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Yu Suzuki at Gamelab 2014 (Information & Multimedia)

PostPosted: Fri Jun 27, 2014 1:11 pm
by Ziming

Yu Suzuki was given the "Legend" award at the Gamelab 2014 conference in Barcelona, Spain. Multimedia and news links available below:

Videos: Game Reactor Interview | Images: Gamelab 2014 Album
Interviews: Game Reactor | El Mundo

Re: Yu Suzuki at Gamelab 2014 (Information & Multimedia)

PostPosted: Fri Jun 27, 2014 1:37 pm
by Crimson Ryan

Re: Yu Suzuki at Gamelab 2014 (Information & Multimedia)

PostPosted: Fri Jun 27, 2014 1:55 pm
by Giorgio
(Made by Upper Dave)

Re: Yu Suzuki at Gamelab 2014 (Information & Multimedia)

PostPosted: Fri Jun 27, 2014 2:12 pm
by we420
The fact that he says Shenmue won't end at 3 it'll end at 4. Looks like we have a long way to go, but if we keep up the pressure on Sony and other publishers we'll get there.

Re: Yu Suzuki at Gamelab 2014 (Information & Multimedia)

PostPosted: Fri Jun 27, 2014 2:16 pm
by Fenix
Even Shenmue 5 is too short to compile all the saga. Some chapters and info or story parts would be deleted from the original idea and I have to say that I don't like that.

My perfect way to continue the saga should be making Shenmue III, then Shenmue Online and keep the MMO and normal game connected. I mean something like making shenmue IV and a few months later, a big update in the MMO with new maps or cities and enemies, then go to Shenmue V and another update in the MMO.

Re: Yu Suzuki at Gamelab 2014 (Information & Multimedia)

PostPosted: Fri Jun 27, 2014 4:27 pm
by mue 26
Something must be getting Yu hopeful if he's getting all quixotic again.

I love the idea of Shenmue 4 obviously, but I honestly, seriously, don't think my poor heart could withstand another cliffhanger and descent back into the depths of uncertainty.

Re: Yu Suzuki at Gamelab 2014 (Information & Multimedia)

PostPosted: Fri Jun 27, 2014 6:31 pm
by Axm
He's lost his mind and I love it. Can he go all the way with this? The man looks like he's actually working on making things happen and better yet, he's sharing it all with us!
This is a great time to be a Shenmue fan, we just need to push harder and continue our support.

On a negative note, Shenmue 3 and 4(cant believe im saying that) better be made in tandum together. Lord help us if we have to wait more than a couple years for a 4th Shenmue game..



Re: Yu Suzuki at Gamelab 2014 (Information & Multimedia)

PostPosted: Fri Jun 27, 2014 9:04 pm
by DanteSergi
This video is from a guy who asked Yu Suzuki in the Gamelab. After the video will translate for those who don't understand Spanish, about the question and the answer of Yu Suzuki.

phpBB [video]

Guy: You make a game, you buy i, then I wait for the next one and didn't ended, sooooo, I'm gonna ask you something, that I think I should ask you, with all my heart. Why you don't make a Kickstarter, like Peter Molineaux with 22cans and many people or Nifume (crow funding?), yeah crow funding, and... You're gonna achieve it dude, you're gonna achieve it (laughs and applauses)

Yu Suzuki: eeeemmmm

Guy: You can do it... "Yes we can, yes we can"

Yu Suzuki Translator: I'm in the process of finding out

Guy: Yeeeah...


What do you think? There will be crow funding for Shenmue 3? Hope it's the solution for the game

Re: Yu Suzuki at Gamelab 2014 (Information & Multimedia)

PostPosted: Sat Jun 28, 2014 6:18 am
by Peter
A Kickstarter has always been the way to get Shenmue 3 out there. I just wish he would pull the trigger on it. He has nothing to lose, as neither do we. You get refunded if the project doesn't hit it's target right? Ugh it's annoying me a bit. I still think it has something to do with Sega holding it back for little or no reason, other than that they can.

Oh and I've spent so long thinking about a Shenmue 3 that talk of a Shenmue 4 is oddly bizarre.

