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Possible links with Ziming, Lan Di, Sunming Zhao, Iwao?

PostPosted: Thu Jul 18, 2013 8:21 am
by segatasan
I don't know whether it has been mentioned before but Bajiquan the martial art partially practiced by the Hazuki family (incorporate moves from Bajiquan as well as jujitsu) and also is the martial art practiced by Ziming/Xiuying. It might interesting for people to know that Bajiquan originates from Mengcun---ring any bells :) ? also Piguazhang is also from the same province (Hebei)... just thought it might be interesting for people to know that! And any information people might have to add..

Re: Possible links with Ziming, Lan Di, Sunming Zhao, Iwao?

PostPosted: Thu Jul 18, 2013 11:39 am
by Yokosuka Martian
I never knew that, thanks for the info :)

Re: Possible links with Ziming, Lan Di, Sunming Zhao, Iwao?

PostPosted: Thu Jul 18, 2013 2:43 pm
by nskachu
Maybe some ancestors in common.

Re: Possible links with Ziming, Lan Di, Sunming Zhao, Iwao?

PostPosted: Thu Jul 18, 2013 3:50 pm
by segatasan
Most likely Yu Suzuki visited Hebei province during his time in China after all in Virtua Fighter's character Akira Yuki practices Bajiquan (Japanese Hakkyoku-ken) interesting that Suzuki then introduces Piguazhang into Shenmue.. historically the both styles were practiced together hence why Xiuying likely practices moves from each.

Re: Possible links with Ziming, Lan Di, Sunming Zhao, Iwao?

PostPosted: Thu Jul 18, 2013 6:53 pm
by BlueMue
You can add Diving Swallow Style to it aswell. Master Chen told us that this style is also from the Hebei province.
Seems like a lot of stuff in the saga seem to have it's origins there or Yu Suzuki really did like that place a lot.

Re: Possible links with Ziming, Lan Di, Sunming Zhao, Iwao?

PostPosted: Fri Jul 19, 2013 1:22 am
by Kiyuu
segatasan wrote: I don't know whether it has been mentioned before but Bajiquan the martial art partially practiced by the Hazuki family (incorporate moves from Bajiquan as well as jujitsu) and also is the martial art practiced by Ziming/Xiuying. It might interesting for people to know that Bajiquan originates from Mengcun---ring any bells :) ? also Piguazhang is also from the same province (Hebei)... just thought it might be interesting for people to know that! And any information people might have to add..

Bajiquan is featured in Shenmue, as the motion actor and the martial arts adviser, Tetsuya Hattori, is a Bajiquan Master. Naturally, he often visits Meng Cun, the homeland of Bajiquan, and meets Master Wu. And, Yu Suzuki visited the town, too in 1994. We've talked about the connection between Shenmue and Bajiquan/Meng Cun repeatedly. A few of them are:




Welcome to the Dojo, btw!

Re: Possible links with Ziming, Lan Di, Sunming Zhao, Iwao?

PostPosted: Fri Jul 19, 2013 8:21 pm
by segatasan
:hello: thanks for the welcome :) and the links of course. I guess the dojo has been around SO long now there is very little ground that hasn't been covered with regards to Shenmue... I wish they had just released Shenmue III whilst the Dreamcast was around though.. it won't feel right Shenmue having super up-to-date hi-tech graphics..