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PostPosted: Tue Apr 16, 2013 3:22 pm
by OL

Pretty sure there are a few fans of this show on here, so we may as well have a topic.

I've been watching it from the start, and it was great for a long time. One of the funniest shows on tv.
But in the last couple of seasons, little things have started bringing it down. They've started doing way too many "gimmick" episodes, such as the claymation christmas episode, or last year's musical episode. And you know, I liked the show enough otherwise that I could put up with a lame gimmick every now and then. When they just do a regular episode with a regular story, it's almost always a lot of fun.
But it just started happening a little too often. And it's gotten to the point where they'll do a gimmick episode and it just feels embarrassing to be watching it.
But despite that, I've kept watching because I always enjoy the "regular" episodes.
Well, the current season had been going pretty good. Not too many gimmicks, and it's mostly just been focusing on funny writing and character development. All going good.
But then I start watching the newest episode a few minutes ago... and dear fucking lord, it turned out to be a puppet episode. A cheesy little side-story with all of the characters represented by Sesame Street-like puppets.
Deep breath...
It's not that bad, right?
So I keep watching, hoping it won;t suck too bad.
But then, dear god... they start singing. They start singing a stupid little song about flying in a balloon. And fuck my life, it isn't even funny.
But I let the song go... they finish it, the episode continues. And I'm sitting here thinking to myself "Do NOT sing another goddamn song."
A few jokes are made, I get a chuckle or two... and then Jason Alexander shows up in a guest role. And I think "Well I like Jason Alexander... maybe this won't suck too much after all."
But no, not a minute after he shows up, he starts singing a song just as terrible as the previous balloon one.
And right then and there, I literally yelled "fuck this" and turned the damn thing off.

Honestly, I don't even know if I'm going to keep watching the series anymore. I want to like it so much. And I have for a long time. Joel McHale is awesome. Alison Brie, Donald Glover, Chevy Chase... all fun to watch.
But the gimmick shit is just too much. I'm tired of it, and I'm shocked that more people haven't just said so to the show's creators. I can't be the only one put off by it.

Not to mention that they've totally ruined Abed's character. He used to be the innocently, naively likable weirdo, and that was great. But then they started making him have these little "freak outs" which are never fucking funny. They're annoying. They just make me want to slap him.

So yeah, I'm incredibly torn on this show right now.

Re: Community

PostPosted: Tue Apr 16, 2013 4:01 pm
by silent killer
part of that dislike you are feeling is likely due to executive meddling, and this new season is being run by some other guys that isn't Dan Harmon. It's a bad sign when you need two guys to replace one. NBC really wants to ruin this show, I guess. The most joy I can get out of season four is to watch it out of spite for NBC.

Re: Community

PostPosted: Tue Apr 16, 2013 4:13 pm
by OL
Actually, this one has been more bearable than most of last season for me. Dan Harmon was the one that started all the gimmick stuff to begin with, so I don't really see his departure as the problem. I think after having the paintball finale in the first season (which was actually good), it just sparked something in him that made him think gimmicks were the right way to go with the show, and now they're just carrying on with that mindset. Pretty unfortunate, because it's consistently funny when it isn't trying so hard to be "unique" and "quirky".

Though I will say that the videogame episode was pretty cool. Not just because I like videogames, but because some of the references were actually clever and fun. It was a little too over-the-top, but at least it was still funny.

Re: Community

PostPosted: Tue Apr 16, 2013 4:28 pm
by Thief
I think it's still worth watching (although I haven't been) because even when you think it can't get any worse they surprise you with the best episode ever, aka the one where they create six alternate universes. :P

Re: Community

PostPosted: Tue Apr 16, 2013 4:36 pm
by OL
^^Problem with that one is later in the series, they have evil Abed "come back" in Abed's mind or whatever, and then he starts hatching plans to ruin everyone's lives...
It really just took away Abed's innocence and made you realize he's just a crazy asshat. Wasn't a fan of that.

Re: Community

PostPosted: Tue Apr 16, 2013 4:36 pm
by Bluecast
Only seen 1 episode. Had no idea what the hell was going on but weird shit and changed the channel. Maybe it was a bad ep. Something about teenager proposing and something about them all wearing the same outfit and cowboy hats. All I remember.

Re: Community

PostPosted: Tue Apr 16, 2013 4:57 pm
by beedle
it started getting shit in season 3, and dan harmon was still knocking around then so I'm not sure you can blame the drop in quality on his absence.

EDIT: oh, OL just said that. haha. To be honest I have a completely unsubstantiated theory as to why it got so bad. It involves a certain vocal group of hardcore fans who demanded more gimmicks and recurring gags whilst simultaneously inflating harmon's ego.

