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NeoGAF down as owner faces sexual allegations again

PostPosted: Sun Oct 22, 2017 5:58 am
by sutoji ... legations/

Tyler Malka, the owner of popular gaming forum NeoGAF, is facing allegations of sexual assault. Facebook post claims that Malka, who is better known online as his username “Evilore,” was a mutual friend that went on a road trip with her down to New Orleans. She alleges that once in New Orleans, she got sick, went to take a shower, and then Malka decided to join in without any consent (the two were not in a relationship at the time, and never were).

These aren’t the first time that Malka has faced allegations of sexual assault, as his own blog post about a trip to Spain led people to questio him after he admitted in 2012 to grabbing a woman in a club while drunk.
Due to the situation, several longtime moderators have stepped down. I’ve managed to confirm that even more moderators are planning to leave the site in the near future. While there’ a staff exodus, the site itself has gone into a state of self-implosion, as people are currently trying to one up themselves in an attempt to ge banned from the site. These types of threads were being removed earlier, but now many have stayed up since the site doesn’t seem to have a active moderation team at the moment.

HOLY **** NeoGAF is down, several mods have left and users were asking for bans.

Re: NeoGAF down as owner faces sexual allegations again

PostPosted: Sun Oct 22, 2017 6:34 am
by shredingskin
Actually happy it happened.

I was scared that that fucking echochamber of rapists and child molesters were going to try dogpile SIII because Niao Sun.

Good riddance.

Re: NeoGAF down as owner faces sexual allegations again

PostPosted: Sun Oct 22, 2017 8:27 am
by RootyKazooty
F*ck NeoGAF.

I'm giving them the NeoSHAFT.

Although I accept that, given the subject matter, this is an inappropriate metaphor.

Re: NeoGAF down as owner faces sexual allegations again

PostPosted: Sun Oct 22, 2017 9:07 am
by Erevador
ShenmueGAF has been extremely supportive of the series and drummed up countless donations for the Kickstarter. GAF was one of the main places where Shenmue discussions were being had (even before the Kickstarter). The wider site had a LOT of problems, but the Shenmue community was fantastic.

This whole thing is a bizarre, baffling mess.

Re: NeoGAF down as owner faces sexual allegations again

PostPosted: Sun Oct 22, 2017 10:37 am
by KidMarine
NeoGAF has been terrible for years. Total echo-chamber of ultra liberal views, everyone trying to out virtue signal each other, Stalin-esque mods banning anyone who even remotely strays from the hive-mind and has wrong opinions. Kind of creepy to see in action.

It was one of the better gaming forums out there until 5 or 6 years ago, before the crazies got in charge and reasonable people slowly left over the years.

Re: NeoGAF down as owner faces sexual allegations again

PostPosted: Sun Oct 22, 2017 12:34 pm
by Riku Rose
I’m quite dissapointed it’s gone down as I followed the Twitter bot that tweeted out new topics as they was made. I never had an account on Gaf but it was the best way to keep up with all gaming news, now I’ll have to follow about 5 different news sites to get anywhere close to the amount of news they provided me.

Re: NeoGAF down as owner faces sexual allegations again

PostPosted: Sun Oct 22, 2017 12:37 pm
by OL
Since when does any of this qualify as "sexual assault"?
I don't know shit about NeoGAF. I don't pay attention to or bother with most gaming sites or forums or whatever the hell it is. So I know nothing about the guy or the people surrounding him. I don't care to know.
But just going by the article, two instances are mentioned: he grabbed somebody while in a drunken stupor back in 2012 ("grabbed," mind you; for all we know, it could have been on the shoulder), and he got in a shower naked with someone, then left when told to.
The actions of a dumb douchebag?
Sure. He doesn't sound like anyone I'd want to be friends with.
But calling this "sexual assault" is a disgusting exaggeration. "Sexual assault" is an actionable offense. It's the kind of thing people go to prison for. Hard prison. Like, "fuck you up the ass while an excited Southerner slaps you in the face and tells you to oink like a piggie" prison. Then you get stabbed with a toothbrush shiv.
The guy is clearly a dumbass, but the things he's accused of are just stupid frat boy bullshit. He didn't rape the girl in the shower; he left when she said she wasn't interested. Whether he acted like a jerk later is besides the point. And whatever "grabbing" he did five years ago was done while inebriated, and apparently led to nothing else afterward.
Sure, he sounds like a complete dong, and people can do whatever they want to defame him on the internet. But phrasing it so that he sounds like a dangerous criminal is ridiculous.

