(Discuss literally anything here including introductions)


Postby Ro bee bee » Sun May 04, 2003 12:59 pm

LOL it must have been someone from the dojo, you played the part well, it was funny!

note [email protected] pmed me out of nowhere:

Never give out your password or credit card number in an instant message conversation.

[email protected] says:
R B says:
erm hello?
[email protected] says:
I have reason to believe that you are meddling in a satanist videogame
R B says:
lol what?
R B says:
really? cool
[email protected] says:
the videogame entitled Shenmue
[email protected] says:
within the game, there are many anti-Catholic messages and revenge is depicted as a necessary cause
[email protected] says:
may I ask you, what religion are you?
R B says:
i have no religeon
[email protected] says:
and why is this?
R B says:
well, because i don't believe in any
[email protected] says:
do you not want to believe?
R B says:
[email protected] says:
I am doing this research for my church group, I believe you can become saved
[email protected] says:
were u religious before you played Shenmue?
R B says:
in the religeon of shenmuq.. no
[email protected] says:
shenmuq? What on earth is that?
R B says:
a made up country.
[email protected] says:
is this some form of satanist cult encouraged by the evilness of Shenmue!?
R B says:
pretty much
[email protected] says:
My dear Father in heaven, this is worse than I thought!
[email protected] says:
You can be saved
R B says:
no cos i am an
[email protected] says:
your life is very incomplete
R B says:
[email protected] says:
you are not an angel and do not disgrace Heaven's Angels by saying that
[email protected] says:
I believe you must be shown the light
[email protected] says:
where do you live?
R B says:
thats funny, cos heavens are a gang in mue2 and angels are a gang in mue1
[email protected] says:
I want to send you some brochures on local church groups in your area
[email protected] says:
My dear Lord!
[email protected] says:
[email protected] says:
As you can see, the reference is very anti-Christian
R B says:
yes, i must koin a gang then travel to hong kong and kill someone
[email protected] says:
I will not allow this evil game to disgrace the divine Lord
[email protected] says:
[email protected] says:
Are you serious my son?
R B says:
R B says:
huh what lol
[email protected] says:
I sense a lot of anger in you
R B says:
yeh, my mom isn't makin my tea
[email protected] says:
You are lost
[email protected] says:
your a sheep, Jesus can be your sheperd
R B says:
[email protected] says:
R B says:
why the hell does a sheep like me go to college?
R B says:
i can eat grass all day, yay
[email protected] says:
college is becoming evil, full of sexual intercourse
R B says:
[email protected] says:
before marriage
[email protected] says:
sure, you say yay now
R B says:
the ol ball and chain
[email protected] says:
but when you are burning in the pits of deepest hell you won't be so happy
R B says:
yeh that'l suk
[email protected] says:
you say you have no religion, do you not believe in God?
R B says:
[email protected] says:
[email protected] says:
the higher power
R B says:
oh that dude in the sky
[email protected] says:
do not refer to him as a dude in the sky
R B says:
whats he ever done for me?
[email protected] says:
have you been in confession, you sound like the sort with many sins to confess
[email protected] says:
[email protected] says:
R B says:
[email protected] says:
I believe you need to enter confession
[email protected] says:
you can be pure
[email protected] says:
where do you live?
R B says:
pure ay, i like the sound of that
R B says:
i live in england, a far away country
R B says:
depending where u are obviously
[email protected] says:
England....full of silly little protestants and youths with no hope
[email protected] says:
tell me this my son
R B says:
thats not what god would say
[email protected] says:
will you be looking into some of the Catholic churchs around your area?
[email protected] says:
well I am not God
R B says:
love your brothers and yee neighbours - Rob 3.1 chapter 12
[email protected] says:
you mock the bible and everything it stands for
R B says:
but not yee eastenders
R B says:
well it is really just a lil book
[email protected] says:
a lil book full of big beautiful promises
R B says:
its cool though cos when the chair in the living room rocks, you put it under the leg
[email protected] says:
the fact that you disgrace my religion is dispicable
[email protected] says:
will you go to a confession?
R B says:
you should not judge me, maybe i have no confesion to make
[email protected] says:
you obviously have confessions to make
R B says:
[email protected] says:
you have mocked the Lord in this conversation alone
[email protected] says:
you also sound like the sinner sort
[email protected] says:
how old are you?
R B says:
do not judge or thee will burn in hell along with peter reid
R B says:
the age of sinning 18
[email protected] says:
oh my
R B says:
do you like Dr Dre?
[email protected] says:
have you had sex before marriage?
[email protected] says:
Dr Dre!?
[email protected] says:
what on Earth is Dr Dre?
R B says:
a rap superstar.
[email protected] says:
rap? What an awful form of hate and evil
[email protected] says:
have you had sex before marriage?
R B says:
[email protected] says:
the sinning sort, just like I thought
[email protected] says:
I bet you have engaged in homo-sexual activities too
R B says:
R B says:
not today anyways
[email protected] says:
are you bi-curious?
[email protected] says:
not today!? So you have then?
[email protected] says:
you are one of the most troublesome, lost youths I have ever met
[email protected] says:
this is the work of that evil game
R B says:
yes, i got the idea of homosexual activities from shenmue...
[email protected] says:
aha is that an admittance?
[email protected] says:
I am not saying shenmue makes you act homo-sexual, but its evil messages can encourage its players to lead onto other things
R B says:
[email protected] says:
for young minds like yourselves, TV, videogames, music can very well influence you immensely
[email protected] says:
ah sarcasm, the lowest form of wit from the lowest form of human being
[email protected] says:
a sinner
[email protected] says:
do you know of any other followers of Shenmue?
[email protected] says:
can you give me their e-mail addresses?
R B says:
R B says:
of course
[email protected] says:
thank you
[email protected] says:
R B says:
in min
R B says:
[email protected] is always a good bet, [email protected] now he is a sinner!
[email protected] says:
I have some other e-mails of people
[email protected] says:
aha, thank you
R B says:
[email protected] uses guns
[email protected] says:
R B says:
[email protected] does anal
R B says:
R B says:
after brown
R B says:
lol after brown
R B says:
[email protected] says:
disgusting sense of primitive humour
R B says:
many more also
R B says:
ok [email protected] slays catholics
[email protected] says:
You are the Judas of the sinners
R B says:
hell yeah, wheres my dollar?
[email protected] says:
money is not your reward, it is something more
R B says:
a ho?
[email protected] says:
a what?
R B says:
a hooker
[email protected] says:
is that a prostitute?
R B says:
no! you dirty lil catholic shame on your dirty mind!!! i meant a rugby hooker
[email protected] says:
I assume the worst with sinners
[email protected] says:
I am sorry
R B says:
no this is unacceptable, i will not be joining your dirty religeon
[email protected] says:
this is not a dirty religion
[email protected] says:
I am offended by your baseless convictions
R B says:
Chill dude
[email protected] says:
what on earth is a dude?
R B says:
a dirty minded man
[email protected] says:
then I am afraid, you are the dude
[email protected] says:
seeinga s you participate in sexual activites, not just of a hetero-sexual matter
R B says:
walked into that
R B says:
ok. i now have to go to have my tea.. haha not really you are blocked

