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Re: Iwao's Scroll | Welcome Edition

PostPosted: Sun Jun 16, 2013 11:39 pm
by Peter
Ryudo wrote: *walks in see's staff having drama and walks out* Guess some things never change.. :-"

Yea but some people around here still offer democracy and solutions to move forward, rather than making worthless, sly and self gratifying comments that ultimately achieve nothing.

Ha! but your right, some things never do change eh :nice!:

Re: Iwao's Scroll | Welcome Edition

PostPosted: Sun Jun 16, 2013 11:46 pm
by Bluecast
lol no need to insult

Yama is wonderful..and now a pimp,best thing to ever happen to SD.
I love how SD is now but did get a small chuckle seeing those 2 fight and as we seen in the past...over nothing lol. No need to hold grudges or dwell on what happened a year ago or more however,that's just silly. Do agree MK came on a bit harsh. Sean bud,I know you rarely post but a few strong heads here and they will sometimes offer brutal honesty and may not always say it right but don't take anything too hard. Other people appreciate it so no worries man. You put the elbow grease into it and they did not so don't fret.

Re: Iwao's Scroll | Welcome Edition

PostPosted: Mon Jun 17, 2013 10:17 am
Ryudo wrote: No need to hold grudges or dwell on what happened a year ago or more however,that's just silly.

A year ago since you de-modded Peter and called everyone at The Dojo cunts and vowed never to return? No. That was August last year.

Re: Iwao's Scroll | Welcome Edition

PostPosted: Tue Jun 18, 2013 12:35 am
by Peter
Ryudo wrote: *walks in see's staff having drama and walks out* Guess some things never change.. :-"

Your the one who brought up the past. What does this post achieve in here? What has it got to do with the topic that was being discussed? Nothing at all. It has no value or purpose whatsoever, except to start trouble. Not a single person was thinking about anything else other than the new addition to the site. Then on top of that, you turn it around as if i attack you, and i "dwell on the past", and post with an alterior motive. I mean do you undermine me, the staff and posters deliberately? Or is it just a side effect when you empty out the drivel in your head to the keyboard without thinking about it first?
Not only that, but its also derailing the thread, which you have also been spoken to about recently, so heres the deal, if you do it again, your banned. End of.

This topic is about Iwaos Scroll and anything to do with it. If you have something else to talk about, dont post it in here.

Re: Iwao's Scroll | Welcome Edition

PostPosted: Sat Sep 21, 2013 1:31 pm
by Giorgio
Any news on Iwao's Scroll?

Re: Iwao's Scroll | Welcome Edition

PostPosted: Sun Sep 22, 2013 9:19 am
by mue 26
I think the implicit news is that Sean didn't like people telling him that they didn't like his work. Even though a number of us (including me) did express appreciation for it. Well it's either that or he's run off to join the Japanese Liberal Democratic Party lol.

Re: Iwao's Scroll | Welcome Edition

PostPosted: Sun Sep 22, 2013 7:32 pm
by Raithos
I thought it was interesting. People will always come up with different ideas and beliefs when there is nothing concrete to go on. I will always show support for those willing to share.