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Re: Lets Talk Shenmue HD

PostPosted: Tue Jan 10, 2017 10:19 am
by life_247
Also even into the late 90s HHD costs were not slight for large scale storage. The advent of CD-Rom gaming meant the file size of these things was spiraling and quite a rate so Im sure it wasn't like today where there was umpteen copies in a cloud server and multiple raid backups. Once the project was moved to the newer hardware (and never released) its possible that backing it up when the project wound down wasn't a priority. (As they probably never expected to do anything with the Saturn code - but they kept all the assets).

Do we know how far they got with the Saturn game in terms of how playable it was?

Also for an HD remaster - surely the pushbike around Doubita could make a comeback. OR do a What's Shenmue remaster as part of the pack - surely must be pretty easy once the main game code has been converted along with the assets. A big part of me hopes that theres a serious remaster going on that uses the Passport models all the time and higer res textures etc. that'd be amazing (if it runs and doesn't kill the engine code) - I fear SEGA could simply cash in with running a better Ryo model and basically having the same game running in 4:3.

It desperatly needs a upscale especially with the 2D HUD and subtitles etc.

Re: Lets Talk Shenmue HD

PostPosted: Tue Jan 10, 2017 10:44 am
by Valascaziel
Biggest thing I'd say right now is this makes Peter's prediction of it being a 10/10 happening is more likely than ever.

Re: Lets Talk Shenmue HD

PostPosted: Tue Jan 10, 2017 2:35 pm
by Valascaziel
Sorry for the double post--

I got in contact with my old boss. There is no SKU for a Shenmue HD, 1 and 2 Pack, etc. at GameStop, so they are not the retailer.

Re: Lets Talk Shenmue HD

PostPosted: Fri Jan 13, 2017 12:32 pm
by ShenBlue92
I'm not into developing videogames and coputer stuff, so I'm asking this question to those who have better knowledge:
is it so hard to revamp Shenmue the same way Sony did with Crash Bandicot? I know Shenmue is a completely different game and maybe a lot more complicated, but I was wondering if we could optimistically hope for that kind of visual upgrade

Re: Lets Talk Shenmue HD

PostPosted: Fri Jan 13, 2017 1:12 pm
by Testament
ShenBlue92 wrote: I'm not into developing videogames and coputer stuff, so I'm asking this question to those who have better knowledge:
is it so hard to revamp Shenmue the same way Sony did with Crash Bandicot? I know Shenmue is a completely different game and maybe a lot more complicated, but I was wondering if we could optimistically look for that kind of visual upgrade

Realistically, yes. The Crash Bandicoot remake is just that--it's not a simple case of some recent "HD Remasters" where existing textures are redrawn/replaced/blown up; the Crash Bandicoot remake has completely redone character and environment models (I'm sure the engine is redone as well, though I'm not completely sure). Even though the rigor of character and stage design, planning, writing, etc. is already done, we're still talking about a lot of coding and asset design. That requires a large team of employees, which requires a lot of money that Sega might not be willing to give up when they can simply outsource it to a small developer that will redraw or clean up the existing textures to make them look decent on modern consoles; this would cost far less.

So essentially the argument is Remake vs. Remaster. One costs far less. Guess which one we're more likely to get :)

Re: Lets Talk Shenmue HD

PostPosted: Fri Jan 13, 2017 11:10 pm
by Sappharad
Testament wrote:
ShenBlue92 wrote: I'm not into developing videogames and coputer stuff, so I'm asking this question to those who have better knowledge:
is it so hard to revamp Shenmue the same way Sony did with Crash Bandicot? I know Shenmue is a completely different game and maybe a lot more complicated, but I was wondering if we could optimistically look for that kind of visual upgrade

Realistically, yes. The Crash Bandicoot remake is just that--it's not a simple case of some recent "HD Remasters" where existing textures are redrawn/replaced/blown up; the Crash Bandicoot remake has completely redone character and environment models (I'm sure the engine is redone as well, though I'm not completely sure).

It was confirmed somewhere that the engine is also not ported. Essentially they are re-creating the entire game from scratch to look and feel like the originals.

