Reboot Shenmue?

(Chapter 7 and beyond)

Re: Reboot Shenmue?

Postby ys » Tue Oct 07, 2014 7:27 pm

Just to be clear, I agree regarding those reboots. I hadn't even heard about Spiderman and those mentioned earlier...
And I would also prefer a remake for Shenmue if given the choice between that and a reboot.
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Re: Reboot Shenmue?

Postby SegaAM » Wed Oct 08, 2014 12:50 am

I don't think a reboot would be as successful as an HD remake with heavy marketing. Would depend on the quality of the reboot. I'm sure fans of the originals would find things to complain about.

Would a successful reboot lead to a proper conclusion to the original series with Shenmue III? Probably not, just more continuation of the reboot.
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Re: Reboot Shenmue?

Postby Yokosuka » Wed Oct 08, 2014 12:52 am

If you read the OP, he meant more about a remake rather than a reboot and this was the basis of my statement personally.

I hardly imagine how Shenmue could be any rebootable. If you change the story, you transform Shenmue into a commercial thing, lost half of your fanbase and potentially generate negative publicity around. Therefore the story is already brilliantly written, just maybe lacks of some attractive and original aspects from an outside point of view.

About the scenario, maybe the first half of Shenmue needs several changes to make the pace faster but this would be pointless for me. Add the capacity to accelerate the time like Shenmue II is enough.

I suppose a reboot would also mean a totally new level design (a bigger Yokosuka ? More bike as said above ?), new music and lush art. Why not if you consider the Dreamcast versions were already limited by the constraints of the time. The current gen would be the opportunity for Yu to be closer to his ideal Shenmue although I continue to think the original level design is still perfect and just needs modern updates.

Reboots begin to be seriously interesting when it concerns something that's already complete, Sega don't need this. Just keep faith in Shenmue, do a remake if needed and promote it in the way it should be.
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Re: Reboot Shenmue?

Postby JMan » Wed Oct 08, 2014 9:07 pm

I agree completely. It’s also reassuring to know I’m not the only one who hates the idea. Maybe Sega will share our opinion, hopefully.

Considering that this is Sega who re-use games more than anything – I think the only thing close to a remake of a previous game they did was the GameCube port of Sonic Adventure which updated textures and character models – I think it’s safe to say that they would re-introduce Shenmue through a HD port since its safer financially for this risky franchise. Also the Sega rep who said ‘we may be working on [Shenmue HD]’ and the rumours of them holding onto the digital re-releases of the games till Shenmue 3 is guaranteed give me reason to think they automatically believe a HD port is the way to go over a reboot anyway.
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Re: Reboot Shenmue?

Postby johnvivant » Fri Oct 10, 2014 12:16 pm

if a hd port of Shenmue exists i wonder if there was a poor response from consumer testing stage at the end of development. I don't know what its called but I believe that game companies get random people to come and try out their games to see whether they can gauge what the overall reaction of the public is going to be. I can just imagine the complaints and problems some average random gamer is going to have with it. maybe they decided without substantial alterations it would not be appealing to non-fans and therefore didn't want to bother with it.
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Re: Reboot Shenmue?

Postby OL » Fri Oct 10, 2014 3:26 pm

I'll be the weird one and say the series should never be rebooted, remade, or brought back in any way. I no longer want Shenmue III to happen.
The original two games were products of their time, and the same magic that incites so much nostalgia in all of us will not be replicated, no matter if Yu Suzuki is on-board and no matter if everything is done using the original story plan. Any attempt to change them in the slightest or add to the storyline will kill that magic. Even their "shortcomings" are part of what make them special (I personally love the tank controls, for example. Wouldn't have Shenmue any other way).
For many of us, the games have become more and more endearing over the years precisely because we don't know what happens next; imaginations run wild with so many possibilities, and that creates a sense of wonder in our minds. Continue the story, and that wonder disappears. "Reboot" the story, and it's no longer the same thing that created that wonder to begin with.
The original games are great because they are what they are. A legacy has been formed over such a length of time, and I don't think Sega should ever step on the toes of that legacy by trying to continue it or restart it.
Shenmue's time is past, and the best we can do is replay the original games and enjoy them for what they are. The only thing that awaits any of us in a reboot or continuation is disappointment.
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Re: Reboot Shenmue?

Postby JMan » Fri Oct 10, 2014 10:03 pm

Not weird at all, I actually share some of your feelings. If I had my own way I would just put Shenmue 1+2 on digital distribution services to preserve them in gaming culture and not remake them, because they are products of their time. I am very nostalgic for the original two Shenmue games – the absence of the loading screens, tank controls, Corey Marshall, even the graphics of the time would be incredibly jarring if a new next gen Shenmue were to come around.

I could accept a new addition to the franchise though. My nostalgia would likely cause me to hate some of the changes and the ‘feel’ of the game at first; also blind me from fully appreciating if the game is meritorious in its own right or even more so than the previous two. But in time, maybe even years, I believe I would become more accepting and even a little nostalgic for it. So long as the game is good that’s all that matters. It usually works out that way for me – a new addition to a beloved franchise, play it for the first time and scream ’Blasphemy!’, then get over the fact that its new/different and give it a few more replays only to end up really appreciating it (again, so long as the game is genuinely good). That's pretty much been the story of my life with the Silent Hill series. In fact I think give it 20 years and a dozen replays or so after Shenmue 3 is released and I would probably be as nostalgic for it as I am now for the original two.

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Re: Reboot Shenmue?

Postby mgeoff88 » Sat Oct 11, 2014 3:50 am

I don't think rebooting is the way to go... Kickstarter campaigns have helped companies reach their financial goals to go forward with their projects.

I think Shenmue III is possible through a Kickstarter campaign. Sega knows their is still a demand for the sequel after all these years. I even remember hearing rumors that Shenmue and Shenmue II would be released on Xbox Live. Granted that never came to fruition, but at least Shenmue is still being talked about. There was even the news about Yu Suzuki possibly looking into doing a Kickstarter campaign for Shenmue III. That was this year btw.

When I was playing Sleeping Dogs, I remember thinking how it reminded me of Shenmue. A next-gen Shenmue game would work.
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Re: Reboot Shenmue?

Postby mgeoff88 » Sat Oct 11, 2014 3:55 am

I would also like to give a shout to OL aka Orange Lightning. What's up, man? How have you been?

Lol, I'm really hoping you remember me, even though it has been a very, very, very long time.

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Re: Reboot Shenmue?

Postby south carmain » Sun Oct 12, 2014 1:40 pm

Have ryo say fuck a lot, give him an emo haircut and make him constantly complain about his damned life and I'm in.
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Re: Reboot Shenmue?

Postby mue 26 » Sun Oct 12, 2014 4:34 pm

The only thing that awaits any of us in a reboot or continuation is disappointment.

We're already at rock bottom. I don't want Shenmue Town to be the last and only official Shenmue release since Shenmue 2. I'd be well happy, if Sega took that Korean gamer's work and released it properly, regardless of whether I'd like it less than the original or not. It'd be an actual victory for Shenmue and for Shenmue fans, and that would be something at least.

And as for continuation, you have no idea at all if the majority of us would be disappointed or not. Not all of us simply like Shenmue for it's bad late 90s/early 2000s unintuitive control system. I can play thousands of other games for that shit.
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