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Re: Four Movie Loglines (Kenny Movie Updates Topic)

PostPosted: Thu Jul 10, 2014 8:40 pm
by Kenny
I just fired that woman who was supposed to be the effects person (and I thought the editor) from the project.

Unsurprisingly, she got all defensive and started getting all high and mighty with the patronizing lecturing (which was all she was doing the entire time since I first met her) but at the end of the day, her terrible sour grapes attitude and her mediocre output is what led to her firing. Not to mention she didn't "get" the project in the first place. I had a feeling it was a bad idea to hire her, I'm listening to my gut more from now on.

I'm even nice enough to give her half of the pay for the work she's done so far (especially since nothing got signed, I can pay her zilch legally if I wanted to) but she's still being a bitch about it. It's absolutely no wonder why she was having a very hard time getting a job before. Luckily for me, everyone else on the project has been great to work with so far.

Re: Four Movie Loglines (Kenny Movie Updates Topic)

PostPosted: Mon Jul 14, 2014 9:44 pm
by Kenny
The last two shorts are scheduled this coming weekend.

The final outline is finished and lot of the costumes and props have been acquired. The only thing I need to do now is a rush casting call for two older scientists and a military soldier.

The scenes we planned for this short will definitely make it more dramatic and intense. If we play our cards right, these shorts will be the ones that will help gain investors for the feature film.

Re: Four Movie Loglines (Kenny Movie Updates Topic)

PostPosted: Sun Jul 20, 2014 1:21 am
by Kenny
Wrapped up second day of filming!


Gonna admit, there were some things I was happy about and there were some things I wasn't very happy about. But the great thing was I was more prepared than last time. I gave better direction and had a better idea of what to do second time around. There were so many questions being asked and I was answering them on a whim, I felt more confident despite the constant pressure (especially the incompetence of my producer who I can tell didn't read the fucking script I gave him at all for the past few weeks).

Problem was the makeup took five fucking hours, then we broke for lunch and only had 2 hours to shoot after that. We dedicated a large portion of that time to staging the camera placement, which we did with all the shots except the last one of the day (and I think it showed).

But we ended up getting alot of good scenes out of it, many of which are very short so it'll be easy to take out the ones I think are unusable garbage and keep the ones that are pretty good and help drive the story forward. While the facial makeup was pretty good (too Klingon/Sloth from Goonies if I wanna be nitpicky about it) but the hand and feet makeup were pretty bad. I ended up spending alot of time trying not to show them as much as possible. No offense to the SFX person I hired, who worked hard getting supplies and coming over, but i'm sticking close to my Japanese effects artist for the rest of my project. Her shit was amazing and completely appropriate for the project.

But with me trying to do everything at once, it was hard to gauge everyone's abilities and get the best material out of everyone in one day, let alone two hours. It was a bit too ambitious like last time. We have one more day of shooting two weeks from now, and they're the most important scenes. Based on everything I learned now, I'm going all out. I'm storyboarding this shit, choreographing it, getting the makeup down to a tee, and making sure I get the very most out of everyone that day.

With this insane learning curve, I'm definitely confident that come the feature I'll be more than ready.

Re: Four Movie Loglines (Kenny Movie Updates Topic)

PostPosted: Mon Jul 21, 2014 3:12 am
by Kenny
After reviewing the footage, there are only about 3 scenes that I will never ever use. The rest of it is okay but I get a very Sam Raimi "Evil Dead" vibe from it. It shouldn't surprise me since by nature I have a very goofy style but I need to nail the "horror" aspect more.

I just shot test scenes that needed to be inserted or redone just now, with me in the costume crawling on the ground. I'm gonna shoot the climatic final scenes with my brother and splice everything together with the usable footage tomorrow to show everyone how this whole thing should be played out before the final day of filming.

Looking back now, I really should've done this first. I did the video storyboard approach on my very first short film but I guess I wanted to preserve the "moment" when filming in improv. But seeing the footage with me as the monster, it's much closer to what I want. I'm also really tempted to just hire a double who can do a very convincing creature walk, do the makeup on them myself, and hide them in the shadows. It all remains to be seen.

And i'm really kicking myself for the lack of detail on set. If we can lose the prosthetics and just do all body paint and nails, I think we'll have more time for reshoots before moving onto the climatic final two scenes.

Re: Four Movie Loglines (Kenny Movie Updates Topic)

PostPosted: Tue Jul 22, 2014 1:50 am
by Kenny
I just filmed another day of test shoots. Doing another round tomorrow then editing the entire thing together.

