Preview of Shenmue II in Game Informer

(Chapters 3-6)

Preview of Shenmue II in Game Informer

Postby ShOzO MiZuKi » Mon Jun 21, 2004 8:22 pm

this was a 2002 magazine, just thought id post what they had to say before it was released on the X-box. It seems to be the preview of the month too. There is a very funny picture on the side that shows ryo walking through the Green Market Qtr. and it says below " different city, same damn clothes.

a new day dawns

to most publishers and developers, the term " cult classic" is a hollow victory when you are actually attemptingto cause a revolution in gaming. Sega's Yu Suzuki tried to do just that when he released Shenmue for the Dreamcast two years ago. What happened instead, however, was that the game's free-roaming structure instead merely left players feeling frustrated and aimless. Compounding the problem was the fact that Shenmue came late in the life of a system that was already on its way out. Given the series' history, Xbox owners should feel very fortunate that they are even getting a sequal at all. Beyond that, Shenmue II gives the console instant credibility with hardcore gamers everywhere.
When we last left Ryo, he was leaving for Hong Kong to track down Lan Di, his father's killer. This land is foreign to Ryo and it will present some new mysteries to the player as well. Areas are much larger than the first. The city you initially land in is four to five times as big as the originals Yokosuka district! Don't panic, However, as there us a lot less back tracking involved, due to the fact that you can now save at will. Also, time will automatically lapse forward, which not only helps kepp the flow of the game going, but allows you to kill time when you want to.
You might think that Yu Suzuki would reign in his vision to accomodate his new audience, but thats not so. If anything, he has expanded your da-to-day milieu and responsibilities to an even greater degree. For starters, theres no getting free packets of money from mother each day. Ryo must now scrape out a living on the mean streets of Hong Kong. There are three main ways to do this: Pawnshops, arm wrestling, and getting a part-time job. Remember all those toys you blew your money on in the original? these can now be sold for cash, while arm wrestling and getting a job involve some fun minigames. You won't be just working for a living, However-you'll be taking what people are giving. Like in any RPG, there is a lot to be gained from talking to the townies, who will offer youvaluable sidequests and information. For those craving action, Sega has promised more Quick Time Events and brawls- complete with an even larger roster of Jujitsu thrills.
If you've never played the first Shenmue, is there any place for you here? We say yes, not only because there is an introductory movie covering the events in the original, but also because it is well worth your while to experience something you wont find anywhere else. Yu Suzuki has future chapters of the game already in the works . Whether the Xbox holds onto the series or damns it to cult status like the Dreamcast, is up to you. Are you ready to step into the adventure of a lifetime?

wow that ending is still amazing to this day.
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ShOzO MiZuKi
Homeless and hungry
Machine Gun Fist
Joined: October 2003
Location: at the new yokosuka harbor
PSN: Old_Battle_Axe
XBL: TheLastR3negade
Favorite title: Shenmue
Currently playing: Yakuza 3

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