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3 Wishes

PostPosted: Thu Aug 13, 2015 5:49 am
by Shibiryo

Post your 3 wishes.

1. Free Purchases
2. Ability to Fly
3. To be immortal


Re: 3 Wishes

PostPosted: Thu Aug 13, 2015 5:59 am
by amiga1200
1, safe and COST EFFECTIVE reactors for the home and industry. totally new and renewable energy. (cold fusion or plasma reactors, like tokamaks)
2, anarchy rules, leading to a better understanding of each other and cooperation. (before you lose your shit SD for that, look up the true definition of anarchy, complete opposite of hierarchy.)
3, a global SDI where like a standing army, ANYBODY can enroll. (solar defense initiatives, and with that, eventual colonization of the solar system, and beyond.)
(4, keep nuclear weapons. if we can't learn to get along and not invade territories for greedy reasons, then M.A.D. it is!)

Re: 3 Wishes

PostPosted: Thu Aug 13, 2015 8:10 am
by Sonikku
amiga1200 wrote:2, anarchy rules, leading to a better understanding of each other and cooperation. (before you lose your shit SD for that, look up the true definition of anarchy, complete opposite of hierarchy.)

Yes! It'll be very Mad Max where we engage in epic motor battles for resources and ride around in motorcycles. My helmet will have a pink Mohawk on it! \:D/

Re: 3 Wishes

PostPosted: Thu Aug 13, 2015 8:21 am
by Kiske
1. Immortality
2. Multiple orgasms
3. Unlimited wishes


Re: 3 Wishes

PostPosted: Thu Aug 13, 2015 9:48 am
by mrslig100

I wish that the coalmines would reopen.

I wish I owned a power plant.

Re: 3 Wishes

PostPosted: Thu Aug 13, 2015 10:42 am
by OL
1.) Immunity to all disease, pathogens, and otherwise negative effects on the body.
2.) Really, really, really ridiculously good-looks.
3.) The greatest sexual talent and ability in the history of mankind.

It's all sex-related. Because, when I really think about it, everything comes back to sex. All accomplishments, all notions of success, all drive to do better for myself; all of it is just a potential path to more sex with better sexual partners. Because sex is the greatest thing in the world. All of this would just make it easier to get it, easier to actually do it, and ultimately make it completely safe (my biggest realistic fear in life is STD).
Of course, that's all taken under the pretense that I wouldn't be able to just wish for the ability to do anything I want by willing it to be so (the ultimate wish, if there ever was one).

I have to say, I'm surprised at the wishes for immortality so far though. Seriously, you want to live forever?
Forever is a long goddamn time. And without the ability to die, everything in life loses meaning and worth. The only thing to gain from that is a slow path to insanity. Personally, I want to die eventually.

EDIT: Actually, second list incoming:

1.) Ability to summon customizable copies of anyone solely for the purposes of sex, which can the be dismissed into thin air until I require them again.
2.) Eh, whatever.
3.) Other stuff. Eh.

See, with that, it wouldn't even matter if I was any good, or particularly good-looking, or whatever. With that, I could safely bang anyone I want, get my rocks off, and spend the rest of my time actually doing worthwhile things in life. Because if you take the pursuit of sex out of life, you seriously have so much more time to focus on other things.
Plus it'd leave me with two extra wishes. I think I'd hold onto those for a while until I really needed them.

Re: 3 Wishes

PostPosted: Thu Aug 13, 2015 11:26 am
by Bastard Yusuke
Well, after seeing how horny he is, I don't think there's any way I could, in good conscience, not use all three of my wishes to get OL laid.

Re: 3 Wishes

PostPosted: Thu Aug 13, 2015 11:28 am
by Bastard Yusuke
I might also use one of them to give him AIDS, too, of course. But that would just be for the lulz.

Re: 3 Wishes

PostPosted: Thu Aug 13, 2015 11:32 am
by Rakim
1. A TV with a DVD player BUILT IN!
2. The box set of every episode of Seinfeld!
3. A 3 liter of coke!

It would be such a rad weekend!

Re: 3 Wishes

PostPosted: Thu Aug 13, 2015 12:35 pm
by Sonikku
1. Would wish to have been born biologically female to start with.
2. Wish to remove all Super Pacs/Donations/big money/lobbyists and special interest groups that rule politics.
3. Wish for one Billion dollars. Not a million, that's just not enough to retire on any more. Would buy a home in San Fran, one near family, one in Japan. Travel the world, donate to charities, set my mother up with the best healthcare money can buy for all her chronic illness, treat OL to all the hookers and blow he can handle and donate 25 mil to Yu's Shenmue 3 fund because fuck, I have a billion dollars! \:D/

Re: 3 Wishes

PostPosted: Thu Aug 13, 2015 12:43 pm
by Shibiryo
Sonikku wrote:Would wish to have been born biologically female to start with.

So are you female now?

Sonikku wrote:donate 25 mil to Yu's Shenmue 3 fund because fuck, I have a billion dollars!

Why not donate all of it. What's better than having a 1 billion dollar funded Shenmue 3? Heck we could even get HD and 4/5.

Re: 3 Wishes

PostPosted: Thu Aug 13, 2015 1:07 pm
by Mr357
1. For Yu Suzuki to live in prefect health for as long as he wishes

2. Expunge the U.S.'s debt to China and all other nations

3. Just like Sonikku, remove all of the weasels who currently run our country

Re: 3 Wishes

PostPosted: Thu Aug 13, 2015 2:24 pm
by amiga1200
OL wrote: 1.) Immunity to all disease, pathogens, and otherwise negative effects on the body.
2.) Really, really, really ridiculously good-looks.
3.) The greatest sexual talent and ability in the history of mankind.

It's all sex-related. Because, when I really think about it, everything comes back to sex. All accomplishments, all notions of success, all drive to do better for myself; all of it is just a potential path to more sex with better sexual partners. Because sex is the greatest thing in the world. All of this would just make it easier to get it, easier to actually do it, and ultimately make it completely safe (my biggest realistic fear in life is STD).
Of course, that's all taken under the pretense that I wouldn't be able to just wish for the ability to do anything I want by willing it to be so (the ultimate wish, if there ever was one).

I have to say, I'm surprised at the wishes for immortality so far though. Seriously, you want to live forever?
Forever is a long goddamn time. And without the ability to die, everything in life loses meaning and worth. The only thing to gain from that is a slow path to insanity. Personally, I want to die eventually.

EDIT: Actually, second list incoming:

1.) Ability to summon customizable copies of anyone solely for the purposes of sex, which can the be dismissed into thin air until I require them again.
2.) Eh, whatever.
3.) Other stuff. Eh.

See, with that, it wouldn't even matter if I was any good, or particularly good-looking, or whatever. With that, I could safely bang anyone I want, get my rocks off, and spend the rest of my time actually doing worthwhile things in life. Because if you take the pursuit of sex out of life, you seriously have so much more time to focus on other things.
Plus it'd leave me with two extra wishes. I think I'd hold onto those for a while until I really needed them.
needed a laugh.
i owe you a debt of gratitude... :mrgreen:

Re: 3 Wishes

PostPosted: Thu Aug 13, 2015 3:05 pm
by Sonikku
Shibiryo wrote:So are you female now?

I identify as such and transitioned. Though I have no pms, nor could I ever have a child. A mixed blessing, perhaps. :P

Re: 3 Wishes

PostPosted: Thu Aug 13, 2015 4:36 pm
by Henry Spencer
^You could adopt and call your child Sonikchu.

Health, wealth and elf. In any order.
I got loads of nerdy game wishes fulfilled instead, which I suppose will have to do. Ack, well.