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Re: What's Shenmue translation project V1.0.1 RELEASED!

PostPosted: Tue Oct 28, 2014 4:54 pm
by shengoro86
Thanks for the update!

I see my real name has been removed from the patcher and replaced with my handle.

Thanks dude!

Re: What's Shenmue translation project V1.0.1 RELEASED!

PostPosted: Sat Dec 27, 2014 5:08 pm
by IlDucci
Hey guys, long time no see.

Recently our pals at created a small web magazine, Official Magazine, with a layout almost lifted (I haven't seen the real deal so I don't know how much) from Spain's Dreamcast Official Magazine. The fun part is that the front page and two articles are about our What's Shenmue translation (Although it's heavily focused on the Spanish translation).

Talking with Switch, we've decided to translate the WS-related articles. I did the first draft, Switch did most of the proofread/polishing.

What’s Shenmue
~Translated to Spanish~

But... What is “What’s Shenmue”? (pardon the pun)

"It's a short half-hour demo, and it doesn't hold any secrets needed to play the two Shenmues, but, as I said, I wanted to go full circle with the franchise".

Shenmue wasn't released in Japan on the scheduled release date (July 1999), so SEGA decided to give a free heads-up from the game to everyone who had preordered it to make up for the delay on the release date.

This preview gift was named "What's Shenmue?" and was a sort of demo for what the buyers would encounter once they put Shenmue in their consoles. In this case, we're provided with an exclusive mission not included in the final game.

"What's Shenmue", or by its full name, "What's Shenmue? Find Director Yukawa" is a demo disc entirely in Japanese. Although it could be played intuitively until now, those who didn't know Japanese were not able to enjoy it completely. This changed recently because a non-official translation (fan-translation) of the disc dialogues was made for free by the following:

Programming/Rom-hacking: YZB, PacoChan, Indiket, IlDucci
Graphics Editing: BlueMue, IlDucci, Gin
ShenTrad group tools: Ayla, Manic, SiZious, ShenDream
(Based on the English translation)
Translators: IlDucci, TheFireRed
Testers: Releon, Indiket
Contains material from Shenmue I's Spanish fan-translation made by Ryo Suzuki, IlDucci, el_capo, xulikotony & PacoChan.
To FamilyGuy and HyKan for the CDDA track information. To kRYPT, fackue, James Reiner, Master Kyodai, xhizors92 and Gin for their knowledge and to Fenix, Ryo Suzuki & Rock_Lee-Vk for their support.
Translator: Brett “Switch” Chandler, Rakim
Proofreader: Merlin Fontana
(Based on the English translation)
By BlueMue

How to apply the patch
In order to change the demo into Spanish you'll have to download the patch that can be found at and apply it to a GDI image of the original What's Shenmue disc. This will generate a MDS/MDF file that can be used in emulators, or you can burn it onto a CD in order to play it in a console.

To get the What's Shenmue GDI, you can either rip the original disc with a BBA or a SD card adapter, or download a GDI image from the Internet.

To date, the patch has only been tested with discs that contain the following codes in the inner ring of the non-printed GD-ROM side:

- 610-7179-0133A 11M1 or 11MB1 (TOSEC version)
- 610-7179-0133A H1723E

There might be more versions of the What's Shenmue disc, but IlDucci says that the patch should be compatible with every one of those.

Remember that in order to see the subtitles, we must go to Options and set Game Mode in Voices&Text (changing it from Auto to Yes) and leave Kids Mode in “Adults”.

By Blai



What's Shenmue

We take the opportunity with the recent release of the Spanish translation of this Japanese demo to tell you its ins and outs.

Never before had rivers of ink been written about a Dreamcast demo, but What's Shenmue (WS from now on) was able to achieve this. Now... what exactly is What's Shenmue?

WS is a small promotional demo that SEGA gifted to those who pre-ordered Shenmue in 1999 due to the delays with its release, as a compensation for the wait. The question is, if Shenmue had been released on the expected date, would we be able to enjoy this little demo and its small exclusives? We'll never know the answer, but, you know what? I'm happy the game got delayed. That helped us enjoy an exclusive mission. Every cloud has a silver lining :)

IT WAS ONLY POSSIBLE to play What's Shenmue in Japanese because this disc was only released in Japan. That was until... now, thanks to the work of the great translator, IlDucci (and company) we've mentioned a few pages before. From now on we can fully understand each and every one of the disc's dialogues and fully enjoy this adventure.

