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Exercise Headaches

PostPosted: Wed May 17, 2006 12:23 am
by lovemetal07
i've started lifting weights recently and for the first few days it went fine, now suddenly after i do about 5 curls of 55lbs i get a sudden sharp pain in the back of my head, as if somebody shot me. i know i'm not dehydrated and my blood pressure is fine last time i checked (which was today by the way) so if anybody can help fix this i'd really appreciate it

PostPosted: Wed May 17, 2006 12:35 am
by IveBeenCensored
not sure, that really shouldn't happen, but maybe try a little less weight, using a Preacher bench or dumbells sitting instead of standing with a barbell. Make sure you're drinking lots of water and get a good meal full of carbs beforehand (and getting enough sleep). Thats all I can say, maybe see a doctor.

For that meal full of carbs, one of my favourites is grilling a piece of chicken, cutting it up and mixing it with a cup of rice and a cup of frozen vegetables. Throw in some teriyaki sauce or something and you've got a good tasting, filling, protein and carb filled meal.

PostPosted: Wed May 17, 2006 12:46 am
by mgeoff88
Almost sounds like a pinched nerve.

I remember I use to get that in one of my classes at school but it had to do with my neck, my neck was bent down a little because the computer monitors were a little low and when I tilted my head back or turned it; I felt a strong pain in the back of my neck but it went away pretty fast.

I think maybe just warming up before you exercise might help.

PostPosted: Wed May 17, 2006 1:20 am
by IveBeenCensored
he said the back of his HEAD and a headache not a pulled muscle. If it was his neck it would make sense, I just pulled my neck while working out a few days ago, but I'm not sure why he's getting headaches

PostPosted: Wed May 17, 2006 1:34 am
by Mr. Frozen
That used to happen to me whenever I did something that required me to use my arm a lot. Like for example whenever I threw a football really hard I always got a sharp pain in my head. After a while I just pretty much learned to live with it.

Then one day it just went away. I dunno if my body just decided to kick in and start workign properly, or it couldve been because I stopped being a fat bastard and lost all that weight. I'd probably just account it to me getting in shape the first time. A lot of weird pains go away once you get in shape.

PostPosted: Wed May 17, 2006 1:49 am
by mgeoff88
[Post deleted by User]

PostPosted: Wed May 17, 2006 2:53 am
by EWJ
I can't say I know anything about a possible nerve or muscle problem but I will say, when lifting weights (especially for the first time) take it easy and always give them time to relax.
So maybe work on onemuscle group one day and another the second day or work out every other day.

PostPosted: Wed May 17, 2006 3:56 am
by Sh2daK
Out of much are you lifting per arm?

PostPosted: Wed May 17, 2006 11:50 am
by lovemetal07
Sh2daK wrote:Out of much are you lifting per arm?

i'm only lifting 25 lbs (i just started lifting last week), i dont strain when i lift so i know thats not the problem, last night i toned it down to only 15 per arm and the same thing happened

PostPosted: Wed May 17, 2006 12:44 pm
by Tobo
I googled it for you, just in case you hadn't done that already:

Also, try Asking Alice!

PostPosted: Wed May 17, 2006 9:30 pm
by Jagwarlord
Sounds liek your not breathing properly. You might not notice it but your probaley holding your breath durning the last few reps to get the weight up. Pressure will build up in your head if your not breathing right. You don't wanna pop a blood vessel in your brain either..

PostPosted: Wed May 17, 2006 9:42 pm
by IveBeenCensored
EWJ wrote:I can't say I know anything about a possible nerve or muscle problem but I will say, when lifting weights (especially for the first time) take it easy and always give them time to relax.
So maybe work on onemuscle group one day and another the second day or work out every other day.

even pro bodybuilders need to recover. After working one muscle group, never work it again for at least 2 days, preferably 3. The exception is abs and calves, which can be worked on day after day.

PostPosted: Thu May 18, 2006 5:19 am
by Sh2daK
Ren Suzuki wrote:
EWJ wrote:I can't say I know anything about a possible nerve or muscle problem but I will say, when lifting weights (especially for the first time) take it easy and always give them time to relax.
So maybe work on onemuscle group one day and another the second day or work out every other day.

even pro bodybuilders need to recover. After working one muscle group, never work it again for at least 2 days, preferably 3. The exception is abs and calves, which can be worked on day after day.

Thats pretty farfetched, i know this is what people do though, and i know there's reference that say you should, but...

...If your sleeping your recommended amount, and are eating healthily and alot so that you have more resources to heal while sleeping, then there's really no need to leave a muscle group for 2-3 days. I mean forgodsake, the average person works out for around 30-90 minutes, how small a time is that in one day. Our bodies are made to withstand continious working for long periods of time. E.g If Humans were still savage wild people, you think that they'd be like "Huntings over, we've worked out for the day, we will eat tomorrow instead." i mean come on, people seriously exagerate the amount of rest needed. I just think that the majority population of most countries are just unhealthy weak retards. All these years of evolution to best suit our existence, and people abuse it by eating aloada shit and sitting on their arses all day.

Anyways, Lovemetal: Keep working out, don't be the average incapable weak person. Good luck with the whole neck thing.

AND: I may have missunderstood what you meant by muscle groups, so if you reply back to this post Ren, i suggest you confirm what you mean by it. You could have a different idea of muscle groups than i do.


PostPosted: Thu May 18, 2006 1:48 pm
by lovemetal07
okay, so the pain got to bad to handle and i went to the emergency room last night, turns out that it was muscle spasms in the back of my neck near my brain.

i never lifted until recently and i was doing it alot, the frequency in which i was lifting triggered this since my body isnt used to it yet.

the only reason i started is to half-assedly keep up with cornchipz while he's at basic training they have me on Lortab/Vicodin (whatever you call it wherever your from) and muscle relaxents. i'm not supposed to work out for 2 weeks. when i go back to lifting i have to start only once every 3 days then work my way up

so problem solved, but thanks to those of you who helped

PostPosted: Thu May 18, 2006 5:57 pm
by IveBeenCensored
Sh2daK wrote:...If your sleeping your recommended amount, and are eating healthily and alot so that you have more resources to heal while sleeping, then there's really no need to leave a muscle group for 2-3 days. I mean forgodsake, the average person works out for around 30-90 minutes, how small a time is that in one day. Our bodies are made to withstand continious working for long periods of time.

But not to push your body to its limits. If you are trying to lift heavy weight, your muscles need time to recover. I don't know much about science, but basically when you lift heavy weights you slightly rip your muscles and then when your body repairs them, a small extra layer goes on top or something along those lines and that show you build muscle. By stressing the same muscle the next day, you interfere with this process.

i mean come on, people seriously exagerate the amount of rest needed. I just think that the majority population of most countries are just unhealthy weak retards.

I'm talking about pro bodybuilders as well. Actually, the more weight lifted and time spent lifting it, the more important recovery time is.

AND: I may have missunderstood what you meant by muscle groups, so if you reply back to this post Ren, i suggest you confirm what you mean by it. You could have a different idea of muscle groups than i do.

by muscle groups I mean for example biceps, triceps, forearms, chest, delts, pecs, thights, calves, abs, etc. So, if you are curling a heavy weight one day, don't directly lift weights with your biceps the next day. Of course, your biceps will get some work if you do lat exercises, but don't directly work on them.

But you shouldn't trust me, I'm not a trainer or anything. But Joe Weider seems to think its incredibly important, and I think he might know just a little more than either me or you about building muscle.