What movie are you watching right now?

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Re: What movie are you watching right now?

Postby Riku Rose » Tue May 05, 2015 5:08 pm

Honestly at this point I think they should just reboot the X-Men series. The films are fun but with how Days of Future Past ended I don't see how the series is going to work now unless they stay in the 80's. It's not like they can just jump forward to present day in the movie after Apocalypse with the new actors as they're meant to be in their teens and 20's in the 80's meaning all the X-Men would then be middle aged in a present day film. They could have a different roster for a present day movie but the reason this film seems to be set in the 80's is because they want this group to be the X-Men. They kind of wrote themselves into a corner in the Last Stand for a lot of the characters and seem to be trying their hardest to undo it without just going full reboot. Fox have also talked about crossing them over with the new Fantastic Four, Gambit and Deadpool movie which just adds more complications to the matter.
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Re: What movie are you watching right now?

Postby OL » Tue May 05, 2015 6:18 pm

Actually, I thought that was the whole point with Days of Future Past. It essentially is a reboot, although it's more in line with how entire comicbook universes do it; rather than just starting over from scratch, ignoring that other movies came before, they play it into the storyline.
They went back in time, changed a bunch of shit before the old movies even happened, and basically erased their existence. Now they're free to do whatever they want from the 70s to present day.
Sure, they might not have the original actors for characters like Cyclops and Jean Grey, but that's just the way filmmaking goes sometimes. They still managed to wipe the slate clean, so the continuity isn't as complicated. It's a reboot, but it's not quite so lazy a reboot as most properties usually resort to. I kinda like that myself.
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Re: What movie are you watching right now?

Postby Riku Rose » Tue May 05, 2015 7:35 pm

Yeah I get that but are all X-Men movies going to be set in the 80's from now on? If they want to set a future X-Men movie in the modern day all the guys like Cyclops, Jean Gray and Storm are going to be about 50 since in Apocalypse they will be teenagers. These more recent films are going in a totally different direction then the original trilogy so why not just cut the ties and let that series stand alone and not bring along its baggage. It would be like if Christopher Nolan set Batman Begins in the early 80's as the Tim Burton films came before and they had to make it fit.
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Re: What movie are you watching right now?

Postby Sonikku » Thu May 07, 2015 10:41 am

Sword of The Valiant.

Holy fucking shit. I had no idea what I was in store for. I was like "Oh, Sean Connery is in it". This about tells you all you need to know.


Sean Connery, rocking the most badass hair I've ever seen and showing off his abs through what is probably not the most practical armor for a knight (Chest guard? Sean Connery doesn't need no stinken' CHEST GUARD!), boldly rides into the kings court and demands someone, ANYONE, cut his head off with his big axe. That's about the peek amount of sense to be had in the movie and it does not improve from there.

What follows is a cringe inducing romp beating up bad guy knights and fighting evil so terrible and incompetent at their jobs you would half swear this were a spaceballs parody of medieval films. I was in stitches. Witches get turned into talking frogs, Sean Connery blows the hero backwards twenty feet with his breath, so much shit happens it's probably more efficient to talk about what doesn't happen. In the end the hero naturally wins and is about to get his happy ending with the female lead he's been fighting and scraping for except she says she can't be with him. He's like, "Why?" And she's like, "Why? Fuck you is why! I'm a bird!" and she flies away as he looks on in bewilderment. And that's the end. The credits roll.

W. T. F. :shock:
Last edited by Sonikku on Thu May 07, 2015 2:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: What movie are you watching right now?

Postby Henry Spencer » Thu May 07, 2015 1:49 pm

^Hahaha. Sounds like a good time. Never even heard of that one, so thanks for pointing it out to me. I like a good old Shhhean Connery shilly movie.

Riku Rose wrote: Honestly at this point I think they should just reboot the X-Men series. The films are fun but with how Days of Future Past ended I don't see how the series is going to work now unless they stay in the 80's. It's not like they can just jump forward to present day in the movie after Apocalypse with the new actors as they're meant to be in their teens and 20's in the 80's meaning all the X-Men would then be middle aged in a present day film. They could have a different roster for a present day movie but the reason this film seems to be set in the 80's is because they want this group to be the X-Men. They kind of wrote themselves into a corner in the Last Stand for a lot of the characters and seem to be trying their hardest to undo it without just going full reboot. Fox have also talked about crossing them over with the new Fantastic Four, Gambit and Deadpool movie which just adds more complications to the matter.

Days of Future Past was the 70s, not the 80s. [-X

Fox are just following the trend started by Marvel where everything just has to be crossover, even if it makes zero sense.
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Re: What movie are you watching right now?

Postby Riku Rose » Fri May 08, 2015 3:23 pm

^Yeah I know but Apocalypse is 80's which is what I was referring to.
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Re: What movie are you watching right now?

Postby south carmain » Wed May 13, 2015 10:38 am

Just finished watching 13 assassins. Found it absolutely incredible, definitely a must watch to anyone who hasn't seen it. It's also on netflix.

