My Middle East Crisis Theory

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My Middle East Crisis Theory

Postby Twist » Wed Jul 26, 2006 2:31 pm

I don’t post here often anymore, but it is one of the only forums on the internet (that I know of) where people can engage in an intellectual debate without it ending (or beginning) in “shut up you n00b, I hax0r3ed your m0m” or something to that effect. Partial credit goes to Martin for his immense additions to some topics.

Anyway on with the show.

Some of you may remember a few months back there was all sorts of discussion in the media and politically over Iran developing its nuclear architecture. It was a heated debate with neither side (i.e. Iran and the US with partial UN support) wishing to back down. The media coverage was widespread and the Iranian government was earning itself a bad (or perhaps merely worse) name.

Then all of a sudden the media and the politicians were no longer interested in Iran and its nuclear capabilities. The UN also was turning its attention to new affairs, and I think we all remember what those new affairs were: the Hezbollah capture of Israeli soldiers. Since then the situation has ‘escalated’ as the British media would say, and of course it would escalate because Israel are hardly going enter into diplomatic discussion and compromise with a so called ‘terrorist’ group who is seeking to destroy their very way of life.

Perhaps someone knew that capturing Israeli soldiers would cause the proverbial tightly pulled string holding both sides back from a full blown war to snap?
Perhaps someone planned such a situation…

But who would do such a thing? Or rather who would have the incentive to do such a thing?

The Iranian government.

Back in the 1980s Iran helped to create Hezbollah by providing finance and ever since it has provided money and weaponry to the organisation. Some might say that Hezbollah owed a debt to Iran, which could be called in, without question, at any given moment, should Iran require something of Hezbollah.

Iran did require something: a decoy. Something to take the media, political and UN attention away from Iran and its new found nuclear capabilities. Something like a war perhaps? Perhaps Iran decided to call in some old debts…

Some may argue that it is typical of Hezbollah to take hostages, it is something they do often, and therefore it is unlike that Iran had anything to do with it. The fact that this is so can only back up my theory because it means few people would believe that Iran had involvement when it is something typical of Hezbollah instigating themselves. This belief would work in Iran’s favour. Also Hezbollah are known for taking ‘western’ hostages rather than Israeli soldiers. Taking a few western hostages would hardly provoke a war now would it?

I believe this hypothesis to be true because the events have worked out to be highly beneficial for both Hezbollah and Iran; both getting what they want. Hezbollah get to destroy some of Israel, possibly recover some of their men Israel have imprisoned in a trade and fulfil the definition of terrorism and Iran get the spotlight taken off them, from all angles.

But one question remains. Why would Iran take such action? To prevent themselves from becoming another Iraq or something more sinister, i.e. nuclear weapons?

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Postby rhubarb505 » Wed Jul 26, 2006 9:24 pm

I feel kinda sorry that you've gotten no responses yet.

I didn't read your post, but congratulations on making such a long and obviously well thought-out message! *thumbs up*
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Postby Captain Lars Kegstealer » Wed Jul 26, 2006 9:38 pm

I think the whole middle east should just die. Wouldn't it make things a whole lot easier?
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Postby Yutaka Suzuki » Sat Aug 05, 2006 6:45 am

the main problem in our region is Israel

all the trouble right here because of the Israelian exist

and who bring them and give them our land for free , sure the British government

and who give them the full power and support , sure the american government ( the biggest terror in the whole world )
actually , israel could be the 51 state for the american !

they want to destroy us

but we will bring back our lands even if it take us a hundred of years

as we did before with the Christian invaders when they stolen our land for a hundred year

what it was stolen with power , sure we will bring it back with power
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Postby Ryo Hazuki » Mon Aug 07, 2006 8:31 pm

Mr. Suzuki, that's racist, almost hateful what you said, so I'm not going to give you the time of day of responding to your false accusations.

Also, Iran did this with the intention of getting the international community and the UNSC from looking into its nuclear program. The president of Iran is a whacko who believes the end of times is coming, and there's a specific reason why they said they'll respond on August 22, I'm not going to get into the reasons, as I don't have the time or want to get into a bigger debate about him. Hezbollah is known for taking Israelis and Americans (specifically William Buckley) hostages, along with westerners.