OUR GOAL in WS is to find Sega’s president (Mr. Yukawa) within Dobuita. In order to do so, we must explore the area. We must question the inhabitants, enter shops, etc. It's a nice way to get used to Shenmue's environment.


Although it is only one region (if we try to leave it, we'll get kicked back the way we came) it gives a good idea of the open world concept that Shenmue introduced.

Inside Dobuita we can carry out various actions.

WE CAN PLAY at the arcade: shooting darts, playing the slot machine...

We can also buy a Coca-Cola can on a vending machine (remember that the European version of Shenmue removed this brand from the packaging of the cans).

WE CAN BATTLE against some thugs in a QTE event... and that's as far as I can go :)

Everything gives an interesting idea of the variety of events Shenmue can offer to the player, and everything is determined by the day and hour (depending on the current hour, certain events will happen. An example is the closing hour of the shops). Remember that this is one of the strong points of Shenmue, the changes on the in-game events depending on the hour.

THE DEMO LASTS about half an hour and ends with locating Yukawa and a final QTE (don't worry, I won't spoil the ending, heh, heh). It's a bit short, but better short than nothing.

For those who are more detail-oriented, we'll say that there's stuff happening in the demo but not on the final game. We're talking about exclusive events that make this demo attractive for every die-hard Shenmue fan. The most remarkable of these events is that Ryo has the ability to crouch(!)

Ah, I'll mention that it is possible to lose in this demo, due to not finding Yukawa, losing the ending QTE or losing the battle against the local thugs. It's just another curiosity.

WS also contains four of the movies that, later on, would be in Shenmue's Passport disc, explaining game concepts. Those movies are a technical marvel, showcasing the characters in textures that are really high resolution for the time they were made.

I can't end this review without praising again the great job made by IlDucci with the translation. Thanks to him, we can play with the dialogues fully translated into English or Spanish, whichever you want. What's more, he has also created some custom covers that you can print!!

Now there's no excuse not to try this wonderful demo. It's a real delicacy for the most demanding palates. Enjoy!! :)

By Indiket

Famitsu Edition

There exists an alternative version of What's Shenmue named 'Famitsu Edition' that came free with the Famitsu magazine, with the only difference being an orange-colored cover. Of course, get some heavy cash ready if you want it in your collection.

Re: What's Shenmue translation project V1.0.1 RELEASED!

PostPosted: Mon Dec 29, 2014 12:23 am
by shengoro86
This project is amazing!

Re: What's Shenmue translation project V1.0.1 RELEASED!

PostPosted: Mon Jan 05, 2015 3:07 am
by Fenix
Amazing lol. So bad it's not to buy for real haha.

Re: What's Shenmue translation project V1.0.1 RELEASED!

PostPosted: Mon Jan 05, 2015 10:47 am
by shengoro86
Fenix wrote: Amazing lol. So bad it's not to buy for real haha.

I was considering ordering a pressed version of this disc to be honest.

There are some factories near me that can do one off disc presses if I supply a virtual image. Its only like 120USD for just one. Combined with some nice artwork, itd be worth it.

It would still boot via MIL-CD but itd be a pressed "CDR".

Re: What's Shenmue translation project V1.0.2 UPDATED!

PostPosted: Mon Jul 20, 2015 1:09 pm
by IlDucci
Ladies and Gentlemen, here's a new version of the What's Shenmue E/G/S translation, v1.0.2:

Download patch version 1.0.2

There's only two updates for this one:
- Added GDI support to the output format. Now the patcher can deliver a GDI image for its use with Disc Drive Emulators (Like GDEMU)
- Subtitle edits on the German translation.

Re: What's Shenmue translation project V1.0.2 UPDATED!

PostPosted: Wed Jul 22, 2015 8:58 pm
by StuntmanSnake
WOW. I picked the perfect time to look into this. I literally just googled to see if a translation was ever made for this and I stumbled on the "The ISO Zone" page to a pre-patched CDI and then got linked to this topic. What makes this so great is that the timing couldn't be any more perfect as an update was JUST released two days ago. I'm very much looking forward to trying this out! Thank you so much to everyone involved who made this happen. =D>

Re: What's Shenmue translation project V1.0.2 UPDATED!

PostPosted: Thu Jul 23, 2015 1:42 am
by StuntmanSnake
Just gave this a try and it's wonderful.

I have a question, do you welcome any feedback such as typos and whatnot here, or would you like them in a PM? I found a couple things that you may like to fix in a new update.

