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Re: QTE Champ! [XBLI]

PostPosted: Tue Aug 28, 2012 8:42 pm
by Peter
Great job sir, and welcome to the forums! Your very welcome! :D

Re: QTE Champ! [XBLI]

PostPosted: Sun Sep 02, 2012 8:49 am
by Who Really Cares?
Game needs a leaderboard .

Re: QTE Champ! [XBLI]

PostPosted: Sun Sep 02, 2012 11:06 pm
by mseifullah
I agree. I originally planned to have that, but for a number of reasons, I didn't end up doing it.

So, next week I'm going begin adding in global and friend leaderboards (and possibly a 2 player mode I've been thinking about).

I may or may not change the way local scores work -- right now, each local profile gets their own high scores list instead of just having one list for everyone that's playing on the same Xbox. Any opinions on that?

Also, sadly, because of a ton of poor coding decisions I made early on, adding new things can take a lot more work than it's supposed to. So it may take a while, but I'll let you know when the leaderboards are live.

Are there other features you'd like to see put in?

Re: QTE Champ! [XBLI]

PostPosted: Mon Sep 03, 2012 5:26 am
by Sailors?
Big giant nipples with tassles on.

Re: QTE Champ! [XBLI]

PostPosted: Mon Sep 03, 2012 6:39 am
by Crimson Ryan
Any plans for a PSN release?

Re: QTE Champ! [XBLI]

PostPosted: Mon Sep 03, 2012 8:48 am
by mseifullah
Sailors? wrote:Big giant nipples with tassles on.

Consider it done. Easter egg incoming :)

Crimson Ryan wrote:Any plans for a PSN release?

So unfortunately, PSN isn't as completely open to indie games as the Xbox Live Indie Games platform, and because QTE Champ is such a purposefully simplistic looking "micro-game," it probably wouldn't be approved for sale.

There's a glimmer of hope though: QTE Champ II will be an enhanced recreation of the much more popular QTE Title Champ from the arcade in Shenmue (the 3D one where Ryo punches pads). Even though the variety of button prompts drops down to three, because it's a 3D game, it's much more likely to appear on PSN. I'm planning to start working on QTE Champ II early next year. I'll be using some of the code base from QTE Champ, so the production shouldn't take too long.

Edit: Just a heads up for anyone that was interested: The 3 download codes that I designated for the forums have all been given away. Sorry :(

Re: QTE Champ! [XBLI]

PostPosted: Mon Sep 03, 2012 11:04 pm
by Martin
This is very cool! It's a shame that you can't release on PSN. When you remake QTE Title Champ, why not retain the complexity of the one you have done, rather than just have it as three buttons? Or maybe as a harder mode? Also, you could do this in Flash or Java or something and have it on the net.

Very cool. I too spent a lot of time on this in You Arcade!

Re: QTE Champ! [XBLI]

PostPosted: Tue Sep 04, 2012 5:10 pm
by mseifullah
When you remake QTE Title Champ, why not retain the complexity of the one you have done, rather than just have it as three buttons? Or maybe as a harder mode? Also, you could do this in Flash or Java or something and have it on the net.

You're right about everything (button prompts for QTE Champ II and PC ports). I won't make any promises, but I'll try to do everything you suggested to the best of my ability.

Re: QTE Champ! [XBLI]

PostPosted: Wed Sep 05, 2012 5:11 am
by Joe Pesci
I would buy this game if I had an XB360 but sadly I only have a PS3 so I will have to wait and see. For now I can just start up the old dreamcast and play EXCITE QTE until my Timex alarm goes off. But this seems awesome and more convenient, and more advanced. Great work and a job well done. Now you just need to make Shenmue III.

Re: QTE Champ! [XBLI]

PostPosted: Wed Sep 12, 2012 8:06 pm
by shengoro86
I'm going to buy this tonight! I loved QTE Excite 2. Any chance for QTE Title???

Re: QTE Champ! [XBLI]

PostPosted: Thu Sep 13, 2012 3:46 pm
by mseifullah
shengoro86 wrote: I'm going to buy this tonight! I loved QTE Excite 2. Any chance for QTE Title???

It's in development!

When it's done and ready for release, I'll make a thread with a gameplay video. When it's actually released, I'll make sure to let you and the rest of the forum know. And I'll be here with download codes to giveaway as well.

Thanks for the support. Sincerely, I mean it.

Re: QTE Champ! [XBLI]

PostPosted: Thu Sep 13, 2012 4:25 pm
by Henry Spencer
Man, just found this topic, I absolutely loved the QTE games in the arcades in Shenmue I and II. Played them all of the time, totally addicted to them every time I play any of the Shenmue games. I'm going to be another person requesting a PS3 version, since I don't have a 360 either. Really appreciate the work you've done here though. I look forward to QTE Title. How has the game done on 360, so far?

Re: QTE Champ! [XBLI]

PostPosted: Sun Sep 16, 2012 9:53 am
by mseifullah
Henry Spencer wrote:I'm going to be another person requesting a PS3 version, since I don't have a 360 either. Really appreciate the work you've done here though. I look forward to QTE Title. How has the game done on 360, so far?

To date, there have been 41 purchases and 558 trial downloads. And I think I've given away about 10 download codes.

I expected less than 20 sales though because of the niche nature of the game and because the Indie section on the Xbox marketplace is small, sort of cluttered, and difficult to find from the dashboard.

Once it reached 20 sales, I considered the game to be a success and worth the inexcusably long development time.

If I can help it, QTE Champ Round II will be released on PSN in addition to the Xbox 360.

Re: QTE Champ! [XBLI]

PostPosted: Sun Sep 16, 2012 12:26 pm
by Peter
Well done! I am also in the PS3 club so count another download once that sees a release :)

Re: QTE Champ! [XBLI]

PostPosted: Sun Sep 16, 2012 5:02 pm
by James
I bought a copy! :D