Bond 24: SPECTRE

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Bond 24: SPECTRE

Postby OL » Thu Dec 04, 2014 3:35 pm

Normally I don't think I'd bother creating a new topic for something like this, but I have to say, the new Bond flick sounds fucking amazing, just based on the cast and apparent settings.
First of all, Christoph Waltz is playing the villain. I freakin love that guy. Might have been my favorite part of Inglourious Basterds, he was certainly the best part of Django Unchained, and I'm actually even more compelled to see Horrible Bosses 2 just because he's in it (and I was already wanting to see that flick anyway). Great actor, and if ever there was a guy perfectly suited to playing the villain in a Bond movie, he's it.
And as if that weren't great enough news, it's also confirmed that MONICA FREAKIN BELLUCCI is going to be in it as well. It's been said that a Bond movie is only as good as its Bond Girl, so that pretty much confirms that this will be the greatest movie ever made. Obviously.
(Although there are holes in that logic, since Olga Kurylenko is, coincidentally, second to Monica Bellucci on my list of the most gorgeous women on the planet, and she was in Quantum of Solace... but whatever, no theory is bulletproof)
Been way too long since I've seen her in anything that really appeals to me, so this is great news. She might be pushing 50, but she's still everything a good Bond Girl should be.
And the list of shooting locales sounds great too, with Mexico, Italy, and Morocco on the list. If those are actually locations in the story, and not just cheap shooting spots that they'll mask as something else, then it's all good.
It didn't take much, but I'm really hyped for this now.

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Re: Bond 24: SPECTRE

Postby Rakim » Thu Dec 04, 2014 4:38 pm

Excited. Too bad it didn't come during her prime looks-wise. Bellucci deserved to be a Bond Girl since forever. One of the best Euro-babes out there. This has so much potential with that cast. And now that all the origins and cetera are finally done with being set up we can just get back into full awesome spyness.

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