Re: Community

PostPosted: Tue Apr 16, 2013 5:44 pm
by Gingefners, The
Yeah, it went downhill during Season 3. Up and down, sure, but you can't say Harmon leaving caused a decline when he was there for shite like the whole Emperor Chang thing. The gimmicks did get a bit to much too, I agree. The D&D episode is one of my favourite episodes of anything ever so I don't mind them to much when they could hit high points like that, and I don't think any of them were near as bad as the puppet one. Oh that was dreadful. It was a good thing you turned it off before it reached the end where they shared their worst secrets.
Annie revealing she allowed a lecturer to give her foot rubs in return for test answers and Troy saying he caused a huge fire that endangered many lives were brushed over like they were nothing. And Britta's was she doesn't vote :-o

That said I haven't liked season 4 much at all even when it's being normal. It's gone overboard with lazy exposition, explaining their own jokes and throwing in references for the sake of it. Where Abed once was a character who used tv tropes as a way to cope with reality, he's now just used for lazy exposition under the guise of being meta. I don't mind his freak outs though. Autistic people sometimes react like that. They've done nothing with Troy all season except a few lines about him being dumb which is a real waste of a talent like Donald Glover. Annie seems waaay off too, with that secret of hers and the way she was pretending to be Jeff's wife. They've undone all her development and made her more childlike and naive than she was at the start of the show. There's still a few decent jokes, and the cast is good enough to elevate subpar writing to something watchable but it's a long way from the first 2 seasons me thinks.

Re: Community

PostPosted: Wed Apr 17, 2013 7:39 am
by Riku Rose
I've only seen the first two seasons and would rank it as my current favorite comedy on TV. After reading this topic I guess I best prepare myself for it to dip.

My favorite episode was the one where they play D&D despite having no idea about the game. Even episodes like the Dinner with Andre/Pulp Fiction one which I though was one of the worst was still a lot better then most things on TV.

Re: Community

PostPosted: Thu May 09, 2013 8:38 pm
by Calshot
I just saw the season finale.

I can't count the reasons I should stay. One by one they all just fade away.

Re: Community

PostPosted: Thu Sep 12, 2013 7:32 pm
by Riku Rose
Well I just watched the puppet episode and as soon as the puppets came out I remembered this thread and got ready for a bumpy ride. Man was it bad. The whole show has gone from being amazing to pretty good at times. Thinking back the last 2 seasons it seems like there're more gimmick episodes then there are just regular ones. I liked it at the start when you got the odd gimmick every now and then like the paintball or D&D. There was the episode where Abed took a film class and you just see him walk around with a camera the whole episode and you got to see a 1 minute film he made at the end. Now his making 3 documentaries a season and the whole episodes are set around it.

Even characters like Chang and the Dean who popped up every now and then are forced down our throats. It was funny getting little nods every now and then that the Dean is a gay furry but now he literally wears drag every episode and sexualy harasses someone. Him setting up the History of Ice Cream class was just stupid. They used to be a little smart about how crap the school was with stuff like the statue dedicated to that actor everyone knows but doesn't by name. Also it's been like 4 years since I see the first season but I swear Chang was just a bit over the top and not some evil super villain. Although I've never been a great fan of that character.

Season 4 spoilers:
I thought Troy and Britta where meant to be going out. Other then a scene where they held hands or where sat in bed together you wouldn't know.

Now that Dan Harmon is back and has been pretty critical of where the show has gone I hope he steers it in the right direction. I'm not sure how it's going to work without Donald Glover and Chevy though.

Well 4 episodes left on season 4. Suppose I'll watch them now and get it over with.

Re: Community

PostPosted: Sat Sep 14, 2013 1:23 pm
by beedle
no don't watch the finale, for the love of god

Re: Community

PostPosted: Sat Sep 14, 2013 5:26 pm
by Juanfran
I like this show a lot, I never had a problem with the gimmick episodes since they were for the most part so well done. My favorite episode is either Modern Warfare (the first paintball episode) or Anthropology 101 (season 2 premiere). Each one has a slight flaw though. The paintball episode has too much Shirley at her maudlin worst. Anthro 101 has that tag with Betty White rapping which was just smug and awful. I might skip season 4 on repeat viewings though. I liked the episode where Annie was in a hotel pretending to be Jeff's wife but the puppet episode and the finale were so, so terrible. I am looking forward to season 5 though, especially since I hear John Oliver will be back and Mike from Breaking Bad will be playing a professor too.

Re: Community

PostPosted: Sun Dec 15, 2013 1:56 am
by Calshot
New trailer for season 5 just dropped.
phpBB [video]

Even with Dan Harmon back at the reins, there still looks like there's going to be way too many gimmicks.

Re: Community

PostPosted: Mon Dec 16, 2013 2:35 pm
by BigTuna
Calshot wrote: New trailer for season 5 just dropped.
phpBB [video]

Even with Dan Harmon back at the reins, there still looks like there's going to be way too many gimmicks.

Cool cool cool!