The Shenmue Passport

(Chapter 1 | General Series Discussion)

Postby lDarkWarriorl » Sun Feb 26, 2006 5:05 am

Visual Memory wrote:Sakuragaoka, you're great! Thank you so much. I could never use the passport back in the day. My dream always was to see it one time. You made it possible. Thank you.

I could even download the Shenmue goodie character file for Nozomi. Is there some way to still view those? The manual doesn't give very clear instructions. Could someone please tell me how it works/worked?

You should be the new webmaster of :) Haha, maybe SEGA will cooperate. They have treated Shenmue and its fans like shit, the recent years so if they don't want to run the passport, we can do it ourselves.

You should get the Ranking feature running again. No one of you is gonna beat me at Hang On and QTE Title! :D

You know what? Reading that reminded me of a feeling of life and hope in Shenmue. Now that i think of it, Kensuke NOL is right. Why should Sakuragaoka give the site back. If he legally bought it then it's his. Plus, i'm sure he'll make it a hell of alot more functioning than Sega probually ever plans to. Although i don't have internet in my dreamcast and the Passport online has absolutly no effect on my Shenmue usage, I would feel more uplifted inside knowing that someone is doing at least SOMETHING bennificial with a once abandoned Shenmue site. I really don't think Sega ever planned to bring back the Passport. I say, Sakuragaoka isn't hurting anyone. Although he can't give us news, at least he's running the official Shenmue site wich at this moment i look at it as a rising flag for the life of Shenmue.
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Postby cApNhOwDy » Sun Feb 26, 2006 5:21 am

I wish I could delete every post I made on these forums.
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Postby Visual Memory » Sun Feb 26, 2006 5:46 am

Yes, you're right Dark Warrior. Sakuragaoka, you should negotiate with Sega, maybe you can set up some kind of cooperation with them. Like, you'd be in charge of the site's maintenance. Lol, it would be so wonderful to get that passport running again completely. Sakuragaoka should be in charge of the Passport from now on. If the Passport was running again just like way back before April of 2002 I think, I as a fan would not bother if it's Sega, Sakuragaoka or Mercedes-Benz who is in charge of it.
Try to ask Sega about that.

PS: How can I view those goodie files? Is it a VMU game?
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Postby Segata Sanshiro » Sun Feb 26, 2006 6:23 am

negora wrote:Enccompany, I also speak Spanish and know your intention for Shenmue was good. But this way isn't the correct. Not only for us Shenmue fans, but for you, since SEGA can recover that domain easily and you could get in problems.

I run the Dreamalive campaign time ago and I got in problems because of some legal issues with SEGA. And it was because silly things... So imagine in your case.

I know you from SEGA boards and I know you're a good fan. My advise: give it back to SEGA. You don't need to sacrifice yourself in public. Only that. Just do it.

Omg Negora, it's you! I didn't have an internet connection while you were running the Dreamalive campaign, but I read the entire story some time ago at and EOL and I almost started crying lol =D> You were so close to finally getting something... Thanks for bothering doing all you did.

I don't know whether to hate Sakuragaoka or not... I could never use the original Passport three or four years ago, but thanks to him I could see all the statistics, how the menus looked like, etc...
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Postby Xellos » Sun Feb 26, 2006 6:32 am

I read all 17 pages, most interesting thing I have read in this forum in like3 years

I myself have given up hope of shenmue 3, an moved to Duke Nukem Forever! ;)
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Postby b_ren » Sun Feb 26, 2006 6:56 am

So how long as been under his control?? Also why is the DIGITALREX site linking to Does he own that site too?

In any case, good work LanDC.
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Postby Archonn » Sun Feb 26, 2006 7:15 am

B_Ren: Everything was his. It was all a part of a project to renew Shenmue.

I also must say: Please, let Sakuragaoka mantain the passport. Lots of people couldn't see it, give them a chance!

I mean, let's see if Sega really cares, huh? I doubt they would do something... (and if they did, i bet it would be a cooperation proposal, after all, if they can't mantain it, why not let someone else do it? It's a win-win situation for both)

The Shenmue community has been ignored by Sega for a long time now. Isn't now the time for the community to manage its resources by itself?

(One thing for the "Morality Defenders": Sakuragaoka knew what he was doing. The one taking risks is him. So why you don't just shut up and enjoy what you have while you can? (sorry if this offends someone, it's just that i can't accept this as the right thing to do))

The sites are now down... Looks like we did it, didn't we? I hope he's still able to put it up again someday...
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Postby Fatalist » Sun Feb 26, 2006 7:36 am

I cannot believe it, I connect today here and I see that everything was a lie, a bad joke. This Sakuragaoka guy managed to deceive us all during a time, until the good detective workings of LanDC discovered him. I feel very disappointed, I really thought that the Shenmue Passport was going to return. It seemed so strange considering that Sega closed the online service of F355 Challenge recently... but it supposed a joy to me to see those screens of the Passport again and the message "The Shenmue Passport is in update process. Come again and visit us!". It sounded like a gift from Sega for all the Shenmue fans, until all this farce has been discovered.