Iran is arming Hezbollah also, they have katyushas, Fajr 3, Fajr 5, and even Zelzal 2 missiles, oh, they also have C-802 and C-701 cruise missiles. Zelzal2 and the C type missiles need Iranian operators and personnel to operate these complicated missiles.
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Postby Bluecast » Mon Aug 07, 2006 8:42 pm

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Postby Gamer2 » Mon Aug 07, 2006 11:06 pm

Ryo Hazuki wrote:Mr. Suzuki, that's racist, almost hateful what you said, so I'm not going to give you the time of day of responding to your false accusations.

he does have a point, We had no right to take thier land from them.
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Postby Yutaka Suzuki » Tue Aug 08, 2006 6:17 am

Ryo Hazuki wrote:Mr. Suzuki, that's racist, almost hateful what you said, so I'm not going to give you the time of day of responding to your false accusations.

Also, Iran did this with the intention of getting the international community and the UNSC from looking into its nuclear program. The president of Iran is a whacko who believes the end of times is coming, and there's a specific reason why they said they'll respond on August 22, I'm not going to get into the reasons, as I don't have the time or want to get into a bigger debate about him. Hezbollah is known for taking Israelis and Americans (specifically William Buckley) hostages, along with westerners.

Iran is arming Hezbollah also, they have katyushas, Fajr 3, Fajr 5, and even Zelzal 2 missiles, oh, they also have C-802 and C-701 cruise missiles. Zelzal2 and the C type missiles need Iranian operators and personnel to operate these complicated missiles.

did you know that Israelian army had a huge nuclear weapons

they have rights and we don,t ??

and no one blame Israelian government for this , and just talking shit about Iraq , Iran and north korea and now Lebanon and Syria :evil:

what did you think about this ?
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Postby Ryo Hazuki » Tue Aug 08, 2006 5:56 pm

Yeah, I know the Israeli Defense Forces has nukes. So do the US, UK, France, Russia, China, N. Korea, India, Pakistan, plus many suspect countries that claim they gave them up. The Israelis have the same rights as any other country that <b>exists</b>. However, Israel had been withdrawn from Lebanon since 2000. They were not occupying the land, although UNIFIL did. Hezbollah took soldiers hostage, another violation of the laws of war. Also, Hezbollah is firing weapons into civilian areas, and hide behind civilians, all of which are war crimes. Technically, Israel can execute any member of hezbollah that they catch, but they don't because they are morally better than a terrorist group.

The state of Israel did not take any land away from anyone, it always existed. They bought land from the arabs, and at any rate, have always existed. In fact I challenge anybody to find the illegitimacy of Israel, because I guarantee you'll lose in a debate against me.
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Postby IveBeenCensored » Tue Aug 08, 2006 7:45 pm

Twist, one problem with your theory, I think Iran wanted the attention. They want to be considered a major player in the world, and bulding a nuclear weapon is a way to achieve that. The way they went about it does not suggest that they wanted to keep this thing a secret. The UN, NATO, or US will not risk another Iraq disaster, and Iran knows this. No one will attack them, and they gain "power" in the world as they continue to become a stronger military force.
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Postby Yutaka Suzuki » Wed Aug 09, 2006 7:07 am

Ryo Hazuki wrote:Yeah, I know the Israeli Defense Forces has nukes. So do the US, UK, France, Russia, China, N. Korea, India, Pakistan, plus many suspect countries that claim they gave them up. The Israelis have the same rights as any other country that <b>exists</b>. However, Israel had been withdrawn from Lebanon since 2000. They were not occupying the land, although UNIFIL did. Hezbollah took soldiers hostage, another violation of the laws of war. Also, Hezbollah is firing weapons into civilian areas, and hide behind civilians, all of which are war crimes. Technically, Israel can execute any member of hezbollah that they catch, but they don't because they are morally better than a terrorist group.