Re: Yu Suzuki at Gamelab 2014 (Information & Multimedia)

PostPosted: Sat Jun 28, 2014 8:45 am
by Axm
He just needs Sony to be the publisher at this point and we can get this shit started. I got 5 G's for Shenmue 3 sitting on deck ready to go for him when people at Sega or Sony get off their collective asses.

Re: Yu Suzuki at Gamelab 2014 (Information & Multimedia)

PostPosted: Sat Jun 28, 2014 10:21 am
by MiTT3NZ
It's not even a case of getting refunded, money's only taken out if and when it hits/exceeds it's goal. Personally though, I don't want them to jump straight into Shenmue III. At this point, not even HD remakes make sense. It has to be a reboot if everyone wants to see it succeed. If all that's wanted is the games themselves for closure, then so be it, but I want to see Shenmue become a fully-fledged franchise.

Then again I'm possibly the only person on the planet that was gutted Shenmue Online fizzled out.

Re: Yu Suzuki at Gamelab 2014 (Information & Multimedia)

PostPosted: Sat Jun 28, 2014 11:30 am
by mue 26
I got 5 G's for Shenmue 3 sitting on deck ready to go for him when people at Sega or Sony get off their collective asses.

Whoever on this forum donates the most money to a prospective Shenmue 3 kickstarter should permanently have their face replace Ryo's on the banner, or if it's a woman, replace Shenhua's. AXM is an early front runner with that offer.

Re: Yu Suzuki at Gamelab 2014 (Information & Multimedia)

PostPosted: Sat Jun 28, 2014 1:22 pm
by Sonikku
MiTT3NZ wrote: It's not even a case of getting refunded, money's only taken out if and when it hits/exceeds it's goal. Personally though, I don't want them to jump straight into Shenmue III. At this point, not even HD remakes make sense. It has to be a reboot if everyone wants to see it succeed. If all that's wanted is the games themselves for closure, then so be it, but I want to see Shenmue become a fully-fledged franchise.

Then again I'm possibly the only person on the planet that was gutted Shenmue Online fizzled out.

A small piece of me died when I learned I would be denied the right of traveling around mounted atop a giant mutant super spider. :sad:

Re: Yu Suzuki at Gamelab 2014 (Information & Multimedia)

PostPosted: Sat Jun 28, 2014 4:08 pm
by Fenix
MiTT3NZ wrote: It's not even a case of getting refunded, money's only taken out if and when it hits/exceeds it's goal. Personally though, I don't want them to jump straight into Shenmue III. At this point, not even HD remakes make sense. It has to be a reboot if everyone wants to see it succeed. If all that's wanted is the games themselves for closure, then so be it, but I want to see Shenmue become a fully-fledged franchise.

Then again I'm possibly the only person on the planet that was gutted Shenmue Online fizzled out.

No, you're not the only. One more here.

Shenmue Online could be the perfect game to play between chapters release. For example, imagine Shenmue III appeared. And then, a few month later, Shenmue Online having Yokosuka, HK, Kowloon and Guilin as initial playable maps. Then, when Shenmue IV appears, they could release a big update to the MMO with new chapter maps, new enemies, level map upgraded and more news to repeat the process 'til the end of the game.

Shenmue Online could be a side story linked to the original games sharing this side story with the original one. Playing as our own character in side quests related also to the Chi You Men and finding the main characters during the playthrought.

Re: Yu Suzuki at Gamelab 2014 (Information & Multimedia)

PostPosted: Sat Jun 28, 2014 6:30 pm
by BlueMue
Shenmue Online would've been nice to hold us over during the wait and I think Fenix idea is great, gives the perfect oppurtunity to update it between the releases of Shenmue IV, V and how far they intended to split up the saga.
That is if Shenmue III was actually supposed to come out for sure and provided that Shenmue Online actually came along with good quality and an international release.

But we know that the trailers weren't too promising and that it was only intended for the asian MMORPG market.
Who knows what they've planned back then. I'm still curious what the situation was like between the making of Shenmue Online and Shenmue III. Was the latter held back because Yu or Sega wanted Shenmue Online first?
Or did Yu start the Shenmue Online project because Sega wouldn't let him make Shenmue III.
Not wanting to derail this into a Shenmue Online discussion but was this actually ever stated?