The original Yakuza game actually had both done to it. There was an HD port released on Wii and PS3 in Japan, and then they did a complete remake of the game for PS4 as Yakuza Kiwami which came out in Japan last year and is due out in English this summer. With Yakuza though, they already had a modern engine, models and assets from other games in the series which were already recent, so it was easier for them.

It's unlikely that Shenmue would get the same level of treatment that Crash Bandicoot is getting. What I personally am hoping to see is something similar to what happened between Zelda Wind Waker on Gamecube and Wind Waker HD on Wii U. That is built on the exact same engine as the original, but with higher quality textures and models in many places plus a new lighting system. If they go that far, I'll be happy. If they go further than that and actually recreate assets I'll be very impressed.

The only thing I can expect from them is the same treatment they gave Sonic Adventure 2 and Jet Set Radio though. Those just got widescreen and higher resolutions. I will be pleased with whatever they do beyond that. But honestly I feel like they need to do at least the Wind Waker HD approach because there actually exist people who won't play games that look old. I had a friend years ago who wouldn't play Skies of Arcadia because he didn't like how it looked. :-(

Re: Lets Talk Shenmue HD

PostPosted: Sat Jan 14, 2017 2:13 pm
by Valascaziel
This thread has blown up a lot more than I had anticipated, so let's redirect and start up speculation again--I've really enjoyed reading the thoughts here.

Have the recent revelations of registered domains swayed your mind on the odds of this happening for us fans? Why or why not?

If you believe it is coming, do you expect a reveal prior to E3 or at the event itself? Do you expect it to be physically released or only digitally?

Re: Lets Talk Shenmue HD

PostPosted: Sat Jan 14, 2017 2:49 pm
by Jibby
If anything, the domain registrations have raised my initial 4/10 to a 5/10. They've definitely made me more optimistic, and I'm definitely more convinced that it's a possibility now, but I just don't think there's enough evidence yet to show that they aren't just parking the domains so that nobody else can have them.

That being said though, I am looking forward to E3. I think if there is going to be an HD announcement, that is where it will be. In my eyes, whilst I still don't think it's too likely we're going see anything, I will admit that there's a possibility and I look forward to seeing what's in store for us at E3.

Re: Lets Talk Shenmue HD

PostPosted: Sat Jan 14, 2017 6:22 pm
by Telekill
I'm still going to go with a 50/50 shot of a Shenmue HD Collection being announced. If it's actually announced, I'm pretty sure that it will be at E3 during the Sony press conference along side of a Shenmue 3 update trailer. I'm only giving it a 50/50 because I know that Sega doesn't care about the fans unless it's guaranteed that they will make their money back on the ports.

I'm really hoping that there will be a limited physical collector's edition that goes up for preorder with a steelbook case. I'm also guessing that it will be both games on one disc/download instead of two separate releases. I would imagine that it will probably be the full $60 for the release/download and if they do a collector's edition, the only difference would be a steelbook and they would probably tack on $10-$20 so I'm guessing $80 max. Completely worth it. :D

The more realistic side of me believes that if they release a collection that it will actually be digital only and make many fans pretty disappointed. :|

That of course is better then the equally as likely scenario that no Shenmue HD Collection will be announced or released. :cry:

Re: Lets Talk Shenmue HD

PostPosted: Fri Aug 04, 2017 12:10 am
by darkfalz
Here's my quick wishlist for HD


Choice of Japanese or English voice with/without subtitles. This will be a bit of work because I know there were scenes and dialogue changed in localisation, but it's an absolute must.
Enhanced draw distance and filtering - Shenmue I and even moreso in II use aggressive LOD and sometimes a lack of bilinear filtering for performance / texture memory reasons.
Controller scheme tweaked for two analog sticks (left move, right look).


Slightly improved models, even if it's just increasing poly count around the shoulders.
Improved lighting, since this could be backported to the original engine.


High(er) resolution textures. If they still have the original assets which were downsized for the final product this would be great, but it's unlikely they still do or the porter might not have access to them. So I realise this is really just a dream, but wouldn't it be great? Shenmue I and II are entirely too big games to re-do with a new engine from the ground up, so a port where they improve as much as possible is probably all we can hope for.