Sakuragoka, perhaps your intentions were good, but you have lied and deceived the Shenmue fans, shame on you! :evil: And as Negora says even if you have obtained legally it has been crazy to modify and use copyrighted Sega material without permission. On the other hand I cannot understand how to Sega does not seem to matter to keep domain.
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Postby Beck » Sun Feb 26, 2006 7:51 am

Well it was nice of Sakuragoka to get it back online for those who hadn't seen it before. Sucks that he lied about it though...
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Postby Ryudo' » Sun Feb 26, 2006 8:21 am

ok can pardon you for this joke :lol:

but you own :twisted: give it back to SEGA !! :bad-words:
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Postby Sakuragaoka » Sun Feb 26, 2006 8:40 am

Visual Memory wrote:Yes, you're right Dark Warrior. Sakuragaoka, you should negotiate with Sega, maybe you can set up some kind of cooperation with them. Like, you'd be in charge of the site's maintenance. Lol, it would be so wonderful to get that passport running again completely. Sakuragaoka should be in charge of the Passport from now on. If the Passport was running again just like way back before April of 2002 I think, I as a fan would not bother if it's Sega, Sakuragaoka or Mercedes-Benz who is in charge of it.
Try to ask Sega about that.

PS: How can I view those goodie files? Is it a VMU game?

Negotiate with SEGA? I think that's impossible... They never reply a mail.
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Postby negora » Sun Feb 26, 2006 8:53 am

I think many of us have contrary feelings about this issue. On the one hand I consider this a dissapointment but, on the other, I liked the idea of being alive...

As I told some messages before, EncCompany, I think the problem has been the method and the ways used to introduce this. I'm sure that if you had cleared the fact that that it wasn't an official return of "Shemue Passport" the impact of these bad news had been very little compared to the present one. You know, it has been like a snow ball which has became bigger and bigger. I also understand it had been very risky to say clearly it wasn't owned by SEGA now, but see, these things are known after some time. And more because you left some tracks which have helped to it...

Moreover, althought you had made all this process clean from the begining, I also think many users wouldn't want you to run the website... Neither you, nor me, nor no one except SEGA. For a fan is a little risky and uncomfortable that another fan keep what was the official domain in the past. Why? Because they're afraid you or any other person who kept it did what he wanted about it. It's complicated to explain because it's more a psychologic conflict than something legal.

About the future of the domain, it's just an advise from a partner, Enc Company. You've got it legally, I know. I've not doubt you're more interested in keeping that website alive than some people at SEGA (and more, after they left this domain "orphan") but you could get in very big problems. I guess they first would threat you, but you never know... In my opinion, you're in a risky position now.

In this case there're two different aspects. First, copyrighted stuff and, second, the domain itself. The first one is self explained. Owning it is illegal and they could make you get into problems. The second one is more complex. You got it legally, but then you've other two problems. First, with the fan community: you would need to remove the official content and make it by yourself and, obviously, it would be like doing "harakiri". And second, with SEGA. It should be the ICANN who would solve this confilct but surely it would rule in favour of SEGA, not because the content of the website is related to one of their franchise really, but because you've used copyrighted content under their name.

It had been very different if you had got the domain from the begining and it hadn't been the home for an official website. For example, in my case, I own because I was making a personal project about it (althought I had to cancel it) I'm its first owner. And, legally, there's jurisprudence about this in favour of me, even being referred to an intellectual property already registered (there're many cases about fans or supporters) And in this case I've not moral responsability to users, since it didn't host any official page. Your case is more complicated because there're 2 sides opossited to you.

Because of all this, Enc Company, my advise is kept like it was. I recommend you to manage all this issue with SEGA of Japan, directly, by yourself. Sincerely, I'm sure you would do a nice work if they let you to manage a section in Spanish, but better if you get it because SEGA wants. Believe me. I know it's in someway unfair (because they don't seem to take much care about the "Shenmue" saga) but this way: fans will be happy, SEGA will be happy, you will save your ass and, who knows, maybe they accept to upload new content thanks to your plan. Because, really, they only have to put that files on its server and done. If you need to contact SEGA or advices, we'll help you.
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Postby Sakuragaoka » Sun Feb 26, 2006 8:58 am

negora wrote:If you need to contact SEGA or advices, we'll help you.

Ok. Tell me how I can contact someone of SEGA Japan.
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Postby negora » Sun Feb 26, 2006 9:10 am

First of all, forget about emailing them. Not because they don't answer, but cause this kind of things, specially for legal reasons, MUST be done via registered mail, from a post office of your city, to SEGA of Japan. I haven't got much free time just now, but later, if you agree, me and other partners here could tell you some advises to manage it in the best way (they pay attention to mail in English too obviously; at least in the past)

PD: If you need a contact to who send that letter at SOJ, give me some time. I could try to look for info about who received my letter about Dreamalive. I just hope he still work there :S .
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Postby Visual Memory » Sun Feb 26, 2006 9:14 am

Ryudo wrote:ok can pardon you for this joke :lol:

but you own :twisted: give it back to SEGA !! :bad-words:

Why should he give it back? I just don't get the point. Sega doesn't give a damn about Shenmue but Sakuragaoka does. Look at Sega, the last time they have updated the English was in 2004. Sega's is pointless. They should leave the Passport to Sakuragaoka. It'd be great fun to compare our records online and to get all the character files and so on.
Please everyone, don't vent your anger on Sakuragaoka. I know it gets on your nerves to never get anything serious from Sega but don't take it out on Sakuragaoka. He wanted to help us. He made it possible for me and others to experience the passport, even if it was just for one time.
Sega are the ones to blame. They are the ones who made Shenmue Online, they have shut down the Passport even though it would still be possible to run it and they are the ones who never let Suzuki-San make Shenmue 3. It was Sega who have messed it all up so stop being down on Sakuragaoka.

Sakuragaoka didn't modify anything. He just republished Sega's work and he never said it was his.
Last edited by Visual Memory on Sun Feb 26, 2006 9:20 am, edited 1 time in total.
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