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Quick Timed Event to #SaveShenmue

PostPosted: Sun Jul 12, 2015 4:03 pm
by Team Yu

This Wednesday, July 15th, will see a brand new campaign event in aid of promoting the Shenmue III Kickstarter.

The #SaveShenmue Quick Timed Event (QTE) offers a new twist on the social media blitz that assisted Shenmue's return, and will take only seconds for each fan to complete upon its synchronized worldwide launch. 14 participants, including the first ten, will also be entered into a prize raffle for added incentive.

Re: Quick Timed Event to #SaveShenmue

PostPosted: Sun Jul 12, 2015 4:07 pm
by Anonymous81
Yes! Between this and #TheFinalBlow we are finally getting somewhere!

Re: Quick Timed Event to #SaveShenmue

PostPosted: Sun Jul 12, 2015 4:09 pm
by Kobe
Wednesday 15th July 2015

Just has to take place on a day when I have got shit to do.

Hoping the Lucky prize is somewhat significant.


Re: Quick Timed Event to #SaveShenmue

PostPosted: Mon Jul 13, 2015 11:29 am
by mue 26
This is a fantastic idea, and I think it will turn out great if as many people as possible get involved.

Make sure you're all registered at Team Yu for this!

Re: Quick Timed Event to #SaveShenmue

PostPosted: Mon Jul 13, 2015 1:13 pm
by elfshadowreaper
mue 26 wrote: This is a fantastic idea, and I think it will turn out great if as many people as possible get involved.

Make sure you're all registered at Team Yu for this!

Will the clicks be a sort of social media thunderclap?

Re: Quick Timed Event to #SaveShenmue

PostPosted: Mon Jul 13, 2015 4:05 pm
by johnvivant
i just signed up on the Team Yu site with my twitter account and activated my auto-tweet. i also left a post in their campaign forum requesting some more details about the event, but it seems the forums are quite quiet. i suppose they want to make whatever is going to happen something of a surprise.

has anyone got any more info over and above whats detailed on the site?


James just replied back to my post;

'Hi John, welcome aboard!

The exact format of the QTE is being kept deliberately vague until that countdown reaches zero. What kind of QTE would it be if you were told in advance what to do? This is a test of your reactions under pressure. ;) Don't worry though, being new to Twitter shouldn't place you at any disadvantage, as it will all be done from that page with simple, clear instructions'

sounds super interesting, i hope everyone is doing this, it should be great fun!

Re: Quick Timed Event to #SaveShenmue

PostPosted: Tue Jul 14, 2015 6:16 pm
by Team Yu

With the Shenmue III Kickstarter now raising over $4.8 million in pledges and well on its way to the next stretch goal before Friday's deadline, it's time to reveal the prize for this Wednesday's #SaveShenmue Quick Timed Event!

If you're donating $100 or more to fund Shenmue III, you'll already be seeing your name in the credits of the game. But what if you could add your best friend at no extra cost? Or the family member that introduced you to Shenmue all those years ago? Your names would be together forever, immortalized in the most significant video game sequel of our lifetimes.

That's what you're able to win this Wednesday. Two #SaveShenmue campaigners have sacrified their place in the credits to reward one lucky winner with this rare opportunity.

The first ten participants in the QTE, plus four random others, will be entered into a drawing for the prize. Details on how to participate are at

Good luck to us all in what we hope will be a week that sees Shenmue III become the most funded video game in Kickstarter history. Thank you for all your support!

Re: Quick Timed Event to #SaveShenmue

PostPosted: Sun Jul 19, 2015 6:45 pm
by Anonymous81
This didn't come off without a few hitches, but I feel it definitely served its purpose! Twitter was absolutely FLOODED with Shenmue related tweets for over an hour! :)