Re: Lets Talk Shenmue HD

PostPosted: Thu Aug 10, 2017 8:01 pm
by celsowm
New SEGA Interview ... er/0185552

The most common title at the top of those lists? Shenmue.
“It’s something we would love to make happen, something we are trying to make happen," Clark says. "I think we want it to happen as much as anybody out there. Yes, it’s a serious task and it’s not a task that we’re not working on, if that makes sense. It’s something we’re actively pursuing.”

Re: Lets Talk Shenmue HD

PostPosted: Fri Aug 11, 2017 2:05 am
by south carmain
Was on the "can I run it" website and noticed they listed "shenmue remastered" there. I suppose some people are taking the recent news seriously.

Re: Lets Talk Shenmue HD

PostPosted: Fri Aug 11, 2017 2:40 am
by Let's Get Sweaty
It's impressive that experts can derive minimum required system specs from the comments made so far. Those guys really know their onions.

Re: Lets Talk Shenmue HD

PostPosted: Fri Aug 11, 2017 3:11 am
by south carmain
you can't test it, it's just there as a placeholder.

Re: Lets Talk Shenmue HD

PostPosted: Thu Sep 21, 2017 6:14 pm
by Fluffy90
Does anyone think we might hear about the mythical HD editions at PSX this December?

Seems like the right time and event to announce/release them given Shenmue 3 was original given a Dec '17 release date so why not sweeten the delay with an actual Shenmue release :)

In any case if/when they eventually come out i hope Sega do them justice and go back into the old code and actually take the time to take advantage of the Ps4 rather than just release an emulation layer with no upgrade or additions besides running in HD,in fact in that case i'd rather they not release them at all at might as well stick with the pc emulators!

Sega have retrofitted two ps2 games recently (Yakuza 1&2) so they have the knowledge and expertise of how to effectively port very old games to the ps4,now i'm not expecting Sega to upgrade Shenmue to the new 'Dragon Engine' ala Yakuza Kiwami 2 (even though that would be AMAZING) the original Shenmue's would look so out of place without being touched up it would be borderline comical to present them 'as-is' straight Sega please if you read this forum at all DO NOT DO THAT!

Firstly ALL textures need to be redone and audio samples need to be greatly improved on or if possible even redone as well.

As mentioned before all forms of LOD must be removed,framerate should be at least be locked at a stable 30fps and i see no reason why the game could not hit 60fps (unless the original engine timings were so ingrained in 30fps and anything higher would thus break the code or simply be too much effort to rework the engine to run that fast)

It should also run at native 4k on the pro with '4k' textures given how relatively small the Shenmue areas are this should not be a problem,i don't actually own a pro but would in a heartbeat if Shenmue 1&2 run native 4k.

Proper HDR would be the biggest addition i think Sega could bring graphically and would transform the night scenes in both games dramatically,not sure if i'd want bloom or depth of field (depending on how it's done i suppose) but HDR most definitely!

Moving on from graphical upgrades load times need to be near instant if not removed entirely,i presume it would be near impossible to edit the original engine to load the entire map and for Sega to 'stitch' the broken areas into one so the best case scenario is probably still having to fade into the area/time screen for a second then maybe leaving the area name ect transparent for a second or so more so the player is made aware of where he/she is and what time it is.

The movement control could obviously use abit of tweaking but i don't see how they could mess around with that too much without ruining the collision detection through the whole game so probably nothing is going to happen there but one addition that MUST happen above all else (especially for Shenmue I) is the ability to speed up time and/or warp back to your home at any time and point in the game which requires the player to wait,this is THE fundamental problem with SI and perhaps not nearly as bad in SII it would make the games much more palatable to play for a modern audience.

To sum up from worst to best case scenario:

1: An emulation slop of a port with nothing done and simple 'runs' on modern hardware (Don't bother Sega)

2: An Enhanced souped up edition with meaningful upgrades and fixes to make the games stand up more favorably to modern players

3: A full remake ported to a modern engine that transforms the original games much in the vain of the Yakuza Kiwami series