Overrated and underrated movies

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Overrated and underrated movies

Postby Jed » Thu Mar 05, 2009 6:12 pm


Donnie Darko:
What is good about this movie? The storyline is bollocks and really stupid. People think that just because it's confusing it's good, there are plenty of better "confusing" movies out there like memento.(also slightly overrated IMO) Girls only like it because of jake gylenhaal.(average actor) That rabbit frank is lame. All the Emo's and Goth's overrated this movie. It's average, thats all.

I like this movie, it's a nice cute, funny, light hearted artistic movie. But does it deserve to be one of the highest rated movies of all time? NO WAY!!!!!!

It's alright, but that's it. I found the characters pretty boring, it's too slow, don't find it scary(I did when I was a kid) and the characters were just so dull and uninteresting. Aliens is INFINITELY better and is one of the best movies ever made. But I got the directors cut for £2 at CEX so I can't complain.

Dull uninteresting characters, lame fight scenes(atleast I thought so) and a crappy storyline. Didn't find it entertaining, I found it pretty dull for an action movie.


The butterfly effect directors cut:
The theatrical release was a little bit corny but I thought the directors cut was brilliant. The theatrical version was basically a love story, the directors cut was more about him caring about everyone and not just the girl he liked. I haven't watched it in a while so I could be off but that's what I remember. And the ending of the directors cut was brilliant.

Pitch Black:
I love this movie. Riddick is a great character and I found this movie really intertaining.

The Host:
Love this movie! cannot believe those pricks at hollywood are remaking it!

Oldboy: It it highly acclaimed but I think it is better than highly rated movies like Fight Club and Memento. It deserves to be rated higher than them.

Hulk(ang lee): I actually enjoyed this movie! Eric bana did a great job, sure it could have done with some more action in the beginning but I enjoyed the movie and it is nowhere near as bad as some people say it is.

This is my father:
None of you have probably heard of this movie, it came out in 1998 and there isn't even a trailer for it on youtube...that's how underrated it is. I'm not really a fan of love stories but this movie is one of the best movies i've ever seen, it's really sad and has great acting. My parents got it at a car boot sale for 15p, can't believe how badly this went under the radar, it stars James Caan so it's not some unknown super low budget movie.
Last edited by Jed on Thu Mar 05, 2009 7:02 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Riku Rose » Thu Mar 05, 2009 6:23 pm

This topic will end in a massive argument with Hazuki-San.
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Postby Bluecast » Thu Mar 05, 2009 6:54 pm

Originally I didn't like 300.

But now I rethought it and find it a great film.
However some know this and sadly many don't,300 has taken a real historic event and stylized it end exaggerated it just like any good story teller should.
(FYI the line where they speak about the arrows blocking the sun and fighting in the shade reportedly was actually said.....now that truly is badass)

When we speak of legendary things we blow it out of proportion and make it almost pure fiction which makes it more compelling for people..take King Arthur and the story of camelot for example.

We grow up hearing the tale thinking it's pure fiction when in reality there is quite a bit of real history in it.

About ALien it was a product of it's time and many consider Aliens the best of the series.

fuck the shitty 3 and 4...they don't exist.

Ang Lee himself did the performance in hulk and did very well however the film itself was too melodramatic and hulk dogs and the mushroom cloud of whatever was just well...dumb but I do believe it still had many great moments but it came to a matter where overall Ang Lee just was the wrong pick mixing his style for film with a comic character that should be more treated as just the fugitive except this guy turns into a Mr Hyde.
Ang tried to drag more story and explanation than was needed

The Redo did it closer to how it should and was decent for what little it had to work with for a limited character.

Pitch Black I agree was good movie and the only damn thing Vin was good in.

The Host indeed I liked it.

Donnie Darko I found enjoyable but didn't see why it was praised like it was gods gift to internet nerds for a film.

The rest I can't comment on,not seen them.

BTW might want to fix your topic title,I am sure you meant Overrated and Underrated not "Overrated and overrated" :P
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Postby Riku Rose » Thu Mar 05, 2009 8:41 pm

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Postby Hazuki-San » Thu Mar 05, 2009 8:48 pm


Star Wars
Lord Of The Rings
And the Bourne movies.


