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Re: Politics

PostPosted: Sun Jan 29, 2017 9:34 am
by Peter
Woke up this morning to the news Trump actually placed a ban on Muslims entering USA, and seen the Internet explode.

What's happening to humanity. I don't mean that as a dig at Trump or his supporters. I actually mean what's happened to humans. Has technology and social media actually rotted away brain cells? It's happened since they came on the block. The 90s were just fine.

Re: Politics

PostPosted: Sun Jan 29, 2017 10:37 am
by south carmain
Peter wrote: Woke up this morning to the news Trump actually placed a ban on Muslims entering USA, and seen the Internet explode.

What's happening to humanity. I don't mean that as a dig at Trump or his supporters. I actually mean what's happened to humans. Has technology and social media actually rotted away brain cells? It's happened since they came on the block. The 90s were just fine.

Can it really be called a ban on Muslims when the majority of muslim countries aren't on the list? Although for the sake of not being a hypocrite he should add saudi arabia to that list, they're pretty much the source of sunni extremist terrorism.

Re: Politics

PostPosted: Sun Jan 29, 2017 1:50 pm
by Sonikku
Peter wrote: Woke up this morning to the news Trump actually placed a ban on Muslims entering USA, and seen the Internet explode.

What's happening to humanity. I don't mean that as a dig at Trump or his supporters. I actually mean what's happened to humans. Has technology and social media actually rotted away brain cells? It's happened since they came on the block. The 90s were just fine.


Re: Politics

PostPosted: Sun Jan 29, 2017 5:21 pm
by Mr. Frozen
south carmain wrote:
Peter wrote: Woke up this morning to the news Trump actually placed a ban on Muslims entering USA, and seen the Internet explode.

What's happening to humanity. I don't mean that as a dig at Trump or his supporters. I actually mean what's happened to humans. Has technology and social media actually rotted away brain cells? It's happened since they came on the block. The 90s were just fine.

Can it really be called a ban on Muslims when the majority of muslim countries aren't on the list? Although for the sake of not being a hypocrite he should add saudi arabia to that list, they're pretty much the source of sunni extremist terrorism.

To make sure his orders are executed quickly, Trump is acting on existing laws so he doesn't need to rely on congress to pass new laws to get things done. The countries listed came from something congress amended to the visa exclusion act, which included countries of concern.

This really isn't as crazy as the media is making it out to be. The executive order is instructing the state department to tighten up their policy on the issuance of visas. In order to minimize any potential terrorists that were allowed in due to previously lax visa investigations, Trump temporarily suspended the currently issued visas that were issued to citizens of countries of concern (with a few exceptions). You can thank Obama and his congress for making all this possible, since these laws were put into effect while he was president. He actually did the same exact thing (denying visas for citizens of a certain country... but for a longer period of time) while he was president, which is why it was already in the lawbooks.

It does suck for people who are in the US for legit reasons and contributing to the economy, though. However, this is a time of war and people do tend to get inconvenienced during war.

Re: Politics

PostPosted: Sun Jan 29, 2017 5:32 pm
by south carmain
Oh ok that makes sense. I hope he eventually takes a hard stance towards saudi arabia though, between government recognised charities that actively finance terrorist groups, government funding for so called "moderates" that seem to be just moderately less brutal in their application of oppressive religious policies than isis and countless human rights abuses the west are highly hypocritical in ignoring it all. I would rather live under an assad than the house of suad or the groups they support any day.

Re: Politics

PostPosted: Sun Jan 29, 2017 7:05 pm
by beedle

Re: Politics

PostPosted: Sun Jan 29, 2017 11:42 pm
by mrandyk
There is no justifying an immigration ban.

We are not at war.

No Americans have been killed by anyone from these 7 countries since 9/11.

The process we already had in place is preventing potential terrorists from being here legally.

This does nothing to protect us and only fuels Jihadist groups.

Legal U.S. residents are now barred from travel.

You have to be so far removed from reason to believe this was a beneficial move for anyone.

Re: Politics

PostPosted: Mon Jan 30, 2017 7:09 am
by Ziming

phpBB [video]

phpBB [video]

Re: Politics

PostPosted: Mon Jan 30, 2017 7:26 am
by south carmain
Mass shooting in a quebec mosque, 6 dead and multiple wounded

What's odd is that media outlets are already trying to portray this as a hate crime against muslims although we have little information and the little we do would suggest it's islamic sectarian violence at cause
“One started shooting. As soon as he opened fire he shouted, ‘Allahu akbar!’ (God is great!) The bullets reached people who were praying. People who prayed lost their lives. As for myself, the bullet passed over my head,” the witness said, adding the attackers “seemed to have a very good Québec accent.” ... -shooting/

That being said the testimony is from an anonymous source so we will have to wait and see until the police release further information however the amount of people jumping to conclusions that this is somehow a trump inspired right wing attack on Muslims with so little to go by is ridiculous.

Re: Politics

PostPosted: Mon Jan 30, 2017 8:35 pm
by shredingskin
Mass media is digging it's own grave with all the anti-trump propaganda. They thought they had it before the elections, and now just doubled down, some sheeple keep believing it, but it will lead to exhaustion fairly quick when people realise they're in pretty much the same position they were even after being brainwashed 24/7.