Before that I watched dragon with donnie yen which was pretty good too.

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Re: What movie are you watching right now?

Postby Sonikku » Wed May 13, 2015 12:39 pm

south carmain wrote: Just finished watching 13 assassins.

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Re: What movie are you watching right now?

Postby south carmain » Thu May 14, 2015 6:35 am

Sonikku wrote:
south carmain wrote: Just finished watching 13 assassins.


That part was insane especially with her crying tears of blood over the paper at the same time.

Also i had no idea it was made by takashi mike, no wonder I got such a crows zero vibe from it and recognised the young gambler, fucking serizawa.
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Re: What movie are you watching right now?

Postby Sonikku » Thu May 14, 2015 9:50 am

south carmain wrote:
Sonikku wrote:
south carmain wrote: Just finished watching 13 assassins.


That part was insane especially with her crying tears of blood over the paper at the same time.

Also i had no idea it was made by takashi mike, no wonder I got such a crows zero vibe from it and recognised the young gambler, fucking serizawa.

Yep. But I was thinking more of this part.

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Re: What movie are you watching right now?

Postby Kenny » Sat May 16, 2015 12:08 pm

Ex Machina.

I loved that house they were shooting in. I want it.


Just found out it's a hotel called Juvet Landscape Hotel. I want to visit that hotel.
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Re: What movie are you watching right now?

Postby Kenny » Sun May 17, 2015 10:33 pm

Mad Max (1979).

Coming off the 2015 film, I knew this was gonna be a downgrade in some respects. But it looks like a downgrade in terms of story and performances too. The only cool things so far are some of the car stunts. I really can't feel the dystopian future in this one, something the wholly inferior A Boy and His Dog got right four years prior to this one.

Man, they really needed the budget and modern effects to do this concept justice. And years more experience in storytelling on Miller's part.

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Re: What movie are you watching right now?

Postby OL » Sun May 17, 2015 11:37 pm

^^At that point, it really wasn't even quite post-apocalyptic yet, was it? Too much population and establishment, too many rules. It wasn't until the Road Warrior that it became what we expect now.
I know they're inferior to Fury Road, but I think I ought to watch the old trilogy again sometime, too. Been so long since I saw Thunderdome, the only thing I remember is a bunch of kids thinking he's an airline pilot or something.
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Re: What movie are you watching right now?

Postby Kenny » Mon May 18, 2015 12:15 am

I think I read it's supposed to be around the time when civilization is crumbling and it truly becomes post-apocalyptic by the sequel. So yeah. Road Warrior is supposed to be the best one, so I can't wait to see that one.


Watching Road Warrior now.

This is much more like it. Get to the action and the point from the get-go. Love the dog too.
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Re: What movie are you watching right now?

Postby OL » Mon Jun 01, 2015 3:14 am

Punisher: War Zone.
Skipped it way back when it first came out, if only for the fact that I loved the 2004 movie so much (it may actually be my favorite Marvel-based movie ever, come to think of it), and hated that this one wasn't going to be another Jonathan Hensleigh/Thomas Jane gig.
Well, looks like I was right to be disinterested. War Zone is a steaming pile.
After Hensleigh and Thomas Jane backed out of a sequel for whatever reason (they were prepping for it to take place in New Orleans, I think, but something went wrong), the studio apparently wanted to pump out another Punisher movie as quickly as they could, and this was the result. A B-grade, badly-cast, badly-written, badly-edited, "shock 'em with gore" trip through crap town. Ray Stevenson has the unfortunate task of having to follow in the perfectly-cast footsteps of Thomas Jane as Frank Castle, and he pales in absolutely every aspect. Nowhere near the same level of screen presence. And the action takes greater cues from the Garth Ennis run in the Punisher comics (which I personally hated) than it does from the 80s/early-90s stuff. Unfortunate, that. I always liked seeing Frank Castle as an intelligent character who actually investigates things before going guns blazing, while War Zone presents him more as a blunt object who needs no provocation at all to kill people, which inevitably makes him look like an over-zealous moron (his stupidity actually is part of the story, too). The opening action scene has him murdering a woman because she grabs a gun to defend herself from him. There's no indication at all that she's anywhere near as bad as the gangsters populating the rest of the scene. The Punisher beheads a guy right in front of her, so she scrambles to defend herself. A reasonable response, but I guess that makes her deserving of a broken neck, clearly.
I could go down a list of all the things I hated about War Zone compared to the 2004 flick, but I'll just boil it down to this:
the 2004 one is more of the thinking man's Punisher movie, while War Zone is the half-retarded, ADD-afflicted thirteen-year-old's Punisher movie.
So unless you actually happen to be a half-retarded, ADD-afflicted thirteen-year-old, I'd say skip it. It's a completely worthless movie in all respects, other than as an example of what not to do with a Punisher movie.
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