Re: NeoGAF down as owner faces sexual allegations again

PostPosted: Sun Oct 22, 2017 12:59 pm
by Riku Rose
From what I’ve read he apparently grabbed the woman on the arse.

Totally agree though that getting in a shower with her is just him completely reading things wrong, forcing yourself on her after she says no is assault.

But this is another case of the Internet trying to destroy someone or something again and next week they’ll choose a new target. Things like sexual assault are sensitive subjects for those involved and because everyone has to have an opinion on the Internet within an hour people jump to extremes and don’t actually discuss anything. Most people don’t actually even seem pissed off about the actual allegations and most just seem happy to see a website burn to the ground because they didn’t like some posts on there which is quite pathetic.

Re: NeoGAF down as owner faces sexual allegations again

PostPosted: Sun Oct 22, 2017 2:23 pm
by south carmain
lol if they were sharing a hotel room I can understand why he would think that he would have a chance with her. but damn, what kind of person just gets naked and invites themselves in to the shower with you without being sure if you would be willing beforehand? Surely there are more subtle less embarassing ways of knowing if someone wants to sleep with you than getting naked :lol:

Re: NeoGAF down as owner faces sexual allegations again

PostPosted: Sun Oct 22, 2017 2:33 pm
by ShenSun
I've been on gaf for years and it is by far the best site for up to date gaming news.However, i will say this, i believe everyone's views should be heard and openly discussed whether you agree or disagree with them. Hopefully, ive demonstrated that on my posts here on the dojo

Neogaf on the other hand is an extremist hell hold. Anyone who doesnt agree with their groupthink is har***ed, bullied and treated like rubbish. So I personally think this is a good thing for the site. Hopefully, it can one day turn back into a forum on just gaming on none of this extremist political BS.

Re: NeoGAF down as owner faces sexual allegations again

PostPosted: Sun Oct 22, 2017 2:39 pm
by shredingskin
Riku Rose wrote:
Totally agree though that getting in a shower with her is just him completely reading things wrong, forcing yourself on her after she says no is assault.

That's the point, Neogaf went after fucking everyone that didn't fit their hivemind.

The irony of having molesters and pedophiles is just the strawberry of the cake.

Re: NeoGAF down as owner faces sexual allegations again

PostPosted: Sun Oct 22, 2017 4:05 pm
by Henry Spencer
Was the best source for game news on the internet so it's a shame it's dead but the admin sounded like a right idiot and always came across that way with how he conducted business.

I was not cool with how they tried to make the controversy of the pedophile/mother beater/thieving mod (Amir0x) go away like they did so quickly. That shit was pretty shocking and disgusting. What the admin did in comparison was fucking nothing.

Since the place is dead may as well just let it be known that I went by the name Sumio Mondo there, by the way. :lol:
Ah well, dunno where I'll get my gaming news from now aside from Gematsu and IGN. I learned about a lot of really obscure games through GAF so it's a shame.

Re: NeoGAF down as owner faces sexual allegations again

PostPosted: Sun Oct 22, 2017 4:24 pm
by sand4fish
sutoji wrote:HOLY **** NeoGAF is down, several mods have left and users were asking for bans.

It was about time. Maybe now this forum will take over on the main role of gaming news source from here on and no one will complain about it being dead. 8)

Re: NeoGAF down as owner faces sexual allegations again

PostPosted: Sun Oct 22, 2017 5:07 pm
by shredingskin
Henry Spencer wrote: Was the best source for game news on the internet

Long time ago, today the only relevance was sony PR/shilling there.

It was kinda ok formatted with long threads and big enough to get a quick fix of news just browsing the first 2 pages.

Re: NeoGAF down as owner faces sexual allegations again

PostPosted: Sun Oct 22, 2017 5:18 pm
by south carmain
To be honest everyone from NeoGAF seemed pretty toxic. It's like they take anything you could say that they slightly disagree with as a personal offence.