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Nozomi mentioned in Schrottgrenze song

PostPosted: Thu Jul 11, 2013 6:46 pm
by BlueMue
I saw this on and it hasn't been mentioned here on the Dojo yet.

The German Indie-Band Schrottgrenze has released an album called "Das Ende unserer Zeit" in 2004 and one song on it is perticularly interesting for us. It's called "Nozomi's Lieder" wich translates out to "Nozomi's Songs".
It is about a girl from the east that's very beatiful and charms everyone with her singing. Sounds quite fitting to a certain Shenmue character besides the singing, does it? Might be a coincidence? Well they make it pretty clear from where they got the name because they actually sing the girls full name: Nozomi Harasaki.

Now this could've still just be a huge coincidence but no, they actually do mean Shenmue's Nozomi!
The guy that runs recently asked the bands singer Alexander about the song and he replyed the following: "I was obsessed with Shenmue when it was new. I'd say it was my favorite game so far."

This just made me smile and I though, I'd share it with you here.

Re: Nozomi mentioned in Schrottgrenze song

PostPosted: Thu Jul 11, 2013 7:28 pm
by wude
This is really awesome,thanks for sharing :D

Re: Nozomi mentioned in Schrottgrenze song

PostPosted: Thu Jul 11, 2013 8:27 pm
by Axm
Very nerdy and cool.

Re: Nozomi mentioned in Schrottgrenze song

PostPosted: Fri Jul 12, 2013 4:30 am
by gabril
that's soo coool ahha..
maybe the singer love like me Nozomi ahhaha :D :D :D :D