Shenmue II - Behind the Mic

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Re: Shenmue II - Behind the Mic

Postby Myles » Fri May 20, 2011 9:08 am

Wow thanks for getting back to us, took some time to do so. I like how you mentioned Shenmue III will need 800 voices. Made me smile hearing you even mention Shenmue III. Maybe SEGA will learn from this and improve for the next installment.
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Re: Shenmue II - Behind the Mic

Postby Supa » Sun May 22, 2011 5:50 am

jay-qua-hyn-eer wrote:I am "Anonymous". Please allow me to respond.

“It doesnt sound like the guy enjoyed himself. Explains a lot."
I did my best under the circumstances. I don’t want to do a bad job, but there I was, doing voices I thought were horrible and no one said anything. I know my limitations so I don’t do game voices. The agent knew my conditions and limitations. Then the agent remained silent at the session when I was told to create voices.

Crimson Ryan:
“Is it the old man who plays Lucky Hit?”
No. Not me. But I can’t reveal any of my roles. Shenmue 3 might need another 800 voices, and I intend to be one of them! ;-)

RE: clip from Lost in Translation
That scene is a realistic depiction of doing voiceovers in Japan. The director will speak in Japanese for a minute or so. Then the agent will translate to English, as “More tension”, or “Slower.”

“Pretty sure he's talking about the part around the 37 minute mark here where Ryo enters the warehouse with the gang members.”
Yeah, I hear my “normal” voice in there.

“...the fact that they needed so many different voices made it into a quick rush job..”
I don’t think they rushed this regarding voiceover. It took them quite a while to gather enough voices.

mue 26:
“For a while I actually thought all the camp voice acting in Shenmue was deliberate artistic decision, I thought they wanted the semi camp tone...”
As I wrote, a variety of pros and amateurs were used. I experienced a lack of direction during the group sessions and my solo session. Assuming there was little direction for other sessions, it would account for why the intonations of so many phrases don’t fit the action of the scenes.

Henry Spencer:
“...Glad one of the actors finally spoke out against it."
You gotta think that, during the recording sessions, some of the other voices who are real voice-characterization pros were disgruntled with the bad acting by the amateurs. But what could those pro talents or I do about it? That’s what’s disappointing about SEGA’s handling of the matter.

“I just read the "behind the mic" and I have to say that I actually had a very different experience...”
Well, yes. You are a voice-characterization pro. But I’d told my agents I’m not, and each time I accepted a game role they assured me I could use my “normal” voice, and act. Then when the game producers at the recording sessions demand different voices, the agents don’t say anything. BTW, Lisle, we have met. (",)

“...but if this guy did 10 voices and didnt enjoy it, or didn't put in 'good' work, then thats 10 voices too many.”
I was on the spot. If I’d walked out (which I considered) I’d never get a job from that agent again. (Unique to Japan, I’d be penalized for the agent’s mistake.) So I tried to do voices. If anyone in the control room had any objections, they could have dismissed me at any time. I would’ve been fine with that. The agent is the person at fault, then SEGA. Enjoy? Well, it was interesting. I really was astonished that they allowed my lousy voice creations to continue. And I was surprised that... people buy these games? With such bad voice acting? I guess the English subtitles are there for a reason. Maybe that’s it! The voice-acting is just an afterthought. You’re supposed to turn off the voice track!

Wow, thank you very much for your response!
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