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How did they muck up Shenmue 2x???

PostPosted: Sun Jul 12, 2015 5:20 pm
by SMDzero
So the music cues are all wrong. In the kowloon intro on Dreamcast the music hit that awesome long note when the camera swipes up the plays too early in the scene in xbox.

Same as in the arrival in Guilin...the flashback to Yuanda Zhu is timed perfectly with the music on Dreamcast.. not so on Xbox.

Also in the ending sequence on Dreamcast the music swells epic and loud when Shenhua and Ryo face each other and 'the story goes on.' On Xbox Shenhua and Ryo sorta stare at each other amid muted music.

Also I like that during the credits on Dreamcast they show the Shenmue 3 picture with Niao Sun at the very end. On Xbox the final pic shown is again BACK to the floating sword picture... makes no sense!

I was very unhappy with Shenmue 2 xbox and consider the DC version to be superior.

Re: How did they muck up Shenmue 2x???

PostPosted: Mon Jul 13, 2015 1:41 am
by JaySw34
Unfortunately I've only played IIx. I want to play the original Dreamcast version because I've heard before what you said about the music. Musical timing really can make or break certain scenes. I'd love to play the Dreamcast just for that alone. It reminds me of watching the Shenmue movie. There were some scenes where they really just totally fucked up the music. It makes an otherwise emotional moment just fall flat and it sucks

Re: How did they muck up Shenmue 2x???

PostPosted: Mon Jul 13, 2015 2:07 am
by SMDzero
Yeah I think that maybe the Xbox version ran at a different frame rate or something but the music timing is indeed messed up all around.

The good things about Shenmue 2 x are less pop up, shorter load times and (slightly) better graphics.

But the general consensus is that the Dreamcast version is superior due to the music and voice acting.

Another thing I liked about the DC version is that the button colors made sense. Red for lips, yellow for notepad, green for money, and blue for pen.

Also the plank sequence was near impossible on the disc shaped d-pad on xbox

Re: How did they muck up Shenmue 2x???

PostPosted: Mon Jul 13, 2015 3:07 pm
by Kobe
Best way to torture a Shenmue fan is to discretely swap their copy of Halo Combat Evolved (whilst they set off to take a shit) replaced with a murky copy of Shenmue 2x

Re: How did they muck up Shenmue 2x???

PostPosted: Mon Jul 13, 2015 5:31 pm
by Crimson Ryan
Set your Xbox to 60hz. Some critical cutscenes get out of sync audio due to this issue..