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Re: New Unused Models

PostPosted: Thu Jan 07, 2016 10:35 am
by Mestre Ziming
ReeceKun wrote:
By simply saying things like 'I wonder if its possible to etc etc' it can give other people ideas and something that starts simply evolves into something cool , by not sharing those thoughts it can stunt the growth of shenmue modding.
I dont have the technical knowlege but in my time I've had some theoretical ideas that have helped others create real tools (TRLE Community) I asked DrkRaziel to make the stereoscopic plugin for NullDC.
In the Shenmue Modding Information we have this little note:
"For more info, please see the secret Bike Mod page, if you have access ;) "

I imagine if their had been a clear database of shenmue modding information from the start we would be futher along by now, and if SiZiOUS hadnt shared his knowlege we wouldnt be anywhere.

I'm sure you have done great things for the shenmue modding community that I have benefitted from but I'm not here to kiss peoples asses, ride peoples coattails or claim anykind of Shenmue Modding Glory, I'm not trying to shame people or be a prick or make people sound like pricks BUT Its been 10 years its time for people to grow up and put their cards on the f**king table, for the sake of the entire shenmue community and future fanbase.

First of all your are wrong if you think I need my ass kissed, my point was clear, I did many things in past and was not for anyones praises but becase I liked it.
Secondly, I didn't even ignored you, althought maybe I should, I said later, can't you read??? demanding something from others right away just because you need it for your own projects is kind of pointless, especially when I just said I'm looking into something and may have good news later...
I even remember back in the day asking more than once things for LanDC to share with me and he ignored me, I didn't start complaining like you... I just tried to do something useful by myself without him and helped the community with my knowlege, I even wrote tutorials..., besides its his work, he shares what he wants to.

Giorgio did indeed helpped you from what I see, he showed you in the right direction but you complained that hexediting is too much work you want a GUI... Why not trying to expand what is already known instead of complaining? (and yes, in can be a shot in the dark and time consuming)
Now, I understand your entusiasm, but saying you don't have technical knowledge it's lame, I didn't have it too when I started, everything I did was from scratch and started by hexediting things (didnt even exist emulators to test, so many wasted cds). I didn't have the technical knowledge but when I discovered how to remove colisions from the maps someone, WhiteShadow/Daemos, soon after did a program to patch the maps.

And sorry, you miss understand, I never said I loaded characters from humans.afs into a blank background, if that's what you are looking for or coordinates I don't have much more "new" information to add to what is already out there, just hexedit your game files or replace them with other objects like people showed you... I remember replacing some of the objects in the maps in Shenmue I with characters and they got static, that's how I took pictures of all the unused characters back then...
For the record, what I did wasn't in game engine, I did start one project some years ago and it's still farly unfinished (like you I can have projects), but I was trying to find some time to put everything together and share it. You are the one that needs to grow up, if you don't like surprises that's your problem, if you want you wait, otherwise just do it yourself...

btw, I find it funny you picked the one link of the bike mod that is closed, that isn't called sharing, but that's ok, sorry, I just hope you understand my point...

shengoro86 wrote:
guys guys GUYS calm the heck down.

I am sure MZ didn't mean anything bad. No need to explode. Let's all relax and enjoy the fact that a founding member of the modding community decided to come back and say hello.

@MZ, I am going to modify the humans pointers to put her into the game to check it out. Thank you!!!

By the way, while you were gone, some of us here made a mod site with a lot of information collected. Feel free to check it out!

I'm sorry for the rant and first reaction, but I guess he was desperate to get what he needs for his own projects that's why he replied like that.
Thank you shengoro, that's a very impressive collection database there :) most of it I already knew but there's some new cool stuff too if I find something new to add I may. I discovered most of things but later I went through some bad moments in my life and was forced to stop too. But now I guess its just I don't find the time or pacience to do modding like before, I guess I'm getting old :p

Re: New Unused Models

PostPosted: Thu Jan 07, 2016 3:27 pm
by ReeceKun
Mestre Ziming wrote:
I said later can't you read???

I'm not here to argue, your attitude isn't unusal its the same sad tripe that people who know treat people who dont.
You have no emotional connection to me , You dont owe me anything , so I can just go T**** myself !

I have NO desire to modify Shenmue 1 or 2 my dream has always been to port and update Shenmue into another game engine, Learning how to hex edit would be a massive waste of time and can you really blame me for being frustrated that someone else knows how to do something that would save me Time?

I dont need an answer, Good Day Sir

Re: New Unused Models

PostPosted: Thu Jan 07, 2016 4:16 pm
by shengoro86
Mestre Ziming wrote:
shengoro86 wrote:
guys guys GUYS calm the heck down.

