What movie are you watching right now?

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Re: What movie are you watching right now?

Postby Sonikku » Mon Aug 11, 2014 6:18 pm


Very good movie. :) Kind of sad and depressing in way...
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Re: What movie are you watching right now?

Postby Axm » Tue Aug 12, 2014 10:14 am

Good Will Hunting, unfortunately with a Japanese dub.. all the wonderful Boston accents are gone :(
And listening to Robin Williams speak Japanese is just weird.
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Re: What movie are you watching right now?

Postby Raithos » Tue Aug 12, 2014 10:34 pm

Sonikku wrote: Her.

Very good movie. :) Kind of sad and depressing in way...

"Choke me with that dead cat!"

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Re: What movie are you watching right now?

Postby Sonikku » Wed Aug 13, 2014 4:12 pm

That was good. :lol: People have fetishes all over the spectrum.
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Re: What movie are you watching right now?

Postby Kenny » Thu Aug 14, 2014 12:47 am

How to Train Your Dragon.

I didn't really like it that much the first 30 minutes but after that it got really really good. The soundtrack is magnificent and even though I find the character designs kinda ugly, their personalities and the interactions between them more than make up for it.
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Re: What movie are you watching right now?

Postby OL » Thu Aug 14, 2014 3:44 am

Didn't see the whole thing, but I finally saw a good chunk of Frozen.
Honestly, I think it sets American animated film back by about fifteen years. I remember being so shocked yet pleased when I first saw Disney's Tarzan, and saw that they finally had decided against forcing singing numbers into every one of their movies. It was like this crazy revelation that you didn't have to do that shit, and the grand majority of animated films in the US thereafter were thankfully song-less.
But now here we have Frozen, bringing the old song and dance back (they're not even particularly good songs either) and getting uber-popular along the way, so you just know that more animated films are going to take a cue from here on out.
I also just about gagged when the little troll king or whatever actually said "only an act of true love can thaw a frozen heart!"
Jesus, that's just about the single most cliched thing I've heard out of a movie in a long, long time. This is the most uninspired shite imaginable.
And dammit all, why are the makers of these kinds of movies so goddamn incapable of properly casting the "goofy character" roles? The little snowman just sounds like some random white guy. His dialogue and appearance clearly indicates that he's supposed to be the primary comic relief, but there's absolutely nothing in his performance that plays along with that. The jokes all fall flat because the guy playing him just isn't funny. I thought this kind of thing only happened in rare instances (for example the goofy blue fish in Finding Nemo being played by Ellen Degeneres; that shit just didn't work) but clearly I was wrong.

Ugh. And all of that is piled on top of my previous sentiments that the visuals are just... boring.
It's hard to believe that this crap is capable of getting as popular as it has.

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Re: What movie are you watching right now?

Postby Thief » Thu Aug 14, 2014 4:59 am

Sorry OL but I disagree with you almost entirely.

Having a musical theatre like approach to Disney movies is a large part of why I'd consider many of them to be so great. The songs in Frozen -- although not all -- are pretty damn good (specifically the opening song, Love is an Open Door, the instrumental mid section of Do you wanna build a snowman, that fucking bridge to the second verse in Let it Go, and the First Time in Forever reprise) and I think that the Snowman guy was cast perfectly. None of his jokes fell flat in the group I watched it with.

Maybe it's my obsession with winter (and northern europe) but I thought that the visuals were fucking stunning.

Frozen is popular and I'm not going to be afraid to say that I like it. It's not the greatest film ever but it's certainly not bad.

I'll agree that it had many issues with the story and plotting -- but a lot of what we disagree on are kind of hard to argue because it's pretty much a matter of taste. I'm really into musical theatre in general, winter landscapes, and enjoyed the performances by the cast.
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Re: What movie are you watching right now?

Postby Kenny » Thu Aug 14, 2014 5:24 am

phpBB [video]
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Re: What movie are you watching right now?