heh cool.
Ro bee bee
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Postby Ash » Sun May 04, 2003 1:03 pm

:shock: ...Interesting......
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Postby khien » Sun May 04, 2003 1:10 pm

Lmao! That was hilarious! And your responses were perfect, Rob!
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"After Burner...Great!"
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Postby Paul » Sun May 04, 2003 1:17 pm

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Postby Paul » Sun May 04, 2003 1:18 pm

Actually, if this is a genuine bible basher, if he IM's anyone else, give out my adress, I wanna speak to this nutcase!
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Postby MattyHAZUKI » Sun May 04, 2003 1:25 pm

HEHEHE wot a laugh :lol:
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Postby Axm » Sun May 04, 2003 1:52 pm

LOL, that was very funny
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Postby khien » Sun May 04, 2003 1:55 pm

Ok, who gave him my email? Somebody had to, my email's not public...

Won't post the convo though, it was rather boring....
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Postby Myles » Sun May 04, 2003 2:09 pm

[email protected] says:
college is becoming evil, full of sexual intercourse

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Postby Hei Long » Sun May 04, 2003 2:10 pm

That guys a moron, funny in his own way tho. Thanks for giving him my e-mail Rob :x I accidently closed the convo but he made a lot of contradictory points.
Hei Long
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Postby James Brown » Sun May 04, 2003 2:25 pm

Check out my conversation!