Anyway, I'm playing this for the third time now. Love it.

Re: What's Shenmue translation project V1.0.2 UPDATED!

PostPosted: Fri Jul 24, 2015 9:05 am
by IlDucci
StuntmanSnake wrote: Just gave this a try and it's wonderful.

I have a question, do you welcome any feedback such as typos and whatnot here, or would you like them in a PM? I found a couple things that you may like to fix in a new update.

Anyway, I'm playing this for the third time now. Love it.

You can post them in any way you want.

Re: What's Shenmue translation project V1.0.2 UPDATED!

PostPosted: Fri Jul 24, 2015 11:21 am
by StuntmanSnake
I noticed that a couple NPCs give you the wrong response to the question at hand. When trying to find the location of the park and ask the old woman with glasses (the one that works the phone kiosk by the bus stop, I think?) she will reply with not knowing anyone by that name. When questioning a man wearing an orange vest with a hat about the Asia Travel Company, he responds that he doesn't know him.

When Ryo gives his tutorial speech about fighting techniques, one of his sentences is "Just at least be sure
train in all moves equally." which doesn't sound right. It's either missing a "to" or a comma.

I'll post more if I spot them.

Re: What's Shenmue translation project V1.0.2 UPDATED!

PostPosted: Fri Jul 24, 2015 8:13 pm
by IlDucci
StuntmanSnake wrote:I noticed that a couple NPCs give you the wrong response to the question at hand. When trying to find the location of the park and ask the old woman with glasses (the one that works the phone kiosk by the bus stop, I think?) she will reply with not knowing anyone by that name. When questioning a man wearing an orange vest with a hat about the Asia Travel Company, he responds that he doesn't know him.

Ah, yes, the classic multi-situation lines. Those are used both when the question is about a person and an inanimate item. They probably showed up first on a Yukawa-related question first, so they got that treatment and we didn't caught the multiple uses. Sorry about that.

Thanks for the reports.

EDIT: Unless you know the exact name of the guy you are asking, we'd really appreciate if you can bring us photos of the guys we have to correct.

Re: What's Shenmue translation project V1.0.2 UPDATED!

PostPosted: Mon Jul 27, 2015 11:10 pm
by StuntmanSnake
Got a few more things that you may wanna fix.

In the beginning when talking to Tom, he can clearly be heard saying "Oh, yeah" in English followed by him referring to himself in the third person with "Tom-a" but it isn't reflected in the subtitles.

Talking to a male NPC wearing a grey longsleeve shirt, black pants and glasses about the location of Aida Florist, he responds with the "I don't know him" line. Asking this same guy about the location of the arcade, you get the same incorrect response.

The woman who hangs with Tom near his truck in the real game ends one of her replies with "bye-bye" but the subtitle says "bye" instead.

Asking a man wearing blue with a hat about the arcade, he will reply to Ryo telling him to try asking a shopkeeper. Ryo will then respond but there is no translation.

A man with long sideburns wearing an orange jacket says that he can't speak Japanese even though it seemly appears that he is doing so. Maybe this was intentional? He does seem to actually speak a line of English occasionally.

Anyway, I'll post more if I find them. I assume NPC replies are tied to multiple NPCs of a certain type so it's not one individual who is giving wrong replies but all of them within the type? Maybe I'm wrong, I don't know.

Hope this helps.

EDIT: Shoot, just saw your edit. I'll have to get back to you later with pictures.

Re: What's Shenmue translation project V1.0.2 UPDATED!

PostPosted: Tue Jul 28, 2015 5:08 am
by IlDucci
Tom's line was translated to sound like the English Tom, which, if I recall right, wasn't talking in third person. Also, the foreigner's lines were intentional.

We'll be fixing the other lines ASAP. Also, we'd still need a picture of the man without subtitles.

Re: What's Shenmue translation project V1.0.2 UPDATED!

PostPosted: Tue Jul 28, 2015 1:35 pm
by StuntmanSnake
This is the guy who gives all the "I don't know him" lines and when asking about the arcade, he tells Ryo to ask at shops. Ryo then replies but there's no translation. Other male NPCs give the same incorrect replies when inquiring about the arcade and have missing translations for Ryo at the end.


This is the old woman I previously mentioned. She also gives an incorrect response when asking about the arcade.


Re: What's Shenmue translation project V1.0.2 UPDATED!

PostPosted: Tue Jul 28, 2015 4:19 pm
by IlDucci
Thanks. That'll definitely help us locate and correct those NPCs.