I am sure MZ didn't mean anything bad. No need to explode. Let's all relax and enjoy the fact that a founding member of the modding community decided to come back and say hello.

@MZ, I am going to modify the humans pointers to put her into the game to check it out. Thank you!!!

By the way, while you were gone, some of us here made a mod site with a lot of information collected. Feel free to check it out!

I'm sorry for the rant and first reaction, but I guess he was desperate to get what he needs for his own projects that's why he replied like that.
Thank you shengoro, that's a very impressive collection database there :) most of it I already knew but there's some new cool stuff too if I find something new to add I may. I discovered most of things but later I went through some bad moments in my life and was forced to stop too. But now I guess its just I don't find the time or pacience to do modding like before, I guess I'm getting old :p

It is cool. I can understand his frustration towards me. I do withhold information every now and then not to be a dick but just because I mod out of my own curiosity. Also, I am stuck in a position where now I do not want people seeing my name on mods for things I will not mention here. I made an explore mod series of cdis at one point (with version 4 coming) and at first I was not even going to release it.

As for the time or patience, yep same here. Life has gotten crazy for me here. I am moving to Japan and I just recently broke up with my girlfriend of 9 years so it has been an emotional roller coaster and Shenmue is no longer a priority for me.

If you feel that you want to add anything to the mods knowledge database, let me know and I can speak with Giorgio about it since there is permissioning involved on Google's end. Right now, only Giogio, myself, and IlDucci can add to it.

As for the modding community, there is not much left to do that is worth mentioning except for porting the game to a new engine, unlocking unused characters, and getting a bike working (Which i am doing). So I am not sure what else is really even worth mentioning to the public and not just an update to our modding techniques.

Re: New Unused Models

PostPosted: Fri Jan 08, 2016 10:30 pm
by Mestre Ziming
Talk about crazy, same here, one of the reasons a stopped modding was because I got sick with cancer, stayed in hospital for a long time, and you know, when you are like this you are not important anymore, so the girl I liked, my first and ever girl I got a connection to, cheated on me and keep lying, geting me even more anxious adding to the pains from chemotherapy, everyday feels like a true nightmare, can't do anything but look back on life and think that I should have enjoyed life better and wondering if will be like this forever, even after I got the good news of cure, thats when I said goodbye to her, I still keep on depresion for moths/years, thank god at least had my family.

When things like this happens suddenly you realize the time spent on modding can be a waste of time if not because the payback its almost non existent, and yes I spent alot and alot of time on it, so I guess other people demanding because they think their time is more important than mine is just annoying. Modding or Shenmue not a priority for me anymore for sure too.
I got a chance to stay in Taiwan last year (that's why I could read those signs in chinese btw), visited China, Japan and other contries too, so nice. I wanted to move there but I was not sucessfull but at least this new life expericence helped to overcome my depression. Its ok I'm much better now, the cancer don't have any signs of coming back too, thats good.

Anyway, hope everything works well for you in Japan, enjoy your time there, if you need any tips about Asia you can leave me a message, Good luck.

Re: New Unused Models

PostPosted: Sun Jan 17, 2016 7:10 pm
by shengoro86
Mestre Ziming wrote:Talk about crazy, same here, one of the reasons a stopped modding was because I got sick with cancer, stayed in hospital for a long time, and you know, when you are like this you are not important anymore, so the girl I liked, my first and ever girl I got a connection to, cheated on me and keep lying, geting me even more anxious adding to the pains from chemotherapy, everyday feels like a true nightmare, can't do anything but look back on life and think that I should have enjoyed life better and wondering if will be like this forever, even after I got the good news of cure, thats when I said goodbye to her, I still keep on depresion for moths/years, thank god at least had my family.

When things like this happens suddenly you realize the time spent on modding can be a waste of time if not because the payback its almost non existent, and yes I spent alot and alot of time on it, so I guess other people demanding because they think their time is more important than mine is just annoying. Modding or Shenmue not a priority for me anymore for sure too.
I got a chance to stay in Taiwan last year (that's why I could read those signs in chinese btw), visited China, Japan and other contries too, so nice. I wanted to move there but I was not sucessfull but at least this new life expericence helped to overcome my depression. Its ok I'm much better now, the cancer don't have any signs of coming back too, thats good.

Anyway, hope everything works well for you in Japan, enjoy your time there, if you need any tips about Asia you can leave me a message, Good luck.

I am so sorry to hear about all of that. I'll be here if you ever need someone to talk to.

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