Re: Four Movie Loglines (Kenny Movie Updates Topic)

PostPosted: Tue Jul 29, 2014 2:55 am
by Kenny
I'm cobbling together a mock short based on the footage I shot of myself and the actress to show the guys what the film will be like since it's come to my attention they really don't understand the genre we're filming in.

I'm advocating "less less less" and they're wanting "more more more". What I mean by that is that I want to convey the shorts visually using only slates to give the viewer context of the entire situation. What they want is obvious expository scenes to coddle the audience with more information for fear they wouldn't understand what's going on.

Problem is, this is suppose to emulate real life lab experiment footage. Any semblance of obvious storytelling will immediately take the audience out of the realism I'm trying to setup and they will reject it. I know this because I've seen this happen with so many other films in this genre. The reason being is that they have clearly scripted or obligatory expository scenes, which immediately takes me out of the picture and promptly causes me to switch it off. The best films in the genre don't do that. They're very careful in moving the story forward while maintaining that semblance of realism which keeps the entire thing engaging and intense. Mockumentaries are easier to get away with this kind of storytelling but that's not what we're doing here.

On the other hand though, I like to withhold information too much. This potentially leads to confusion if there's not enough information conveyed to the audience. So we're trying to find a happy medium here, enough information to let the audience know what's going on but still little enough to buy into the fact it's "real".

Re: Four Movie Loglines (Kenny Movie Updates Topic)

PostPosted: Wed Jul 30, 2014 12:13 am
by Kenny
A guy who directs B-horror films is interested in seeing our work so far so he can see if we're worth being referred to any investors (no pressure, of course).

I have until Friday to film the two pivotal scenes needed (plus after watching the current cut, I wanna add two more). Since this is just a proof of concept, I'm gonna be filling in as the monster for the rest of them (lol) to help get the point across.

Re: Four Movie Loglines (Kenny Movie Updates Topic)

PostPosted: Sat Aug 02, 2014 4:16 am
by Kenny
Finishing up the workprint.

Even though some of the footage is laughable, everything else surprisingly isn't. The VHS-styled slates and the Conet Project soundtrack really make this shit creepy.

Re: Four Movie Loglines (Kenny Movie Updates Topic)

PostPosted: Mon Aug 04, 2014 1:17 am
by Kenny
Workprint is finished.

My producer, who is usually giving me shit for my creative choices, actually liked it alot considering I had to stand in for most of it. I'm very happy how the VHS effects turned out. The audio and visuals are terrifically authentic, especially when the fucked up static comes in.

I also added sounds clips of the Conet Project which are delightfully fucked up and creepy. They play a big part in the feature so it makes sense to include them in these shorts too. Ultimately, I'm going to change up the narrative in the shorts to make it more horrific and fucked up. I thought the tame approach would work but its a little too slow. Since I want the feature to get to the point quick...why not do the same for the shorts? So that'll be a thing.

If anyone is interested in seeing the workprint, i'll PM the link.

Re: Four Movie Loglines (Kenny Movie Updates Topic)

PostPosted: Fri Aug 15, 2014 2:19 am
by Kenny
While i'm getting a huge headache over the documentary, I'm trying to get updates on the casting. I dunno if I mentioned it, but I decided to recast for the monster. The person we hired just didn't give us the performance we wanted so we're looking into real gymnasts and contortionists this time around.

Since this is a very important role, we're taking our time now. During which I'm going back to screenwriting, which I found out I missed so much during this whole process. I'm finishing up the outline for this film that's been racing all around my head for MONTHS now, which is currently just titled "Untitled Trio Female Crime Movie".

Re: Four Movie Loglines (Kenny Movie Updates Topic)

PostPosted: Sat Aug 23, 2014 5:05 pm
by Kenny
Back to casting again.

I really feel like I'm on my own now in this whole process and people are constantly not getting back to me. :/

Re: Four Movie Loglines (Kenny Movie Updates Topic)

PostPosted: Tue Jun 20, 2017 7:35 am
by Kenny
Damn, this thing is old.

Well, that whole chronicle was eventually put on hold for a few different reasons and I've since resurrected it again. Been doing a ton of different little things the past few years but this one (going on two years now) is finally 2/3rds finished:


This is my baby, M O N S T E R S. B&W comic book that I'm planning on releasing the end of the year latest. I need one more story before the premiere issue is complete but I'm gonna be hunting for a publisher soon.