The state of Israel did not take any land away from anyone, it always existed. They bought land from the arabs, and at any rate, have always existed. In fact I challenge anybody to find the illegitimacy of Israel, because I guarantee you'll lose in a debate against me.

what are you talking about is>>>>>>> Wrong

because Israeal still had a lebanon hostages , and israel don,t want to bring them back to their land
and did you know anything about Mazzrara Shebaa
its a part of lebanon land , and israel don,t want to give it back to them

about " They bought land from the arabs " story , hahahahaha funy so funy

did you know why some arabs did this ? because the Israelian using mailed fist with them , they have to or they will get killed

one more thing did you know about Julan Hill
this is also an arabic land for syria , and israel don,t want to give it back to them

and don,t forget about the Plaestinian Daily Suffer

more and more did you know anything about the big Plan for the Israelian nation ,,,,,,,, ses this map and you will be SHOCKED


another map


they called it The Greater Israel land

and this map for Israel right now


as you see they want even more lands like Iraq , Syria , Lebanon , Jordon , Egypt , Kuwait , Turkey , and Saudia Arabia <<< my country

is there any words you want to say after all of this ? !

Israel does not exist , and it never was
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Postby Ryo Hazuki » Wed Aug 09, 2006 4:29 pm

That first and second map are funny. The first map is from the website, which basically claims the POTUS is a "zionist puppett" which is outlandish, and again, accusing jews of controlling the US government. Maybe you should spew your nonsense at Stormfront. The second outline is from the <u>Protocols of the Elders of Zion</u>. That's so ridiculous as to think this anti-semetic forgery is real. Even the Russians admitted that is was a forgery, and someone from the old Russian government made it up. Israel does not want more land, they even agreed at Camp David in 2000 to establish a "Palestinian State" that was rejected by the grandfather of modern terrorism, Yasser Arafat.

Israel does not have any "hostages", these people are terrorists, that is a fact that is undeniable. Mazzrara Shebaa has already been found by the UN Security Council to <b>NOT</b> be part of Lebanon, it is considered a part of Syria. Israel has said numerous times they will give Syria back all the land once a peace treaty is signed.

Israel never made threats to arabs that if they didn't sell land they would be killed.

I looked up Julan Hill, the only reference to it was a person in the State Department, and there is a hill with that name in Mexico, back up your accusations before making yourself look silly.

The "Palestinian suffering" was brought by themselves with the constant suffering they bring on Israel. They have no one to blame but themselves.

Israel has always existed, and will always exist no matter what. I can also post pictures proving that the arabs have been an offshoot of the Nazis. Need I say more?

In fact, I just looked up the place where the images are hosted from,, and they basically discredit the images. I quote:

""In February 2003 an audiotape purportedly from Osama bin Laden called President Bush "stupid" and claimed American war plans against Iraq were part of a plot to attack Muslim nations in the Middle East and North Africa. The United States' goal in waging war against Iraq is to change the regional map to benefit Israel, according to the raspy voice said to be bin Laden. "It is clear that the preparations to attack Iraq are part of a series of attacks prepared for nations of the region including Syria, Iran, Egypt and Sudan," the voice said. "The aim of the Crusaders' campaign is to prepare the atmosphere for the establishment of the so-called greater Israel state, which includes great parts of Iraq, Egypt, Syria, Jordan and large portions of (Saudi Arabia)," it said.

This conception of a Greater Israel encompassing much of the Middle East is evidently a pervasive element of popular culture in the region, and it is easy to understand how this would be taken up by bin Laden and other propgandists. By asserting that Israel seeks to occupy the territories of many other countries in the region, it places the Palestinians on the front line of a struggle common to all people in the region."
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Postby Yutaka Suzuki » Wed Aug 09, 2006 5:23 pm

Ryo Hazuki wrote:That first and second map are funny. The first map is from the website, which basically claims the POTUS is a "zionist puppett" which is outlandish, and again, accusing jews of controlling the US government. Maybe you should spew your nonsense at Stormfront. The second outline is from the <u>Protocols of the Elders of Zion</u>. That's so ridiculous as to think this anti-semetic forgery is real. Even the Russians admitted that is was a forgery, and someone from the old Russian government made it up. Israel does not want more land, they even agreed at Camp David in 2000 to establish a "Palestinian State" that was rejected by the grandfather of modern terrorism, Yasser Arafat.

