Luigio and Marioo

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Luigio and Marioo

Postby Supa » Mon Jul 12, 2004 6:18 pm

Luigio and Marioo: Chapter Five
Previously on Luigio and Marioo:
Luigio and Marioo go back home.
The Terrible Three invade the house.
And Marioo and Luigio flee!
Find out what will happen...NOW!
Mr. Koola: "How could we be so fooolish? "
Mullet Bill: "It was a flawless plan! "
Booser: "Well, they'll have to come back SOMETIME. I vote on taking over the house. "
Mr. Koola: "Yeah. "
So, the Terrible Three crash and rebuild the Pipe Pad into a castle that looks like a church.
Mullet Bill: "Now THIS looks like one mean building! "
Mr. Koola: "It has flowers on the windowcill. "
Booser: "And crosses in the attic. "
Mullet Bill: "My kind of building! "
Booser: "You're about as sharp as a marble, Bill. "
Mullet Bill: "But marbles aren't sharp! "
Booser: "Forget it. "
Mullet Bill: *rushes in* *runs into the wall and blows up and dies*
Booser: "Now that there are no losers in the team, we can change our name to ... THE TERRIBLE TWO! Mwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! "
Mr. Koola: "Awesome name . It must have taken you at least thirty seconds to think that one up. "
Booser: "Shut up and lets search through Luigio and Marioo' s stuff. "
Luigio: *pulls out derranger* "I say we blow 'em out of the Pad! "
Marioo: "No, let's not get hasty now. "
Luigio: *pulls out ultra hammer* "Well, then you'll stay here! "
Luigio: "Now that he is out of the way, I can take the Pad back! "
Booser: ''Oh, look, here's a picture of some guy named "Bowser. "
Booser: "He looks really retarted. "
Luigio: "Party time's over! "
Luigio: "Now no one is in my away!
Luigio: "I can take over the world! "
Will Luigio stick to his plan to take over the world?
Will Marioo ever wake up?
What happened to Booser and Mr. Koola?
Find out in the next awesome chapter of: Luigio and Marioo!
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