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Making time for gaming

PostPosted: Sat Feb 11, 2017 4:00 am
by Vyse Hazuky
It's been about a year since I finished the last game I played, The Legend of Zelda A Link Between Worlds. Since then, I did buy Majora's Mask 3DS reissue which was still in its plastic wrapping last week, until I finally gave it a go, and I did play a little bit of PS3 last summer until it broke (was broken) - yet, nothing from start to finish, far from it.

So, starting last year and continuing this year, I've had a lot of trouble making time to play games.
Last year, I had some free mornings and afternoons (which I usually finished early as well) and the weekends as well, although especially later in the year I had started bringing home a lot more work. This year it's been more of a straight 8,30am to 5,30pm but I usually only get home about 6. I've been living alone, my girlfriend and mother (my father died a few years ago) live in different towns. So, even after getting home there's still time for cooking, cleaning and laundry.

During weekends I usually visit one or the other and prefer taking a walk when it's still light outside, going out to lunch, and playing guitar.

So I have been taking my entertainment in smaller doses. Usually just cartoons/anime because episodes are usually small, and I guess I still consume a lot of puroresu.
Since games usually take longer, I've had a bit of a hard time playing them only weekends, sometimes it's hard to remember what you want to do, and most of the time it's difficult to maintain the excitement level over months, one is bound to lose interest (I remember with TLoZ:ALBW in particular I mostly had to force myself in the end because I had been playing it for about 2 months)

Long story short, I need some help from some of you adults out there, that have managed to cram good gaming hours in your busy weeks. Tips, pointers and corners to cut are welcome.

Re: Making time for gaming

PostPosted: Sat Feb 11, 2017 5:37 am
by south carmain
Jobseekers, innit.

Re: Making time for gaming

PostPosted: Sat Feb 11, 2017 6:30 am
by Riku Rose
It really comes down to what you want to do in your spare time. You've said yourself that you have spare time but you prefer to do different things. I could play video games an extra two hours a day if I wanted but instead I go to the gym. As it stands I get about 3-4 days a week when I sit down for an hour or two with a game but if I wanted to play more I could I'd just have to stop doing some of the other things I do in my free time.

Re: Making time for gaming

PostPosted: Sat Feb 11, 2017 11:27 am
by redline
in the early 2000s game stores would accept returns even on played games - so after buying, you had around 3 days complete the game and get money back. that was incentive :lol:

you cant force it. if your not interested in playing games at the moment, your not going to do it. (at one time, i stopped playing games for many years )

wait till shenmue 3 hits, i assume your make time to play that.

Re: Making time for gaming

PostPosted: Sat Feb 11, 2017 7:38 pm
by Henry Spencer
Saturday afternoons when it's raining. Dog still needs walking, still go out with my best mate on Sundays normally. But yeah, Saturday afternoons and Sunday mornings and evenings are the best time for me to cram that shit in. I normally spend Saturday evenings/nights watching Netflix or out for meals and shit. Through the week, the advantage of lunch breaks at work and when I go to bed is I can play games on handheld (3DS or Vita). I tend to play just an hour or two after work. It's really all about your own schedule and what hours you work. I tend to just have to specifically make time for it now. Cannot even imagine if I had kids, would probably go all in on handheld gaming if that happened.

I used to do 7:30AM-3:30PM so I had plenty of time to fit in a decent gaming session but now I've just started a new job, I initially had the 9-5:30PM grind but thank god got my hours changed to 8AM-4:00PM with a shorter lunch break, which is a far more sustainable lifestyle for me since it means i can still go out to music events with friends in the nearby cities, take the dog for a walk, play some games, clean shit up/do housework and spend time with family - living my life basically. I can imagine those that do the 10AM-6PM hours are a nightmare, I tried that once at a job and it made me go insane or even worse, the 9:30AM-5:30PM grind where I worked at the last place which took me like sometimes over 2 hours to drive home, other people who worked there also suffered mental breakdowns by how long it took to get home and fucking eat and relax. Seriously, fuck Manchester traffic.

Re: Making time for gaming

PostPosted: Sun Feb 12, 2017 6:56 am
by Bambi
I basically haven't been playing games for the last few months due to time constraints, even unsubbed from WoW which is arguably the best it's been in years because I didn't have time to logon and do even the minimum to make it worthwhile. That said I've started RE7 this week as I'm looking to get back into playing single player games for a couple of hours each week if possible. :|