Not as funny as Rob's though, that one ruled!

Never give out your password or credit card number in an instant message conversation.

[email protected] says:
JB - 'The voice of the future' - as told by many of his followers... says:
JB - 'The voice of the future' - as told by many of his followers... says:
who is this?
[email protected] says:
this is John from the St Alphedge church group
JB - 'The voice of the future' - as told by many of his followers... says:
JB - 'The voice of the future' - as told by many of his followers... says:
do i know you
[email protected] says:
I have reason to believe you dabble in a satanist videogame
JB - 'The voice of the future' - as told by many of his followers... says:
JB - 'The voice of the future' - as told by many of his followers... says:
ok really who is this
[email protected] says:
this is John
[email protected] says:
I have come to save you
JB - 'The voice of the future' - as told by many of his followers... says:
[email protected] says:
now, the videogame, entitled Shenmue
[email protected] says:
has many anti-Christian messages
[email protected] says:
it preachs many morals, polar opposite of the Christian religion
[email protected] says:
can you please tell me, what religion are you?
JB - 'The voice of the future' - as told by many of his followers... says:
can i ask, messages like what
[email protected] says:
for instance
[email protected] says:
the gangs in the names have Christian references
[email protected] says:
the game preachs revenge
JB - 'The voice of the future' - as told by many of his followers... says:
[email protected] says:
it isn't a laughing matter
[email protected] says:
what religion do you follow?
JB - 'The voice of the future' - as told by many of his followers... says:
i don't
JB - 'The voice of the future' - as told by many of his followers... says:
i'm an athiest
JB - 'The voice of the future' - as told by many of his followers... says:
haven't decided
[email protected] says:
you are anti-God?
[email protected] says:
haven't decided means you are agnostic
[email protected] says:
agnostic is a nice way of putting too stupid to find religion
JB - 'The voice of the future' - as told by many of his followers... says:
that's the one
[email protected] says:
I see you as a lost sheep
[email protected] says:
you need a shepherd
JB - 'The voice of the future' - as told by many of his followers... says:
i'll just stick to my wool thanks
[email protected] says:
you need to see the light my son
JB - 'The voice of the future' - as told by many of his followers... says:
should i choose a higher watt bulb?
[email protected] says:
you are trying to make light of a very serious situation
[email protected] says:
before you played Shenmue, were you a religious person?
JB - 'The voice of the future' - as told by many of his followers... says:
JB - 'The voice of the future' - as told by many of his followers... says:
i don't even think of religion when i'm playing the game
[email protected] says:
it is subliminal
JB - 'The voice of the future' - as told by many of his followers... says:
perhaps you should spam the GTA forums
[email protected] says:
while GTA is an evil game
[email protected] says:
Shenmue hides its dirty morals behind a disguise
[email protected] says:
it has subliminal anti-Christian messages
JB - 'The voice of the future' - as told by many of his followers... says:
where did you get my email address anyway?
[email protected] says:
another lost soul gave it to me
[email protected] says:
[email protected]
JB - 'The voice of the future' - as told by many of his followers... says:
perhaps you should identfy yourself first
JB - 'The voice of the future' - as told by many of his followers... says:
[email protected] says:
I have told you many times
JB - 'The voice of the future' - as told by many of his followers... says:
i so know that this is hei
[email protected] says:
[email protected] says:
is he another sinner?
JB - 'The voice of the future' - as told by many of his followers... says:
aren't you a sinner?
[email protected] says:
I am not a sinner
JB - 'The voice of the future' - as told by many of his followers... says:
you've obviously played the game
[email protected] says:
I have not played the game
JB - 'The voice of the future' - as told by many of his followers... says:
so how do you know for sure?
[email protected] says:
I have witnessed its effects on simple-minded youths
[email protected] says:
it has negative effects
JB - 'The voice of the future' - as told by many of his followers... says:
like what?
JB - 'The voice of the future' - as told by many of his followers... says:
[email protected] says:
a Shenmue fan tried to burn down the church
JB - 'The voice of the future' - as told by many of his followers... says:
[email protected] says:
JB - 'The voice of the future' - as told by many of his followers... says:
while shouting Ren of Heavens?
[email protected] says:
This is no laughing matter
JB - 'The voice of the future' - as told by many of his followers... says:
you must have played it
[email protected] says:
JB - 'The voice of the future' - as told by many of his followers... says:
you've already made references to the game
[email protected] says:
I have researched it
JB - 'The voice of the future' - as told by many of his followers... says:
so you've sinned
[email protected] says:
using the site http://www.shenmuedojo.com/
[email protected] says:
[email protected] says:
because the game hasn't had negative effects on me
[email protected] says:
the game effects weak minded youths who are easily influenced
JB - 'The voice of the future' - as told by many of his followers... says:
well not me
JB - 'The voice of the future' - as told by many of his followers... says:
so go away
[email protected] says:
you are very rude
[email protected] says:
it is the game that makes you rude
JB - 'The voice of the future' - as told by many of his followers... says:
thank you
JB - 'The voice of the future' - as told by many of his followers... says:
know it's you at the moment
[email protected] says:
will you join me in the Lord's bosom?
JB - 'The voice of the future' - as told by many of his followers... says:
[email protected] says:
what is so funny?
JB - 'The voice of the future' - as told by many of his followers... says:
JB - 'The voice of the future' - as told by many of his followers... says:
JB - 'The voice of the future' - as told by many of his followers... says:
[email protected] says:
bosom is a beautiful thing
[email protected] says:
it provides milk to the newborn
JB - 'The voice of the future' - as told by many of his followers... says:
on a woman yeh
[email protected] says:
do you have any e-mail addresses of sinners?
[email protected] says:
other "followers"
JB - 'The voice of the future' - as told by many of his followers... says:
JB - 'The voice of the future' - as told by many of his followers... says:
JB - 'The voice of the future' - as told by many of his followers... says:
let me look
JB - 'The voice of the future' - as told by many of his followers... says:
JB - 'The voice of the future' - as told by many of his followers... says:
why the hell do you think i'd give them to you anyway
[email protected] says:
well you can't be saved but others can
JB - 'The voice of the future' - as told by many of his followers... says:
please, leave the god stuff for some one else
[email protected] says:
[email protected] gave me addresses
JB - 'The voice of the future' - as told by many of his followers... says:
what a special young man
[email protected] says:
he gave me yours, [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]
JB - 'The voice of the future' - as told by many of his followers... says:
yeh he'll do that
[email protected] says:
are those verified sinners?
JB - 'The voice of the future' - as told by many of his followers... says:
no i don't think so
[email protected] says:
none of them?
JB - 'The voice of the future' - as told by many of his followers... says:
JB - 'The voice of the future' - as told by many of his followers... says:
just mine seems to have been a correct one
[email protected] says:
I see
JB - 'The voice of the future' - as told by many of his followers... says:
so you have played shenmue
[email protected] says:
I have not
[email protected] says:
I have researched information on it
JB - 'The voice of the future' - as told by many of his followers... says:
well you just spoke like the main character
[email protected] says:
I have witnessed the negative effects
[email protected] says:
merely coincidence
JB - 'The voice of the future' - as told by many of his followers... says:
perhaps it's not all bad eh
[email protected] says:
because I just spoke one phrase that is similar to the main character means that it is not all bad?
JB - 'The voice of the future' - as told by many of his followers... says:
JB - 'The voice of the future' - as told by many of his followers... says:
[email protected] says:
you have a very unique vision my son
JB - 'The voice of the future' - as told by many of his followers... says:
lol again
JB - 'The voice of the future' - as told by many of his followers... says:
have you tried researching the good stuff then?
JB - 'The voice of the future' - as told by many of his followers... says:
like the caring
JB - 'The voice of the future' - as told by many of his followers... says:
the love
[email protected] says:
what good does it teach
JB - 'The voice of the future' - as told by many of his followers... says:
[email protected] says:
caring? Love? Passion?
[email protected] says:
the game revolves about a young man avenging his Father's death
JB - 'The voice of the future' - as told by many of his followers... says:
JB - 'The voice of the future' - as told by many of his followers... says:
along the way
JB - 'The voice of the future' - as told by many of his followers... says:
making friend
JB - 'The voice of the future' - as told by many of his followers... says:
JB - 'The voice of the future' - as told by many of his followers... says:
caring for others
JB - 'The voice of the future' - as told by many of his followers... says:
helping out other people
[email protected] says:
making evil friends
JB - 'The voice of the future' - as told by many of his followers... says:
evil friends?
[email protected] says:
JB - 'The voice of the future' - as told by many of his followers... says:
you mean kids are evil?
[email protected] says:
kids can be evil
JB - 'The voice of the future' - as told by many of his followers... says:
you ask for directions and the kid very nicely shows you where to go
JB - 'The voice of the future' - as told by many of his followers... says:
he doesn't chop your head off
[email protected] says:
you can see the evil man asks an innocent child for directions
[email protected] says:
he is using the innocent child for his gain
JB - 'The voice of the future' - as told by many of his followers... says:
evil man?
[email protected] says:
yes he is evil
JB - 'The voice of the future' - as told by many of his followers... says:
you have not seen the whole of the game
[email protected] says:
I have
JB - 'The voice of the future' - as told by many of his followers... says:
he may want revenge now
JB - 'The voice of the future' - as told by many of his followers... says:
but others will explain how it is wrong
JB - 'The voice of the future' - as told by many of his followers... says:
and shut up up a bit
JB - 'The voice of the future' - as told by many of his followers... says:
[email protected] says:
are you telling me to shut up?
JB - 'The voice of the future' - as told by many of his followers... says:
does that bother you?
[email protected] says:
it offends me
[email protected] says:
I sense anger in you
JB - 'The voice of the future' - as told by many of his followers... says:
well you offend me
[email protected] says:
I offend you?
[email protected] says:
how do I offend you?
JB - 'The voice of the future' - as told by many of his followers... says:
well you've obviously come here to tell me to get rid of my favourite game ever
JB - 'The voice of the future' - as told by many of his followers... says:
because of the issues you have with it
JB - 'The voice of the future' - as told by many of his followers... says:
cause i like it should have nothing to do with you
JB - 'The voice of the future' - as told by many of his followers... says:
i do what i like
[email protected] says:
I want to save you
JB - 'The voice of the future' - as told by many of his followers... says:
[email protected] says:
I want to help you get into heaven
[email protected] says:
by making you a better person
JB - 'The voice of the future' - as told by many of his followers... says:
by assuming i do wrong too?
[email protected] says:
I have not assumed you do wrong
JB - 'The voice of the future' - as told by many of his followers... says:
just cause i play the game doesn't mean i burn down churches for a living
[email protected] says:
I was told you do wrong
JB - 'The voice of the future' - as told by many of his followers... says:
[email protected] says:
dobharrison told me that you do anal?
JB - 'The voice of the future' - as told by many of his followers... says:
by that email address person
[email protected] says:
was he joking?
JB - 'The voice of the future' - as told by many of his followers... says:
lol this is so good
[email protected] says:
what? Anal?
JB - 'The voice of the future' - as told by many of his followers... says:
you like to do anal?
JB - 'The voice of the future' - as told by many of his followers... says:
[email protected] says:
[email protected] says:
you perform in homo-sexual activities?
JB - 'The voice of the future' - as told by many of his followers... says:
with you?
[email protected] says:
JB - 'The voice of the future' - as told by many of his followers... says:
with myself?
[email protected] says:
you are a very defiant rebellious little child
JB - 'The voice of the future' - as told by many of his followers... says:
do you know how old i am then?
[email protected] says:
no I do not, how old are you?
JB - 'The voice of the future' - as told by many of his followers... says:
well taking into account you just called me a child
[email protected] says:
It isn't meant that way
JB - 'The voice of the future' - as told by many of his followers... says:
you've offended me
[email protected] says:
have I?
[email protected] says:
I call you a child as you are a young confused boy who hasn't found himself yet
JB - 'The voice of the future' - as told by many of his followers... says:
well that offends me
[email protected] says:
JB - 'The voice of the future' - as told by many of his followers... says:
cause you said ti
JB - 'The voice of the future' - as told by many of his followers... says:
[email protected] says:
what is it that offends you?
JB - 'The voice of the future' - as told by many of his followers... says:
your tone!
[email protected] says:
you cannot emphasise tone over the internet
JB - 'The voice of the future' - as told by many of his followers... says:
but you can emphasise hate?
JB - 'The voice of the future' - as told by many of his followers... says:
[email protected] says:
well obviously I can tell if your angry
[email protected] says:
and hateful
JB - 'The voice of the future' - as told by many of his followers... says:
but your willing to tell me that i am
[email protected] says:
in the things you say
[email protected] says:
but it isn't a tone
[email protected] says:
JB - 'The voice of the future' - as told by many of his followers... says:
once again i am offeneded by your actions
JB - 'The voice of the future' - as told by many of his followers... says:
you should think long and hard about them
[email protected] says:
u get offended easily
JB - 'The voice of the future' - as told by many of his followers... says:
and get back to me
[email protected] says:
I sympathise with you
[email protected] says:
will you be going to confession soon?
JB - 'The voice of the future' - as told by many of his followers... says:
[email protected] says:
that fills me with joy and hope!
JB - 'The voice of the future' - as told by many of his followers... says:
i have understood the ways in which i have done wrong by your words father
[email protected] says:
you are showing hope
JB - 'The voice of the future' - as told by many of his followers... says:
forgive me
[email protected] says:
God will forgive you at confession
JB - 'The voice of the future' - as told by many of his followers... says:
will he forgive Shenmue?
[email protected] says:
Shenmue is not a person
[email protected] says:
he can't forgive it
JB - 'The voice of the future' - as told by many of his followers... says:
a person made it though
[email protected] says:
if the makers show true repentance, God will forgive them
JB - 'The voice of the future' - as told by many of his followers... says:
god is good
[email protected] says:
capital G please
JB - 'The voice of the future' - as told by many of his followers... says:
god is Good
[email protected] says:
I meant the g in God
JB - 'The voice of the future' - as told by many of his followers... says:
oh i see
[email protected] says:
yes you do truly see
JB - 'The voice of the future' - as told by many of his followers... says:
thank you for talking to me
JB - 'The voice of the future' - as told by many of his followers... says:
i will remember this conversation
[email protected] says:
do you want me to send you some brochures for your local Catholic church?
JB - 'The voice of the future' - as told by many of his followers... says:
you have done well me friend
JB - 'The voice of the future' - as told by many of his followers... says:
no thanks
JB - 'The voice of the future' - as told by many of his followers... says:
i think i'll go find out myself
[email protected] says:
this makes my heart smile
JB - 'The voice of the future' - as told by many of his followers... says:
your heart contains a face?
[email protected] says:
well not literally
JB - 'The voice of the future' - as told by many of his followers... says:
sorry i'm not with all this god talk
JB - 'The voice of the future' - as told by many of his followers... says:
i shall learn!
[email protected] says:
many things in the bible aren't literal
JB - 'The voice of the future' - as told by many of his followers... says:
so it's not true?
[email protected] says:
you will learn
[email protected] says:
it is true
JB - 'The voice of the future' - as told by many of his followers... says:
but not what people say
JB - 'The voice of the future' - as told by many of his followers... says:
got ya
[email protected] says:
but many things are meant to symbolise things
[email protected] says:
*other things
JB - 'The voice of the future' - as told by many of his followers... says:
like a talking heart?
[email protected] says:
I meant, it made me feel good you saw the error of your ways
[email protected] says:
like I had done right in the world
JB - 'The voice of the future' - as told by many of his followers... says:
JB - 'The voice of the future' - as told by many of his followers... says:
thank you
[email protected] says:
you are still very naive
[email protected] says:
but you will learn and go to heaven
[email protected] says:
unlike that other fiendish youth I talked to
[email protected] says:
and another one I am talking to now
[email protected] says:
I must speak to other shenmue followers
[email protected] says:
and convert them
[email protected] says:
JB - 'The voice of the future' - as told by many of his followers... says:
ok see ya (in hell) father
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James Brown
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"After Burner...Great!"
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Postby Ash » Sun May 04, 2003 2:49 pm

I'm talking with him now. :shock:
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Man Mo Acolyte
Man Mo Acolyte
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Postby Myles » Sun May 04, 2003 2:52 pm

Me too, I'll post it soon.
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Machine Gun Fist
Machine Gun Fist
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Postby Without Remorse » Sun May 04, 2003 2:56 pm

somebody please give this guy my email, [email protected], please, I have a great idea.
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Man Mo Acolyte
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Postby Ash » Sun May 04, 2003 3:01 pm

*Sniff* This guy is weird. :cry:
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Man Mo Acolyte
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