Israel does not have any "hostages", these people are terrorists, that is a fact that is undeniable. Mazzrara Shebaa has already been found by the UN Security Council to <b>NOT</b> be part of Lebanon, it is considered a part of Syria. Israel has said numerous times they will give Syria back all the land once a peace treaty is signed.

Israel never made threats to arabs that if they didn't sell land they would be killed.

I looked up Julan Hill, the only reference to it was a person in the State Department, and there is a hill with that name in Mexico, back up your accusations before making yourself look silly.

The "Palestinian suffering" was brought by themselves with the constant suffering they bring on Israel. They have no one to blame but themselves.

Israel has always existed, and will always exist no matter what. I can also post pictures proving that the arabs have been an offshoot of the Nazis. Need I say more?


where are you from ? i think america

Because of this you don,t know what,s the real situation is

about the Maps , did you know that this maps is a part of the Education methods in Israel , and you tell me it,s FAKE !

you can find too much topics about the matter ... r2=tab-web

about Mazzrara Shebaa , FUCK to U.N

all the Lebanon people said it,s for us , the Syrian said it,s for them
and you tell me about the Stupid U.N , i don,t know why they still there in lebanon , they are useless

about the Palestinian , i don,t want to talk too much about this case
the newspaper and the pictures are all ready told

about your newspaper and press , no need to tell that jews controlling them , Actually controlling all America

Israel never made threats to arabs that if they didn't sell land they would be killed.

Don,t be silly !

some forien people coming from far lands and take your land and you give it to them by that easy
a Hundred of miles was sold ! what a ridiculous !
what did you talking about ? ! can you imagin it befor you talking like that !!!!

Israel does not have any "hostages", these people are terrorists

first of all there are not terrorists , and if so they have to be in their Country , they get them from there .

srael has always existed, and will always exist no matter what.

hahahaha ,,,,,,,, what,s with your sharp voice
as i said before , The american 51 state :lol:

Time will tell

about the modern terrorism that you talking about , that is very likely to said about The american and Israelian Leaders

can,t you see the Haters of America Because of this Politics
all the people in the Islamic world from Indonesia to Moroco hate america Because of this , and America don,t care about this and only care about their 51 state !
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Postby Ryo Hazuki » Wed Aug 09, 2006 6:01 pm

You are right, I am from the United States. I took a look at those maps, they aren't from school textbooks, most of them are images of <i>Ancient Israel</i>. You need to put it in a historical contex. You say F*** the UN, you are right the UN is useless, but unless Syria officially cedes the Shebaa Farms, they are still part of Syria. There needs to be a signed document to prove the land is part of Lebanon. Such a document doesn't exist.

Israel is a soverign nation that wouldn't be a state, there's a better chance of Canada becoming the 51st state than Israel ever becoming a state, nor would Americans want Israel as a state.

Modern terrorism is actually from middle eastern countries. True, I'll give you that Israelis have committed terrorism, or as I like to call it, resistance against the British occupying power.

In fact the term terrorism actually comes from "The Reign of Terror" (1793 - 1794) to describe rule through a systematic use of terror exemplified especially by extensive use of the guillotine. Historic references to the term "terrorism" first appeared during the Reign of Terror.

People hate america because of who we are, not our policies. Don't drink too much of that Michael Scheuer kool-aid, it isn't good for your health.

Since you seem to like to use images, later on I'll post some images to counter your arguments.

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Postby St. Elmo's Fire » Wed Aug 09, 2006 6:14 pm

How do you mean about Israel revolting against the UK? Tony Blair, being pretty much Mr. Bush's asswipe, seems quite happy to let Israel carry on. Or do you mean events many years ago that are now gotten over, like America throwing the Redcoats out? ;)
I don't hate America either btw. But I'd say its policies are the main bone of contention around "friendly" countries like ours, most of the time, the people "who your are" are welcomed here...
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