Postby Axm » Thu Aug 14, 2014 9:22 am

I kinda liked Frozen. Wasnt my favorite Disney movie but it was entertaining to watch with my wife.
but imo the whole overbearing female victories were abit tough to stomach. But thats just because im a misogynist bigot still waiting for my sandwich.

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Re: What movie are you watching right now?

Postby shengoro86 » Thu Aug 14, 2014 10:03 am

Just finished the new Xmen. Was pretty good.
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Re: What movie are you watching right now?

Postby Kenny » Tue Aug 19, 2014 12:36 am

Despicable Me.

I didn't like it at first but it oddly grew on me. It has a very solid premise and I loved the whole "surrogate father" story once it finally kicked in. I guess I was sort of confused on the whole point of it all since it went on random tangents like Family Guy, so I didn't get what it was all supposed to be about. But once everything started to make sense and the gags started to become funnier, I forgave it by the end.
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Re: What movie are you watching right now?

Postby Kenny » Sat Aug 23, 2014 10:27 pm

Sin City: A Dame to Kill For.


You know, going into it, I knew it wasn't gonna be as good as the original. I accepted that. But holy mother of cows, I didn't expect it to be terrible. Joseph Gordon Levitt's scenes are the only ones that didn't suck but even then his story was tragically mishandled. I had no idea Josh Brolin was playing Dwight until nearly the end of the film, which sucked caused Clive Owen nailed that role in the first. Brolin did not come close.

The consensus of reviews didn't like the fact there was alot of sex and violence, which I immediately wrote them off as a bunch of pansies cause c'mon this is SIN FUCKING CITY. Of course there's gonna be sex and violence. But around the halfway mark, I was like...okay, I think I get what they mean. The sex and violence was just gratuitous. It really didn't drive the story forward and just served as eye candy. No different from a Michael Bay film in that regard.

I mean, yes, Eva Green's tits are glorious and they show them ALOT. And I mean A-LOT. But i'm not 13 years old anymore. I want a side order of substance to go with those tits and a dash of reason to spice it up. If all I cared about were her tits and nothing else, I would've just waited for the film to come out on Blu-ray and wait for some idiot to upload all the tit shots on PornHub or something. Does not a good movie make.

They also did the thing I absolutely hate in these kinds of sequels and made clumsy references to the original. I hate that, I fucking hate that so badly. If you have to reference the original film, make sure you have a very good reason to do so (such as a villain comes back or something like that). Otherwise it feels embarrassing, especially if the current film is not any good.

Alot of the narrative flair and dialogue was just fluff here. There were story decisions that did not make any sense to me. There were even a couple of scenes I thought were editing mistakes. Man, I really hate analyzing shit like this but it just didn't feel like it came together. I even read the script was having problems during development, and oh man did it fucking show.

Apparently it failed at the box office, having come too late and all. But there just wasn't any hype anymore, especially since they had to recast four of the main characters. There was nothing here they added (other than Eva's tits) that justified any hype. What a damn shame too, this could've been great...if they had released it back in 2007 like they should've.

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Re: What movie are you watching right now?

Postby OL » Sun Aug 24, 2014 1:19 am

Kenny wrote:I mean, yes, Eva Green's tits are glorious and they show them ALOT. And I mean A-LOT. But i'm not 13 years old anymore.

I like to think I am. And boy, do I ever love tits.

(All seriousness, I believe you that it's probably pretty bad, but I'm still excited to see the movie anyway. There probably isn't much substance, but I tend to like movies for a lot of reasons besides substance anyway, so I still expect to get some fun out of it)
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Re: What movie are you watching right now?

Postby Kenny » Sun Aug 24, 2014 2:21 am

You'll probably like it some then. The action is pretty wicked, they really crank it up to 11 this time around. But without the dramatic context, it's not as intense.

And yes, Eva's luscious breasts. I never thought much of that woman in Casino Royale and all that stuff, but man, I had no idea she was stacking.

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Re: What movie are you watching right now?

Postby Kenny » Sat Aug 30, 2014 2:14 am

MST3K: The Movie.

Love it. Love it so much.
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