrion though, the guy never gets a break, does he?

I'm guessing Olenna Tyrell (the grandmother) "War is war but killing a man at a wedding... horrid. What sort of a monster would do a thing."

Re: The Game Of Thrones TV topic

PostPosted: Sat Apr 19, 2014 7:27 am
by Peter
After rewatching the episode all fingers do point to grandmother. The cup he was drinking out of was beside her after Tyrion filled it. Or it could have also been something in the pie since he was the only one eating a piece.

Re: The Game Of Thrones TV topic

PostPosted: Sat Apr 19, 2014 9:44 am
by Yokosuka Martian
I think it was his mother

Re: The Game Of Thrones TV topic

PostPosted: Sat Apr 19, 2014 9:58 am
by Bambi
phpBB [video]

Re: The Game Of Thrones TV topic

PostPosted: Mon Apr 21, 2014 6:27 am
by Peter
Bit of a quiet one this week, but least they didn't waste much time more or less revealing who stiffed Joffrey. Oh and good ol' dirty Jamie. What a hero lol!

Re: The Game Of Thrones TV topic

PostPosted: Mon Apr 21, 2014 6:34 am
by Yokosuka Martian
Porkin his sister right next to the freakin corpse. All sorts of messed up

Re: The Game Of Thrones TV topic

PostPosted: Mon Jun 02, 2014 6:24 pm
by Sonikku
Well... fuck.


Re: The Game Of Thrones TV topic

PostPosted: Fri Jun 13, 2014 3:37 pm
by Peter
Not a bad day today ;-)


Re: The Game Of Thrones TV topic

PostPosted: Tue Jun 17, 2014 5:05 pm
by Henry Spencer
The last episode was brilliant and the best series finale yet, imo. Season 3 is still my favourite season overall, I think, but Season 4 was close behind. Lots of new stuff to look forward to in Season 5!

Varys was like "what the hell did you do, bro?" Then he hears the bells ring and is like "ah hell naw, fuck this I'm out" and bails the fuck out. It's going to be a weird/interesting combo of "The Imp" and "The Eunuch". Tyrion has found a new bro to replace his previous bro (Bron). Also Brienne is probably the best fighter in the series right now having beaten both Jaime and The Hound. Yes they were both injured when she fought them both, but they were still incredibly formidable foes that at first definitely underestimate her. Don't fuck with Brienne is the memo that should be passed around Westeros now.

Shame about The Hound though, he was an incredibly grey character that you couldn't help but like. Complete bad-ass incarnate. And is Qyburn a Necromancer or something? I'm going to guess that's what he is since there's no coming back from how fucked up The Mountain was. Thinking about it, a LOT of characters that are from/in King's Landing died this season didn't they? Joffrey, The Mountain (inevitably), The Hound (inevitably), Shae, Tywin etc.

Also damn they killed one of my favourite characters in Tywin, but that scene was perfection between Tywin and Tyrion. Definitely the most...memorable death scene yet, I think.

Re: The Game Of Thrones TV topic

PostPosted: Tue Jun 17, 2014 11:26 pm
by mue 26
Yeah, it was great. Though I don't think it managed to top the jaw dropping heartbreak of the series 3 finale, in my opinion.

The scene with Tyrion killing his dad on the toilet was great though. The only thing I was slightly disappointed by was that The Hound wasn't really given the sendoff he deserved. As Henry said, he was a very grey character, but he was certainly better than most in that world, and he was always pretty good to that girl (and her sister too, despite his rant at the end), so I thought it was incredibly cruel and spiteful of her not to give him the death he wanted. The only thing that would make up for it was if he were to somehow survive and come back in the next series. I'm hopeful, after all I still hold out hope Sean Bean will resurrected at some point [-o<
Also, am I the only one for whom Dragon Queen woman is starting to get on my nerves? She always sounds so pompous (mother of dragons, urburned yadda yadda).

Re: The Game Of Thrones TV topic

PostPosted: Wed Jun 18, 2014 12:31 am
by Sonikku
mue 26 wrote: Yeah, it was great. Though I don't think it managed to top the jaw dropping heartbreak of the series 3 finale, in my opinion.

The scene with Tyrion killing his dad on the toilet was great though. The only thing I was slightly disappointed by was that The Hound wasn't really given the sendoff he deserved. As Henry said, he was a very grey character, but he was certainly better than most in that world, and he was always pretty good to that girl (and her sister too, despite his rant at the end), so I thought it was incredibly cruel and spiteful of her not to give him the death he wanted.

I think that was to show that Arya had come full circle with her gradual transformation. She was no longer an idealistic girl with notions of fairness and honor. She's become a cold blooded killer and is now on her way to becoming a world class assassin.

As for the Hound, same mistakes as what happened with the mountain. He did not respect his opponent. He underestimated her having pegged her as some whipped Lanister lap dog noble decked out in fancy armor, a whole lot of gold and a whole little of actual combat sense. But as so often happens, the moment you lower your guard and underestimate your foe is the moment you risk an early demise. He clearly got more than he bargained for and had he fought balls to the wall from the start he likely would have won.

Re: The Game Of Thrones TV topic

PostPosted: Wed Jun 18, 2014 9:06 am
by mue 26
He might not even have been underestimating her, it didn't really look like he was, though he was perhaps not in the best condition. It was a brilliant fight. Though I still think it was overly harsh of that girl to leave him like that,I mean sure he may have tried to ransom her (thinking it was in her benefit too, to be fair) and killed her friend, but he was clearly very intent on looking after her, even after she became of little value to him, that's essential what he fought that blonde woman over. Still, I'd put money on him making a comeback. But how in the hell did the blonde woman not find and catch up to that girl after all of the hound's bellowing of "KILLLLLLLLLLL MEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!"? :lol:
For me the most brutal and gutting death in the series 4 was that Spanish looking guy by the Mountain. I was like "noooooooooooooooooo". Though that ginger haired girl's death was pretty brutal too :sad:

Sorry I can never remember any of the characters names in this series.