It's a shame that there's not information anymore, everything is pamphlet and propaganda, just another product that people choose to make them feel happy and live in their own reality. When you see how much people need to be told what to believe you understand why religion still exists.

Russia Today ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

This is the fucking example of why people get tired of bullshit.

phpBB [video]

Pretty much what Frozen said.

At least with Trump (knowing or not) people voted for it.

south carmain wrote: I hope he eventually takes a hard stance towards saudi arabia though

Lol, they'll have to stop buying weapons for anything to happen. The only chance of that happening is oil dropping, but Trump seems like such a random (and by random I mean influenceable) that it may happen (don't think so, there's a lot of money there to close the flow).

Maybe I'm wrong about media blacklash, as Peter said there are a lot of rotted away brain cells, so it may work.

Re: Politics

PostPosted: Mon Jan 30, 2017 10:18 pm
by mrandyk
I don't subscribe to mass media, but generally when someone shares one of their pieces I find that it is sourced and backed by fact (the big exception would be Fox News).

The bigger issue is voters who have tuned out any news source that reports on anything that doesn't align with their personal beliefs, relying instead on whatever echo chamber tells them what they want to hear. These individuals tend to mirror the garbage talking points (r.e. propaganda) of their party and accuse anyone who disagrees with them to have fallen for propaganda of the other party. They are spineless pawns and don't even realize it.

Re: Politics

PostPosted: Mon Jan 30, 2017 10:20 pm
by mrandyk
shredingskin wrote: Mass media is digging it's own grave with all the anti-trump propaganda. They thought they had it before the elections, and now just doubled down, some sheeple keep believing it, but it will lead to exhaustion fairly quick when people realise they're in pretty much the same position they were even after being brainwashed 24/7.

It's a shame that there's not information anymore, everything is pamphlet and propaganda, just another product that people choose to make them feel happy and live in their own reality. When you see how much people need to be told what to believe you understand why religion still exists.

Russia Today ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

This is the fucking example of why people get tired of bullshit.

phpBB [video]

Pretty much what Frozen said.

At least with Trump (knowing or not) people voted for it.

south carmain wrote: I hope he eventually takes a hard stance towards saudi arabia though

Lol, they'll have to stop buying weapons for anything to happen. The only chance of that happening is oil dropping, but Trump seems like such a random (and by random I mean influenceable) that it may happen (don't think so, there's a lot of money there to close the flow).

Maybe I'm wrong about media blacklash, as Peter said there are a lot of rotted away brain cells, so it may work.

Are you really bringing RT as a credible source? It's the Russian state media, known for propaganda and misinformation. One truly has to be a sheep to trust that source.

Re: Politics

PostPosted: Mon Jan 30, 2017 10:26 pm
by Sonikku

Re: Politics

PostPosted: Mon Jan 30, 2017 10:30 pm
by shredingskin
Everyone does it, it's a matter of what, how, and what is left out. That's why I say that "information" today is just a product.

Take a look on how they manipulate:
phpBB [video]

It's as "fact" as much as trying to deny climate change because there are economic gains to be made. It's a matter of "perspective".

It's the spin, everything it's editorialized like if people are idiots, and it's blalantly in your face, that's what's worrying.

And let's say these guys aren't Goebbels, even if they try to. Today anyone can get "info" on whatever they want to believe, and it's their fucking problem, but that affects everyone.

mrandyk wrote:
Are you really bringing RT as a credible source? It's the Russian state media, known for propaganda and misinformation. One truly has to be a sheep to trust that source.

Are you talking to me or south carmain ? Because I was mocking RT. But since you used the same term I used, I guess you are referring to me... And it was quite clear that I was against RT (but maybe it got mixed the "This is the fucking example of why people get tired of bullshit" with the video posted below, when it was a comment aimed at the type of "information" that RT spreads.

Sonikku wrote: Trump to repeal Dodd-Frank. ... ticle&_r=0

That's another case of "sneaky" editorializing, starting with the title.

I guess some people think they should fight fire with fire, but would be very shocked when they find that a lot of people are tired of bullshit.

Sorry for the edits, but this one it's a funny combo of clickbait, and deception:
phpBB [video]

Clickbait Young Turks, deception is not saying the reason for the included countries and pretty much stating the "real reason" when it's a matter of debate, and I would say it's also editorializing but it's under the opinions site.

I don't mind editorials, but most news are so fucking editorialized at any level it really makes me angry.

Re: Politics

PostPosted: Tue Jan 31, 2017 12:53 am
by Mr. Frozen
^The media will always be against Trump. Not particularly because of any political agenda, but rather because sensationalized reporting on controversial events generates clicks and shares. Humans are hard wired to ignore when things are going ok. Anyone who has worked a thankless job, such as tech support, knows this. You are ignored until there is a problem, and then everything is your fault.

Therefore, it is in the best interest of the media to sensationalize controversial events. The people who agree with the articles will be outraged and share it with all their friends to show how "bad" the world has become. In the past, this "yellow journalism" was looked down upon, but today it is the standard.

Sonikku wrote: Trump to repeal Dodd-Frank. ... ticle&_r=0

That article is about his executive order about regulations and just sprinkled Dodd-Frank in as wild speculation. I wouldn't be surprised if he, or congress repeals it, though. The republicans were never fans of that act.

Anyway I came here to post this tweet:


He is talking about bad dudes that are not bad enough to rescue the president, obviously.