...is this weird?

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...is this weird?

Postby n00dl3s » Tue Mar 23, 2004 10:13 pm

I'm kind of depressed from some kids at school and years of chaos inside my mind building up and worrying about the future also... And lately I have degraded less and less and little things attack me and make me feel so small. So right now, I'm sulking and listening to The Fragile CD by NIN over and over again while surfing. :( Is this weird or bizarre for me to be acting like this? Sorry if this sounds a little random.
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Postby Peter » Tue Mar 23, 2004 10:39 pm

Your young. Concentrate on the positives in life. I have one saying that i will take to the grave

"that which dosnt break us, can only make us stronger"

Dont be sad man, likes too short. You want to be sad? do it when your father dies suddenly, after taking an overdose because you and your family had an argument with him over crashing the car, and the last words his daughter said to him before leaving the house was i fucking hate you and wish you were dead"

Whenever i feel down or sad, i remember my girlfriend having to go through this, thank God and be happy that my life is the way it is.
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Postby silent killer » Wed Mar 24, 2004 12:58 am

It ain't wierd to feel the way you do. Everyone worries about those things. What you gotta do is not let those things get to you. There will always be kids who are pricks at school. Usually they end up being liked by no one, let the past stay in the past; don't forget it though. Things only get confusing then. As for the future, what can I say, things only happen in the future if you let them happen in the present.
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Postby KleWdSide » Wed Mar 24, 2004 2:35 am

Not at all. I went through a stage of major depression for about 4-5 months last fall/winter which caused me to see both a psychologist and a shrink. I went on meds for a little while and eventually tossed them. I pretty much learned to accept that I'm in school so I need to deal with it. When me and my girlfriend broke up 3 weeks ago, I thought I was gonna go back to how I was last Fall, but no, I quickly got over it, surprisingly... I'm just glad it didn't happen last Fall. Growing up sucks! Well, I think I'm starting to ramble about but I'm trying to make you not feel ackward
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Postby DaMulder » Wed Mar 24, 2004 3:31 am

Yeah. It's gonna be alright!

I get depressed every winter and just 2 or 3 weeks ago I suddenly snapped out of it! I would listen to sad japanese music and spend my time getting high and worrying about things around me.
Now that I started to see that things are never as bad as they seem I suddenly feel happy no matter what happens and people suddenly started liking me better as well. Hell, I even got back together with my ex-girlfriend who had left me because I was getting so depressed (and you can guess that that didn't help the depression AT ALL)

But as you can see it's all just about starting to enjoy life again. Remember: Only what you enjoy can be considered real life!

Hope this helps a little!

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Postby n00dl3s » Wed Mar 24, 2004 4:57 pm

Thanks for the replies guys. :D I think what makes it worse is when I get too enveloped in my lost feeling I get when I'm depressed. Even though I am able to slip away from the worries, this synthetic feeling eventually drags me down. Sometimes I wish that I could slip into an alternate universe and experience something beyond reality and anyone's possible comprehension so I could hold something that no other person can hold.
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Postby Cyclonus » Wed Mar 24, 2004 5:03 pm

depression in general is quite depressing but once you decide that i wanna be happy suddenly everything becomes ok (i know what your thinking DUH)
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Postby n00dl3s » Wed Mar 24, 2004 5:04 pm

Yeah, what you said works for me, but only temporarily.
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Postby Darth Strongbad » Wed Mar 24, 2004 6:26 pm

just try not to let that get to ya. either that or go to anti-depressents. don't worry its quite normal. man... i feel like dr. phil
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Postby silent killer » Wed Mar 24, 2004 6:31 pm

Depression gets boring after a few years, and so does being alone in your little universe. Some people it takes longer to come out, some it takes less time. Hope you find your way out sooner. There are people out here that may actually like you, and closing yourself out won't help you or them.
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Postby Peter » Wed Mar 24, 2004 8:12 pm

Smile, dont you know God loves you
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Postby n00dl3s » Wed Mar 24, 2004 11:15 pm

:lol: sorry if that was meant to be serious, I do believe in God but that was said in a funny way...:)
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Postby Peter » Wed Mar 24, 2004 11:16 pm

yea its from some song my girl ALWAYS sings when i look sad. It drives me MAD!
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Postby Lan Di-sama » Wed Mar 24, 2004 11:36 pm

I'm kind of having the same problems. Problems at school, a little worried about the future, but more excited that I'm finally leaving my grade school. Everyone around me is really pissing me off. Whatever you do just isn't good enough for them.

I really don't know what to say to help. "Ignore it" never works. And trying to come out, well, it's easier said than done. But things do pick up. I notice when I'm not doing anything, I feel all sad and nostalgic about things. But on weekdays when I'm busier it's not as bad. Try occupying yourself with something.
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Postby KleWdSide » Thu Mar 25, 2004 1:19 am

I once listened to Bruce Springsteen's album "Tunnel of Love" after my breakup. Torturous, huh? Don't drink youself into an oblivion while you're going through your stage though..
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