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I'm sure the farmers don't give a damn

PostPosted: Sun Jun 28, 2015 8:00 pm
by SMDzero
whether or not Ryo eats the carrots. The carrots have already been paid for so what difference does it make whether Ryo eats them or throws them away?

Re: I'm sure the farmers don't give a damn

PostPosted: Sun Jun 28, 2015 8:07 pm
by shredingskin
Iwao just liked guilt tripping Ryo.

Re: I'm sure the farmers don't give a damn

PostPosted: Sun Jun 28, 2015 8:10 pm
by SMDzero
Iwao should have been ashamed of himself. He's a murderer trying to act all high and mighty just because he doesn't waste food.

Re: I'm sure the farmers don't give a damn

PostPosted: Sun Jun 28, 2015 8:17 pm
by Riku Rose
If Ryo refuses to eat the carrots then Iwao is going too have to make two dinners should he ever want to eat carrots for dinner. After awhile he would get bored of this and just start making meals that don't feature carrots at all. The local supermarket then starts ordering less carrots as they aren't selling as many since Iwao incorporated them into about 3 meals a week for a house of 4. Since the supplier stops sending as many out they lower the amount they need produced, this also leads to Kevin who drives the supplier truck being made redundant since the supplier has to cut the new loss somewhere and Tucker takes over the rest of his route. The farmer then isn't getting payed as much since he is growing less carrots. The farmer is hardly rolling in it already but this puts a stop to the saving him and his wife where doing to try and get a down payment on a mortgage so they can finally have a garden for little Sam to play in. Now they're living month to month it doesn't help when little Sam breaks his arm and they have to pay the medical bill. The farmers family had to pay for the hospital bills on credit cards and are now in debt quite badly. With the bills for the credit card finally coming in the post the farmer's wife decided she should take a part time job at the local bar to at least start paying some of this off. All goes well at first but the owner of bar starts making some moves on her and one night she gives in. Of course she confesses this to the farmer but he can never forgive her for cheating even if she thinks it was a mistake and came clean. Within two weeks she's moved back in with her mother and father. So the farmer has debt up to his eyeballs and not enough money coming in to pay it off, has to pay his wife for his child and is alone on the fields and at home. This mans life was ruined.

So eat your carrots.

Re: I'm sure the farmers don't give a damn

PostPosted: Sun Jun 28, 2015 8:26 pm
by SMDzero
Damn dude... I never thought of it like that.

Maybe Iwao could just still buy the same quantity of carrots and just divide up Ryo's uneaten share between him, Fuku-san, and Ine-San?

Or maybe he could hook Ryo up to an IV and feed him carrots intravenously?

Either way it's a dick move to force Ryo to eat terrible tasting carrots by guilt tripping him by positing indirect hypothetical consequences for the suppliers.

Re: I'm sure the farmers don't give a damn

PostPosted: Sun Jun 28, 2015 8:36 pm
by myshtuff
You know what? Screw Ryo. Carrots are fucking delicious.

Re: I'm sure the farmers don't give a damn

PostPosted: Sun Jun 28, 2015 8:39 pm
by SMDzero
Shenmue III will open with the 2 giant mirrors rolling back to reveal a tomb filled with piles of carrots far as the eye can see.

Ryo will have to protect his carrot horde from the Chi-You-Men.

Re: I'm sure the farmers don't give a damn

PostPosted: Sun Jun 28, 2015 9:06 pm
by Wude-Tang Clan
I haven't been able to not think about that cut-scene when eating carrots since I first played the game upon release.

Re: I'm sure the farmers don't give a damn

PostPosted: Sun Jun 28, 2015 9:37 pm
by SMDzero
Did Iwao kill Sunming Zhao because he didn't eat his carrots?

Re: I'm sure the farmers don't give a damn

PostPosted: Sun Jun 28, 2015 9:40 pm
by MiTT3NZ
I can see that being the case. He probably killed him with the very carrot he refused to eat.

Re: I'm sure the farmers don't give a damn

PostPosted: Sun Jun 28, 2015 10:17 pm
by SMDzero
Lan Di: Do you remember this carrot?

Iwao: Carrot?

Lan Di: This is the carrot you used to kill Sun Ming Zhao!

Iwao: It can't be... that carrot!!

Lan Di: Get up, I'm going to stick this carrot where the sun don't shine!

Iwao: Forgive me.. for making you.. eat..

Ryo: Wha.. what are you saying?! Father!

Iwao: Your carrots... keep carrots... those you eat.... away from your bum.

Re: I'm sure the farmers don't give a damn

PostPosted: Mon Jun 29, 2015 6:12 am
by Miles Prower
At least he doesn't pull that 'Eat all your carrots and you'll be able to see in the dark' bullshit that our parents fooled us with when we were kids :P (or is that just a weird British thing?)

Re: I'm sure the farmers don't give a damn

PostPosted: Mon Jun 29, 2015 6:31 am
by BlueMue
The farmers know. They have tracking devices in each an every carrot and they can access nano machine data to check if they got digested. What is that I hear? ... Oh yeah, sorry. Wrong game universe. :lol:

Re: I'm sure the farmers don't give a damn

PostPosted: Mon Jun 29, 2015 7:14 am
by south carmain
My parents made me eat my vegetables so that I wouldn't grow up to be a spoiled picky piece of shit. Maybe Iwao is following the same logic.

Re: I'm sure the farmers don't give a damn

PostPosted: Mon Jun 29, 2015 7:47 am
by johnvivant
lol laughed so hard reading this thread!