by Peter » Sun Jun 24, 2018 3:06 pm
Quick update in here for now, and Mattis (TheTimeRanger) now joins Mr.Rod as part of the Designer/Coder group so he will have full permissions across the site, and is part of the team.
Its been 2 months now of sleepless nights, countless design ideas and full site restructuring.... but we are almost there! If we thought we were working hard before, then now is a big step up. Everyday of the week is now dedicated to working on the new site. Id say we are about 70% complete, with quite a few more things to do, but we are getting there. Its crunch time folks, so go visit the current site because its weeks away from going. Whilst its not completely 100% official yet, we are shooting for a release on July 20th. This could change slightly, but we want the new site up and functional by the end of the month, for stress tests and functionality before Gamescom rolls around. The site and forums will be offline for 3 days, but our social media outlets will still be open, as well as being welcome to visit other community sites such as Shenmue Master, 500K, Team Yu, Shenmue Forever, Phantom Riverstone and others that are out there.
I will try and keep you updated as much as possible as we push towards the end. Now, wheres the coffee....