Raging Bull
Taxi Driver
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Postby Riku Rose » Thu Mar 05, 2009 9:20 pm

Hazuki-San wrote:Underrated

Raging Bull
Taxi Driver

How are they underrated? They are looked at as amazing films.
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Postby Hazuki-San » Thu Mar 05, 2009 9:23 pm

Riku wrote:
How are they underrated? They are looked at as amazing films.

Because they're the best films of all time
they should be rated in the top five
along with the first two parts of the Godfather.
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Postby Clint » Thu Mar 05, 2009 9:29 pm

All 3 of your underrated movies are critically acclaimed. (Hazuki-San)

Try again.

Overrated: Monsters Ball, Fargo, Kill Bill 1 and 2, The Dark Knight, Atonement.

Underrated: Audition, Brotherhood, Kingdom of Heaven, Apocalypto, Kagemusha, Lost Highway, The Last Samurai, Blood Diamond, to name a few.
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Postby Hazuki-San » Thu Mar 05, 2009 9:33 pm

Clint wrote:All 3 of your underrated movies are critically acclaimed. (Hazuki-San)

Try again.

Overrated: Monsters Ball, Fargo, Kill Bill 1 and 2, The Dark Knight, Atonement.

Underrated: Audition, Brotherhood, Kingdom of Heaven, Apocalypto, Kagemusha, Lost Highway, The Last Samurai, Blood Diamond, to name a few.

Monsters Ball was a good film much better than
Kingdom of Heaven and Blood Diamond anyway.

The Last Samurai is great but all Cruise movies are
Magnolia was underrated as was Vanilla Sky.
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Postby Bluecast » Thu Mar 05, 2009 9:50 pm

I really like Kill Bill more so the first but it's just a fun for me type of film.

Dark night is great but again I did not come out wooing in absolute amazement.

Last Samureye is indeed freaking amazing,Apocalypto I was hesitant to watch since I generally find mel gibson films pure shit,but damn that film is the shortest 3 hour film ever because you get so caught up in it.

I want to add to Underrated Empire of the sun.
Phantom of the Opera(2004)
No Time for Sargents.

Probably later make a longer more detailed list.
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Postby Clint » Thu Mar 05, 2009 9:51 pm

Cruise is has been awesome in some films. And Vanilla Sky is a good one, i'd say that is very underrated.
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Postby Kenny » Thu Mar 05, 2009 10:32 pm

Overrated: The Dark Knight, No Country For Old Men, Jason Bourne Trilogy, Serenity, Twelve Monkeys, Terminator, Raiders of the Lost Ark, Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl, Harry Fucking Potter, Raging Bull

Underrated: The Darjeeling Limited, House of Sand and Fog, Rocky II, The Notebook, Falling Down, Run Lola Run, Tremors
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Postby Hazuki-San » Thu Mar 05, 2009 10:39 pm

Kenny™© wrote:Overrated: Jason Bourne Trilogy, Pirates of the Caribbean, Harry Fucking Potter, Raging Bull

I agree with the first three
but Raging Bull is the greatest movie of all time... bar none.
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Postby OL » Fri Mar 06, 2009 2:16 am

All Scorcese films are overrated. Particularly The Departed. Such a shit remake of a fucking awesome film (Infernal Affairs). How it ever even got nominated for Best Picture (much less actually winning the damn award) is beyond me.

Underrated: Road to Perdition. One of the most affecting dramas I've ever seen. I don't think it performed that well financially (despite starring Tom Hanks and Paul Newman), and not many people seem to remember it.
So unfortunate.
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Postby Bluecast » Fri Mar 06, 2009 2:46 am

Old Man OL wrote:All Scorcese films are overrated. Particularly The Departed. Such a shit remake of a fucking awesome film (Infernal Affairs). How it ever even got nominated for Best Picture (much less actually winning the damn award) is beyond me.

I could not agree more.

I will say on a personal note for that year I thought Children of Men was the better film.
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