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PostPosted: Sun Mar 07, 2004 7:26 pm
by Daemos
AnimeGamer183 wrote:know what?... that would really suck if you actually took that long try to play threw Shenmue, or Shenmue 2 and you actually got the bad ending and you couldnt finish. did that happen to anyone?

No, but the window for that is two game days. A bit hard to hit without it being on purpose, imho.

PostPosted: Sun Mar 07, 2004 9:55 pm
by Dick H.
The ending was pretty good, they only should had left out the magic nonsense

PostPosted: Sun Mar 07, 2004 10:30 pm
by B-Man
I loved the Guilin chapter. It was the perfect way to calm you down after the action of the Yellowhead Building (and seeing Lan Di). I loved the scenery, the beautiful music, and the conversations that you could have with Shenhua.

But I'm really not too thrilled about the magic crap at the very end. In certain ways, I really like the ending. Like, how Ryo finally realizes that he's something special and that his quest is much more meaningful than he had imagined (I get goosebumps as Shenhua is reciting the prologue and they're both realizing that it's about them). But I just think it went too far with the magic. And I'm scared that the magic might really get out of hand in future installments of the series (if they ever exist).

PostPosted: Sun Mar 07, 2004 10:33 pm
by GP 68-99-08
B-Man wrote:I loved the Guilin chapter. It was the perfect way to calm you down after the action of the Yellowhead Building (and seeing Lan Di). I loved the scenery, the beautiful music, and the conversations that you could have with Shenhua.

i can see what you mean, but i personally didn't want calming down! i wanted more!!! :twisted:

i'm a big critic of disc 4, it frankly bored me to death, and even now, if i ever play shenmue II thru, i always quit at the end of disc 3.

PostPosted: Mon Mar 08, 2004 8:55 am
by Spoonfan
Guilin was greater than everything else in the Shenmue series IMO. For me it was the absolute highlight of the series. I love Shenhua, I love her and Ryo's developing relationship, I love just TALKING to her. Plus the new QTEs on disc 4 were awesome.

PostPosted: Mon Mar 08, 2004 9:48 am
by JalceW
I hold most of Guilin in pretty high regard, but I have to make an exception for the ending. My main objection (by no means my only objection) to it is that the magical effects are extremely overstated, which has the dual effect of making the scene completely unbelievable and cheapening the supernatural element to the level of your typical run-o'-the-mill DBZ fireball.

I didn't really have any gripes with the previous supernatural/quasi-supernatural scenes in the Shenmue series (for instance, the "dandelion" scene or Ryo's mysterious premonitions of Shenhua) - mainly because they were a good deal more subtle.

PostPosted: Mon Mar 08, 2004 4:30 pm
by B-Man
Frayed wrote:I hold most of Guilin in pretty high regard, but I have to make an exception for the ending. My main objection (by no means my only objection) to it is that the magical effects are extremely overstated, which has the dual effect of making the scene completely unbelievable and cheapening the supernatural element to the level of your typical run-o'-the-mill DBZ fireball.

I didn't really have any gripes with the previous supernatural/quasi-supernatural scenes in the Shenmue series (for instance, the "dandelion" scene or Ryo's mysterious premonitions of Shenhua) - mainly because they were a good deal more subtle.

I completely agree. The visual effects in the final scene were way too overexaggerated and unrealistic. I mean, there was some kind of freaking magical dust crap floating around a sword spinning in mid-air. It was just too much.

I can handle the "dandelions scene," because I'm willing to accept the fact somebody could be so in touch with nature that they can do amazing things like that. I still feel that it's somewhat unrealistic, but I'm willing to suspend my disbelief for something like that. But the way they handled the final scene, visually, was very out of place for the Shenmue series.

PostPosted: Mon Mar 08, 2004 4:40 pm
by MorbuZZ
i loved the ending and the whole 4th disk

PostPosted: Mon Mar 08, 2004 4:45 pm
by momo
crystalark wrote:I think it's Ok, it's basically just a prologue for Shenmue 3. You could see the "ending" as being when Ryo beats Don Niu, but then it goes on to set up Shenmue 3.

gotta agree with this guy! but remember at the same time it was meant to be longer than this!
i couldnt care less what chapter 6 had if we still had 7+8 included!

PostPosted: Mon Mar 08, 2004 4:45 pm
by DKMatt
MorbuZZ wrote:i loved the ending and the whole 4th disk

Ditto. I usually keep a save at that point on both my dc and xbox versions for whenever i feel like a nice relaxing game

PostPosted: Mon Mar 08, 2004 5:10 pm
I dont really hate the ending but I can see where a lot of you are coming from.Myself,I thought it was a good way to wind down,you had a feeling that something was gonna happen.Personally,I was more peeved off with the ending to Shenmue 1 but thats just a matter of opinion.