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Forklift Loop Glitch Explained

PostPosted: Mon Apr 10, 2017 8:47 pm
by SlySpy
I've wanted to make this topic for a while, because every now and then, I've noticed some people have come across this particular issue, and did not know what the problem was, or how to fix this glitch. I hope that this topic helps anyone who gets stuck doing the same forklift route every day, so that any players with this issue can correct their route and continue the game as intended. On the flip side, this can also explain how the glitch works for people who would like to utilize it, for whatever reason.

When you get to the part of the game where Ryo gets the forklift job, there is one day of job training, and five official days of actual forklift work. On the second official day, you are tasked with taking the crates that are near the Harbor Lounge over to Warehouse #3. What is supposed to happen is that you get a cutscene sometime after lunch, while working. The problem is, this is the one day where you can completely bypass where the cutscene trigger was placed, causing you to have to repeat the same route the next day. This is the reason for why some players are stuck doing the same thing every day, with no progress in regards to the story mode. Below is a map explaining how the route is supposed to work;


As you can see here, the trigger for the cutscene is between warehouses #4 and #5. If you go around the corner near warehouse #1, you miss the cutscene, and therefore have to do the same route the next day. This is where the forklift loop comes from. On all the other days, the cutscene trigger is in a spot that can't really be bypassed, because it's usually placed at a chokepoint where the player can't skip it. On this day, they placed the cutscene trigger at an avoidable location, presumably as a design oversight. As a result some players, few as they may be, are stuck on this day without knowing exactly why.

Hopefully, this helps explain it for anyone who is stuck, or will be stuck at this part sometime in the future. If you did it right, you should trigger a cutscene where the sailors start harassing you again, which results in you having a fight in warehouse #3.

If on the other hand, you actually want to use this glitch for whatever reason (maybe to earn more money), then you know how to bypass the cutscene trigger, so that you can pause progress on the story.

I hope this topic helps either way.

Re: Forklift Loop Glitch Explained

PostPosted: Tue Apr 11, 2017 3:43 am
by Switch
I'd always wondered what caused this glitch. Thanks for the write-up on it.